2211 – Treading the Boards with John Ross Bowie

John Ross Bowie
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF 2211 – John Ross Bowie
00 – Indeed! 2211! Welcome in!
Talking Stephen King books, Green Mile.
Note from Darryl: Throwback time! The precursor to this site: Obvious Trivia has this entry for Michael Clarke Duncan:
05 – Oscar Nunez commercial talk!
Worst Cooks in America Celebrity Edition talk!
Celebrity Sighting!!
Avengers talk!
Jimmy was bored by the movie. It’s not for him.
10 – Matt talks about Infinity War.
15 – Talking Hulk!
Eliot read Moon Knight as a kid.
20 – Sneaks! We’re dealing with sneaks!
Macauly Culkin! Celebrating
Bon Jovi talk!
30 – Mail is here!!
Chuck McStevens!
Jimmy reads his letter.
More poker chips! And Beastie Boy pins for Matt!
35 – Big box! From Paramount?!
Tons of TV shows?!
John Ross Bowie is here!
He was treading the board nearby.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
45 – 2211 is an Angel Number apparently – https://angelnumbersmeaning.com/angel-number-2211-meaning-and-symbolism/
Round the horn!
50 – Talking Kids In The Hall sketch and Jimmy’s history working at Load Media.
Doc Talk
New Wave: Dare To Be Different.
DIG Documentary –
Electric Boogalo: History of Cannon Films
60 – Devil and Daniel Johnston
John talks about Provincetown.
1h10m – Oliver told Jimmy to stop talking at target the other day.
1h15m – Sardi Chevrolet!
John went to Sardi’s once. Didn’t recognize anyone that he remembers.
I’ve completely lost track of what anyone is talking about. George? In the park? Saturday?
1h20m – Talking the royals.
Mind the gap!
Eliot talks Black Lightning!
Jimmy’s been watching lots of Caddyshack at the house. Oliver loves it.
Michael Gross – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0343447/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Mary Gross – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Gross
1h25m – Dennis Franz – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Franz
Talking republican areas of CA.
1h30m – Gerrymandering talk! Texas specifically.
John talks about his band Egghead and a guy in the band’s joke to call the city they’re in by the wrong nickname.
He still keeps in touch with the band! He talks about the last performance they had and how he got hassled by a cop afterwards.
1h35m – Dogstar – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogstar_(band)
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
2211 Angel number – https://angelnumbersmeaning.com/angel-number-2211-meaning-and-symbolism/
The Heights – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heights_(TV_series)
Talking General Hospital and John talks about seeing Avengers.
1h40m – John talks about his son liking 70s music after seeing Guardians.
John says that Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle is GREAT.
Sevens with John!
1h45m – John did not see The Greatest Showman!
Jimmy gives to John Ross Bowie: 6 (Superheroes)
Thanks John! Always a joy!
Almost every pardcastathon!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth