2501 – Kicking Down the Door with Christian Finnegan

Christian Finnegan
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – 2501! Love boat talk. It’s exciting AND new!
It’s a SET?!
Talking bad green screen on Love Boat, movies, and Seinfeld.
Eliot talks about his dad being a projectionist for Fox and being on set when they did the projection for driving scenes.
Uh oh we’re talking about Epstein!
Vitello’s talk! Robert Blake’s haunt.
New segment!
What did auto-correct change?
Bandaids, Hangers,
I got it! Swiffers!
Matt was at a Bahmitzvah over the weekend.
30 – Rush Limbo?
Are we literally going to limbo right now?
Matt and Jimmy are Limboing.
Jimmy hits my foot to test my meniscus.
40 – The guys like Making It.
Shit knees!
Original Simpson’s sketches for us?!
Christian Finnegan is here!
45 – Thanks Josh Tabek for the awesome drawings!
50 – We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jimmy talks to Christian about his set.
The guys talk about Greg Gulman.
Talking Gary’s comedy tips.
Origin of Pop Corn!
55 – Eliot mentions that his ex-lady friend donated the organ you can see at The Typewriter.
Christian talks about his friend’s house where he is staying and the artwork on the wall.
Talking Jerry Seinfeld.
60 – Christian has made some mistakes today.
Jimmy can’t wait to get coffee with Seinfeld. Matt doesn’t think it’s gonna happen now.
1h5m – Christian brings up Bring The Funny and a contestant on the show.
Kick Down The Door Comics.
More Bring The Funny talk.
1h10m – Talking judges on shows. Why Chrissy Teagan and not a female comedian?
Gameshow talk!
Los of American Idol talk – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Idol#Series_overview_and_season_synopses
1h25m – Ketchup talk and fitting fridge shelves.
Matt got a new fridge. His died. He explains fridges.
We’ll be back!
60% joking is Christian’s new album!
Christian talks about his various tours.
1h35m – Round the horn!
Talking iPhone and games!
1h40m – Talking sleep and screwing up the next day.
Hobbs and Shaw talk.
1h45m – Fast and Furious talk.
1h50m – Eliot Son of Palms! Eliot talks his weekend. They had another council meeting. Eliot had drama and won’t tell us about it. He explains his position to Christian.
Matt explains where Palms is.
1h55m – Sevens!
Get the new updates! Horror and Hip Hop!
Jimmy Pardo gives to Christian Finnegan – 30 (80s Music)
Matt Belknap gives to Christian Finnegan – 17 (90s Music) Same as last time!
Matt gives to Christian Finnegan: 17 (Hip Hop)
Jimmy gives to Garon: 18 (Horror)
We’re done!
Welcome to the new season!
JimmyPardo.com got a facelift!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth