2216 – Hearing Tones with Stephen Tobolowsky

Stephen Tobolowsky
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! 2216! Round the horn!
Movie Pass and Sinemia talk!
Mama Mia 2 talk.
Movie talk. Matt and Jimmy were on a whirlwind tour! No wifi on the plane both ways!
Action Point talk.
05 – Guy on the plane was watching 15:17 to Paris on the plane and they could tell how bad the acting is and also how gruesome the take down is.
10 – Thanks Brooklyn! Thanks Craig Bierko! Thanks Christine! 70% of Matt’s family came out. Doug avoided Jimmy.
Talking all the meet and greet photos with Matt’s family!
Meet and greet vs Me Too.
Eliot saw Sean Puffy Combs and talks about the tiny seats.
15 – Great show in Minneapolis!
Two great shows and two great crowds!
Thanks for coming out Leslie!
20 – Matt talks about his cousin Liza who he used to babysit.
The mail is here!
Jimmy opens some packages.
25 – Stephen Tobolowsky is here!!!
He talks to Oliver about Slurpees.
The secret to life is learning to love cherries.
30 – Oliver just got invited to the set of The Goldbergs!
Back to the mail!
A listener sent us a copy of the Egghead’s album!
Thanks Chris!
Tobo is a baseball guy. He loves it. He loves the Dodgers.
Stephen explains the origins of Tobo.
40 – Jimmy wonders how this school friend of Stephen’s got backstage on broadway but he has to go through tons of hoops to go backstage
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Jimmy tried to put his reading glasses on instead of his ear buds.
HGTV and Chopped during sex?!
45 – Stephen’s wife loves Forensic Files. He talks about her talking in her sleep.
Women like murder shows, men like house shows?
Stephen was on two different Law and Orders! SVU and Criminal Intent. He loves the people on those shows.
50 – Stephen appears in the upcoming film Six LA Love Stories.
Beth Grant – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0335275/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Kurt Fuller – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0298281/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Television Actors who passed recently – http://www.tributes.com/celebrity/deaths/Television%20Actors
55 – Talking Stephen’s birthday and his kids.
Stephen talks Baltimore.
Eliot is still Sardi Chevrolet. He talks about what Sean Combs talked about.
60 – Stephen talks about One Day At A Time and how great it is.
Stephen talks about how he lost his ass last year.
Stephen blames China for the super hero movies and the lack of character based films.
He also talks about doing a show for China.
Wei Zhao – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0955505/?ref_=tt_cl_t1
1h5m – Jimmy asks Stephen if he was ever in the military. He wasn’t. He talks about his experience with the draft.
The guys talk about war/terrorism/etc.
Stephen talks about knowing Jim Beaver and how he went to Vietnam and thought dead. His name is on the Vietnam Memorial.
1h10m – Deadwood talk. Stephen talks about a scene with Ian McShane where neither of then know their lines and how Ian taught him a way to get through it. Stephen also tells a story about Powers Boothe and how he got his daughter a job on Dead Wood and Stephen ended up having a sex scene with her in a bathtub.
1h15m – Stephen tells his Bruce Willis story and how he had tattoos painted on him every day.
The shoot was so hot that Bruce Willis wouldn’t come out of his trailer to film a scene. Later, at the wrap party, he apologized for being an asshole about that scene.
1h20m – Stephen talks about a recent experience on the Six Love Letters in LA shoot. His contract requires a “private dressing facility.” On this movie his was in a horse stable.
Occasionally, Stephen does say no. He doesn’t like films with gruesome murders.
Stephen talks about living as an actor and the financial difficulties.
1h25m – Eliot shows off his Dice Tower.
Jimmy talks about seeing In Country in the theater and sobbing.
1h30m – Talking The Doors and Jim Morrison.
Stephen’s first concert was Peter Paul and Mary and his first Rock Concert experience was a concert version of Jesus Christ Superstar. The first real concert was A Beautiful Day and Canned Heat where the weed was flowing!
Stephen talks about driving from Illinois to DC to go see David Bowie. Without tickets. They bought them on the way.
1h35m – Stephen followed a girl to U of I who he was in love with. She gave up acting, turned to writing, and won a Pulitzer prize for her first full length play, Crimes of the Heart.
Stephen talks about ending up watching Stop Making Sense with David Byrne and Johnathon Demme thanks to Beth and ended up having part of a music video shot at their pool.
1h40m – Stephen talks about a movement retreat and how he used to “read tones.” He talks about the history of it and how it led to David Byrne hiring them to write a script for him and how the story lead to the writing of Radiohead, and later on the inspiration for the band Radiohead.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Jimmy checked on Oliver.
We’re finally gonna learn what show Jimmy got his SAG card for that he worked on with Stephen Tobolosky.
1h50m – Stephen was also on That 70s Show!
The Naked Truth! Stephen gets it. Jimmy just got a .3 residual check.
Amy Ryan – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Ryan#Television
Stephen talks about the Hot Housewives show he was on and how funny everyone is.
Jimmy asks Stephen about “breaking” on set.
Stephen talks wanting to be a dramatic actor in school and then losing his hair in graduate school.
2h – Enough Tobo!
Jimmy asks Stephen if he has a Groundhog Day story. He saw David Nichols on set day one David has been present in 3 other great moments in Stephen’s life.
We’re done! Stephen is shocked.
Go watch Six LA Love Stories! https://www.amazon.com/Six-L-Love-Stories/dp/B07CVPZM8B
Alicia Witt is a fantastic pianist apparently.
Stephen was on Justified! He talks about how it all the shots were done post and not with a squib.
Matt asks about the potential Deadwood movie. Stephen says the budget was all spent on gambling.
Best of the best working on deadwood!
Stephen wants a picture!
We’re done! Thanks Stephen!!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth