1215 – Keith Stubbs and His Amazing Teeth
In-Studio notes by Garon Cockrell
For Never Not Funny 1215 Jimmy Pardo welcomes Keith Stubbs
00 – Hello and welcome! Jimmy is in a black sabbath t-shirt in honor of the new album releasing tomorrow. Jimmy starting headphones free! Also no clock! What’s happening! Matt not on board with giving away the old clock yet. Chat about the smith-sonian family. Seth and Sandra are the kids. Harry and Donna are the parents. Syril is the dog.
Black Sabbath 4 tracklist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sabbath_4
Black Sabbath discography:
Black Sabbath (1970)
Paranoid (1970)
Master of Reality (1971)
Black Sabbath Vol. 4 (1972)
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1973)
Sabotage (1975)
Technical Ecstasy (1976)
Never Say Die! (1978)
Heaven and Hell (1980)
Mob Rules (1981)
Born Again (1983)
Seventh Star (1986)
The Eternal Idol (1987)
Headless Cross (1989)
TYR (1990)
Dehumanizer (1992)
Cross Purposes (1994)
Forbidden (1995)
13 (2013)
05 – Matt “Superdaved” Jimmy. Check out the first episode of Norm MacDonald’s new show with Super Dave. “So funny!” – Jimmy. Soccer chat (Jimmy calls it football). Sports chat (I’m out.)
10 – Carol Channing does Ozzy! F/X stars Brian Dennehy and Bryan Brown. More Channing does Ozzy. Jimmy will be the first (and only) person waiting at best buy at midnight for the new sabbath album.
15 – Jimmy tells a Conan story about a guy in the crowd doing a Hacksaw Hamilton impression. Jimmy wonders if we can, as podcast pioneers, revoke someone’s computer. ELQ is in trouble guys! General Hospital chat!
20 – Rebecca Herbst plays Elizabeth Webber on General Hospital. Check out Eliot’s handywork! Jimmy loves it. 87 cable nothings on. Eliot now in Video Command!
25 – Showing off the studio! NNF295 godaddy code! Molly Ringwald’s jazz standard album is called Except Sometimes.
We’re back with our guest! Jimmy brings us back with some showtunes!
Nick Pitera does the Les Mis Medley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9IWAxSpgKA
Welcome Keith Stubbs!
Jimmy loves Keith’s teeth! They’re fake.
30 – Jimmy had a tooth issue and immediately wanted to get veneers. Jimmy has a gay dentist. Keith is a fan of the show! Wanted to watch a recording when he was in town but Jimmy asked him to be a guest. He got a fake standing ovation walking onto the Byron Allen show. GH Nurse’s Ball chat! STAVROS IS DEFROSTED!
The fate of Decker Moss (also Dawn) Old enemies of Edge’s set the club ablaze with Decker, Edge, and Dawn tied up inside. Dawn was devastated when she learned Decker lied to her. Edge managed to free himself, bludgeon Dawn and Decker with a pipe, and put the pipe in Decker’s hand. Dawn died. Decker was arrested for her death. Decker pleaded his case saying that he truly loved Dawn and would never do anything to harm her. He was then cleared of the murder when Frisco Jones found a videotape showing Edge Jerome killing Dawn. Decker left town shortly there after and never returned.
35 – Keith Keith compliments Matt’s deep soothing voice. “Squeaky Jew Sounding Guy” – Jimmy referring to himself in comparison to Matt’s voice. Keith enjoys the studio! Jimmy sets the stage!
40 – Keith does a country radio show. The Band Perry chat. Jimmy was going to pick up their album but it was sold out. (btw it’s a great album!) More Byron Allen chat. Jimmy talks about his appearances and wanting to leave between the two recordings. Jimmy a little underwhelmed by Dairus Rucker’s new song, Wagon Wheel.
45 – Origin of Hootie and the Blowfish: The band’s name originated from two of Darius Rucker’s childhood acquaintances. There were two boys in Rucker’s childhood choir group–one with owl-like eyes (Hootie) and the other with puffy Blowfish-like cheeks. Though Rucker is commonly thought of as Hootie and the other members as the Blowfish, Rucker has clarified multiple times that he is not Hootie, and the other band members are not the Blowfish.
Jimmy had a beautiful hootie shirt. Wants to find it again.
50 – LA Weekly top 20 Worst Bands of all time (list from 2012)
20. Spin Doctors
19. The Raconteurs
18. Oasis
17. Phish
16. 4 Non Blonds
15. Pretty Ricky
14. Foreigner
13. Wings
12. Fleet Foxes
11. Red Hot Chili Peppers
10. Pussycat Dolls
9. Rush
8. Hootie and the Blowfish
7. Pearl Jam
6. Black Eyed Peas
5. Animal Collective
4. Sex Pistols
3. LCD Soundsystem
2. Eagles
1. Dave Matthews Band
65 – Crash Into Me goes to #18 on the Top US Pop Charts and I owe Eliot $5. Fleetwood Mac chat, Jimmy reiterates that Lindsey Buckingham is the best live guitar player alive.
70 – Text for Jimmy – Does not read it on air! 3 texts from the same person. Keith compliments Jimmy’s text length.
We’ll be back!!
75 – We’re back! Nick Pitera is the Les Mis guy. Check him out here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nick-Pitera/138199010789
He is appearing at Digifest in NYC on June 13.
Should Jimmy do a YouTube cover channel?
80 – Band Perry chat. Jimmy says their band name doesn’t flow. Basketball chat! April 19 is indeed a Monday.
85 – Phone call!
Pardomizer Bet time!
keith 12
Eliot 11
garon 5
matt 19
Jimmy 24
90 – Here we go: 13! the pot goes away till the next time but Keith gets his money back. Keith has a daughter from a previous situation.
Calling Maxwell Arbuckle. No answer!
95 – Jimmy is worried boston may be under attack by Guatemalans.
Trying another call:
Don Montrain: VM.
Michael Cusick went to grade school with Jimmy! Randomly picked to call.
100 – “The Keith Stubbs of Trucking.” Mike had an appearance in a story from Jimmy’s one man show. His dad was Mayor of Hometown!
Butt vs Buck – http://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2007/01/is-it-butt-naked-or-buck-naked.html
I totally lost track of the time code but we’re wrapping up anyway!
Stupid question from Rob Durham: @robdurhamcomedy – No one around getting rid of gum: by hand or spit. Keith goes by hand. Jimmy goes spit but changes to hand depending on the type of trash. Matt goes by hand. Eliot spits. They do pick up if they miss. Keith gives us his Knott’s menu and makes everyone hungry.
We’re out!
See ya next week!
– garon/beast/scout/defector/whistler/thief