27P – Tightening the Screws with Jackie Kashian

Jackie Kashian
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 27P – Jackie Kashian
00 – Hello! Welcome in! Lotta grabass no entertainment!
Talking Hamilton Joe Frank and Reynolds.
I get a severe ice.
Hello! I just woke up.
Taylor has a new album out tonight! Jimmy’s gonna check it out thanks to Bean!
Talking Taylor’s Long Pond sessions special.
5 – talking streaming services and shows!
Jimmy doesn’t find The Flight Attendant fun but he enjoys it very much.
Jimmy talks forgetting what he did on his drive to the post office.
15 – Jimmy reports on what people are doing in Culver City. Seems like they’re following the rules.
Matt might go to the mall?
More mail!
20 – It’s a Christmas card from Dane Coffey. How does he have Jimmy’s address?!
Jimmy almost did a family Christmas card in masks but dodged that bullet. Matt’s family wanted to do a picture in Zoom WITH masks.
Another mail!
25 – My eyes!
Am I lazy?!
Talking visors.
30 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So_Alive_(Love_and_Rockets_song)
Mail from Austin. Matt reads his letter. It’s more Jingle Jangle!
We are not sure about PCAT in May btw. It’s a longshot, at best.
Jimmy talks about the world living through 10 months of this pandemic already and if we need to we can survive 2021 if its status quo so that 2022 is as close to normal as possible.
Jimmy and Matt talk about the kids during the pandemic. Matt feels bad for his own kids.
35 – Bungled. It’s all bungled.
Jackie Kashian is joining us! We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jackie Kashian is here! Jimmy talks about the Jackie and Laurie show tightening the screws on comedy.
Jackie talks about her live shows on Zoom and doing shows in North Dakota (in the past).
40 – Jackie and Jimmy talk about adjusting and learning how to do comedy in zoom.
Jackie mentions a “Secret” alley show that she did. Jimmy goes back to that to hear about it.
45 – She talks about having a gig set up to record her album at Acme in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, she is unable to do that.
Jackie needs to perform. It helps with depression!
Jimmy asks about Christopher Titus’ studio.
50 – Jackie talks about Christopher Titus and the first time they met.
Jimmy talks about his preference for his feature acts timing. He prefers a 25 (or 15-20). Going 30 or longer risks Jimmy having internal rage for decades.
Around the horn!
Karen from London @InstantKama
Pulp or no pulp? Crunchy or creamy? (Your friend Keren in London!)
55 – More timing talk. I find it fascinating!
What do you eat with Orange Juice?! Jimmy’s brother and Jackie’s fella will order Milk at a restaurant.
There’s a pandemic death in It’s A Wonderful Life. No one noticed that before apparently.
Sunny D and Country Time Lemonade talk.
Jimmy has a Crystal Light story.
His dance teacher at ADA went nuts on his roommate when he found out he drank Crystal Light.
1h5m – Would we want a food window delivering us healthy food?
From the Tri-Corners!
Talking BN and customers. Matt’s kids haven’t been in a store in months.
1h10m – Kohl’s bucks!
Chain clubs will be fine. Worry about the Indies.
My P is Paula Poundstone!
Eliot seems mad at something.
Apparently, he has the same P guess!
1h15m – Eliot talks about his time with Toasted Head. He talks about a time when they had a set that got cut to five minutes. He was livid.
Small bands don’t have any gigs during all this. Where do they play?
1h20m – Talking about Zoom birthdays.
Eliot’s NEW answer is Grace Para (his original was Paula Poundstone)
Matt’s answer is Amy Poehler!
That was also Jimmy’s answer but will he change it?
Jackie’s guess is Tammy Pescatelli!
Jimmy’s official answer is: Richard Pryor.
Jackie talks about a story she heard about Richard Pryor. A friend, Felicia, was there to see him work out a set over a week that went from bombing to standing ovation.
Talking about seeing comics go from bombing with new material to getting big laughs later with the same material just tweaked.
We hear the fans. (including Oliver Pardo!)
We’re trying to match Halle!
The answer is Jay Pharoah!
1h35m – Stupid question for the road:
Blaze Pascal @AndyGienow
Which of your 5 senses would you prefer to lose, if you had to?
Jackie has positives for losing sight and hearing.
I go smell, Eliot goes smell, Matt goes smell,
Last question pallet cleanser:
Clipping nails: Dominant first or less dominate first? From AngryNNFfan.
Back to back Hallmark Christmas movie discussions on Dork Forest, first with Jackie’s brother Russ and then with Jen Kirkman!
Jackie talks hallmark movies and how they can’t afford a b plot according to her brother.
We’re done! See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth