23H – Standing and Delivering with Wayne Federman

Wayne Federman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello!
Jimmy takes a call!
Eliot fills us in on a friend of his from Europe. With a penis.
Talking crank calls.
05 – Jimmy talks about he pranks he and Paul Boyev did. Including ordering a McChili before they were invented.
10 – Just Turkey! http://www.originaljustturkey.com/Menu.html
Fast food talk!
Jimmy did a Rally’s commercial.
15 – Oliver went to the Max over the weekend. Loved the food, did not enjoy the service.
Jimmy talks a 20 minute drive through take.
Eliot’s friend is from EUROPE!
20 – MAIL!
Jimmy picked up some mail from Earwolf. One from April from Michael Webb.
Tim Kerrick from Seattle sent us something that rattles. Wacky Packs!
Playing Games is coming back!! Probably in November.
We go through the Wacky Packs and Matt wins with 20.
35 – Talking Ace Frehely!
Wayne Federman is here!
Talking Gaylord.
40 – Matt enjoys Wayne’s new podcast!
Jimmy’s on the show! The History of Stand Up.
45 – Showtime Comedy Club Network – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1537622/
50 – Wayne not a fan of Eliot’s camera location. It’s not his good side.
Handsome people have symmetry Eliot!
Podglomerate and Castbox!
We’ll be back with Wayne!
We’re back!
Wayne has a new house! He used Vince per Jimmy’s suggestion!
Jimmy’s got Vince on the pipes and Douglass on the wires.
55 – Wayne talks his neighborhood.
Wayne has hung up his skates. He’s retired from Rollerskating.
He talks about it.
60 – Talking skating!
Headphone issues!
Wayne is wondering if he looks heavier.
1h5m – He talks about how he hurt his back and his fancy fridge.
Round the horn!
Trivia talk!
10-4! A-OK day?
1h10m – Talking Halloween!
Movie seat talk.
1h15m – Jimmy talks about interviewing Clint Eastwood.
Harry Anderson is my H!
Captain Clunk!
1h25m – Eliot has a good story.
Eliot talks about chasing down a kid who he saw throwing rocks at someone.
1h30m – Apparently Hunts Hall is Wayne’s guess.
Eliot continues his story.
1h35m – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Sliwa
Eliot goes Hal Lindon!
Talking Serena Williams.
1h40m – Can we call women sexy?
Matt talks about seeing Jennifer Lopez.
Matt goes Harry Hamlin!
1h45m – Wayne goes Henry Fonda and Hal Holbrook. He’s actually going with Heath Ledger!
Fans guess!
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0355653/?ref_=nv_sr_1 – Huntz Hall
#5 Henry Gibson, #4 Harry Hamlin, #3 Harry Anderson, #2 Hal Linden, #1 Hal Holbrook
Henry Gibson was in The Long Goodbye –
Talking Tom Arnold and his family.
1h55m – Talking Jimmy’s biggest laughs.
We’re fun!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth