2403 – Walking on Broken Glass with Stephen Merchant

Stephen Merchant
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello indeed! Welcome to episode 3 of the 24th season!
Jimmy on week 2 of being sick. He’s got Bronchitis! He barely left the house yesterday.
Jimmy talks about his sicknesses.
Talking road comic tricks.
Talking leaving the ipad open and clearing out inappropriate content.
Talking John Wayne.
10 – We lose Jimmy to a coughing fit!
15 – Lots of Masked Singer talk.
20 – Hannah from Podswag is here! She brought us some Colour My World shirts!
Hannah is a fan! She’s been listening for ten year!
Bag of Corn friend is from episode 319.
25 – back to Masked Singer.
30 – Masked comic? Eliot makes an unknown comic reference.
Nick Canon talk.
Falcon and the Snowman.
35 – Talking Bonus features on DVDs.
Hannah loved the first hour of A Star Is Born.
40 – Hannah is NOT a fan of Matt’s Jackson Maine.
45 – Stephen Merchant is here!
Stephen talks about the Guinness world record for most downloaded podcast.
Jimmy mentions that he matt and I (garon) all cried at the movie.
More about Fighting With My Family.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Our friend(?) Stephen Merchant is here!
50 – Talking the Sarah Silverman party and Stephen’s height.
Stephen has never rock climbed or skied.
Infamous incident at a Sarah party. Stephen talks about it. He had a pot brownie and immediately went into a puddle of despair. He had to lay down for a while. Do not look into your own eyes when high.
He ended up walking through a glass window.
55 – Talking the hodge podge of guests at Sarah’s parties.
Stephen realized that he’s taken glass for granted.
Round the horn!
60 – Talking clean temples. Stephen is fascinated by Jimmy and Matt not doing drugs/drinking.
Talking test screenings!
1h5m – Stephen talks about the experience of sitting post-test screening and listening to attendees talking about the movie.
93% on Rotten Tomatoes currently.
We talk about the movie! Stephen wishes he had some cut of people he’s previously worked with careers.
Oliver loves The Office (Both versions!)
Apparently, The Office tested horribly when the BBC screened it.
1h10m – Talking test screenings and the process.
Talking religion.
1h15m – Stephen talks about going to church as a kid and realizing he only liked playing Hide and Seek as a kid.
I talk about the prayer circle my family had at a dinner where they prayed for Kosovo and for gay people not to go to hell.
1h20m – Stephen talks directing and screenwriting and how he allows his cast to play around and improvise.
Matt talks about how real the movie felt.
Stephen talks about the movie and the British wrestling he saw as a kid in the 70s which he describes as, “overweight men thwapping their bellies at each other.”
1h25m – Stephen cried at Moneyball on a plane. He says he’ll cry at anything on a plane.
Jimmy talks about almost sobbing at Beautiful Boy.
Stephen talks about watching The Handmaid’s Tale on the plane and wondering if it was appropriate for people around him.
Jimmy talks sobbing on a plane watching Good Will Hunting.
Stephen loves to cry at a movie. He talks about watching Bridges of Madison County and feeling embarrassed that he cried. Now, he loves it.
Talking Jimmy’s seating issues.
Stephen has anxiety about seating and planes due to his height
1h30m – Stephen gave up his seat for a lady with a broken leg but was not happy about it.
No one’s met Cher.
Quick break!
We’re back!
Stephen Merchant is here!
1h35m – Jimmy asks about directing the wrestling scenes. They used a stunt coordinator and wrestling consultant.
They had one hour to shoot the final fight after a WWE Raw event.
Stephen talks about the real family, still wrestling, and how they reacted to the film.
1h40m – Stephen talks about becoming a fan of wrestling through the film.
Talking Stephen’s personal life!
Hearst Castle visits! Jimmy almost went with Danielle but weather wasn’t cooperating.
Stephen talks about the castle.
“Does he have any interest on old houses?” Stephen on whether Oliver will like Hearst Castle.
1h45m – Talking Vince Vaughn! He was an inspiration for Stephen.
Talking about Stephen’s past and how much Oliver enjoys him.
Stephen talks quoting Swingers.
1h50m – Sevens!
Jimmy gives to Stephen Merchant: 9 (Movies)
What a joy!
Congrats on the movie!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth