24W – Going to the Mattresses with Christine Blackburn

Christine Blackburn
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in!
Politics out of the box!
Talking Chris Cuomo.
Matt tries to explain and Jimmy tries to recall Mike’s previous appearance.
Mike’s wearing an Iron Maiden shirt. He calls it Jimmy-bait.
Talking Iron Maiden tours and albums.
Beer on the wall?!
10 – Matt went to Hurricane Harbor with Mike and the kids.
Jimmy’s 20 year sober anniversary is today!
Eyes Wide Shut was the movie and JFK Jr was the death.
Kennedy talk.
20 – Back to Hurricane Harbor talk.
25 – AP Bio renewed for the NBC streaming app.
Jimmy went to a show! He and the fam went to see the Steve Martin/Martin Short show.
Ran into a friend of the show outside.
Matt Walsh!
Legit celebrity a few rows ahead of them as well.
Ted Neely!
Jimmy was able to go backstage so Oliver got to meet Steve Martin and Martin Short.
Jimmy says Steve was just super nice and engaged with Oliver.
40 – Christine Blackburn is here in time for ANOTHER celeb sighting.
John Stamos!
The room hates Spaceballs.
50 – Talking Mike’s previous visit. It was episode 1503!
Christine Blackburn is here! Jimmy just appeared on her podcast Story Worthy.
She prepped her home for Jimmy’s arrival.
Jimmy’s doing Story Smash next week!
Christine talks about Dan O’Shannon and his resume.
Christine loves the studio! It makes her want to cry.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jimmy thinks we’re giving money away today.
Matt wants to go first.
Breaking news!
Vitello’s August 13 with Special Guest Jen Kirkman!
60 – If Jimmy had a hammer he’d hammer multiple times a day.
Talking Christine’s reusing a lemonade bottle.
Woodstock 50. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodstock_50
Talking David Crosby.
1h5m – Christine details what she and Jimmy have in common.
She had a license plate DANFAN for Dan Fogelberg.
She played a Vance Gilbert song at her wedding. Her ex husband sang it to her, the song High Rise.
1h10m – Round the horn!
Talking Crawl!
Christine’s daughter is named Alabama. Talking True Romance.
Rambo: Last Blood coming in September.
1h15m – Christine’s daughter still sleeps with her occasionally.
Weird analogy talk!
Christine talks about buying a new mattress and her neighbor Travis.
1h20m – Christine was a flight attendant for 7 years for US Air!
Vaccum talk.
1h25m – Christine talks about crazy stuff she saw on the planes including a couple doing coke and a guy dying.
She had an engine blow-out once and got a day off afterwards.
1h30m – Murder on Flight 502 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_on_Flight_502
My W is Wynonna Judd!
1h35m – Jimmy talks about the new Iron Maiden tour and Bruce Dickinson’s flame shooting bracelets.
Iron Maiden Unveil “Flight of Icarus” Live Video Featuring a Flamethrower-Wielding Bruce Dickinson
Mike’s W is Wendy O’Williams.
1h40m – Palms own Eliot Hochberg!
Some shenanigans on Matt’s Ring app.
Coyote talk!
Christine talks about the funniest next door app she saw that had a guy post a clip art of a geranium when his geraniums were stolen.
1h45m – Jimmy saw a deer and a bunch of coyotes near his car.
Eliot talks about his first committee meeting that he chaired. It went really well!
Eliot’s W is Wynonna Judd.
Matt’s W is Wynonna Judd!
Christine goes with Whitney Houston!
We hear the fans.
Jimmy’s W is…#2 Whitney Houston #1 Wendy O. Williams?!!?!?!
Mike won!!
Thanks Christine!
2h – Christine talks about Story Smash! Jimmy can’t wait to be a part of it.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth