26V – Winning the Lottery with Betsy Stover

Betsy Stover
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome back! It’s 26V!
Jimmy might have a lawsuit on his hands someone on 80s on 8 did his indeed intro!
Jimmy talks about his upcoming online Flappers appearance next month as part of the Burbank Covedy Festival.
Thanks for keeping us going!
Jimmy went to a drive in concert. Concert in your car!
He talks about it and some upcoming shows he might go to!
5 – Yachtly Crew was the show Jimmy went to see.
Jimmy talks about the woman he saw at subway and the gas station who was not wearing a mask.
He talks about the parking situation at the show.
10 – Jimmy had fun! Some mask issues.
The guys talk about it.
15 – Oliver enjoyed the show as well!
We try to guess the final song at the concert.
Matt swipes at Eliot and came off harsher than thought.
Is Zoom a perfect alibi for murder?!
20 – Check out Jen Kirkman’s podcast tweet!
You Can Call Me Al was the closing song.
25 – Lots of Yacht Rock talk.
NNF Baseball draft! It was a great time. 930am – 930pm!
Jimmy thinks he drafted the worst team in fantasy baseball history.
Betsy Stover is joining us!
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Eliot’s spreading Genital Vs?
Betsy’s Podcast is called Why Mommy Drinks.
Her co-hosts husband’s name is Caton. (Kaye-Ton) She also has 3 kids.
35 – Betsy has three kids and her husband is named Ari. He was on Jeopardy!
Jimmy talks about doing Betsy’s show.
Nap talk!
40 – Fake winning lotto ticket prank talk. Jimmy talks about someone who said they got dumped after pulling that.
Jimmy has a story about the resort town Las Vegas.
He thought he won a big jackpot but was one pip off.
45 – Talking Intex Pools.
Matt just got his pool cover. They ordered it at the same time, and the pool arrived in April.
Jimmy makes a shit joke! “all the leaves are brown?”
Round the horn!
I watched Fletch!
And bought The Faculty soundtrack on Vinyl.
Baseball cards!
My V is Van Halen
Eliot’s here! He burned his hand.
1h15m – Eliot talks cooking.
Value chicken talk.
Eliot has a ‘short” story that leads to him recommending Handball.
We love Eliot don’t mess with him.
Eliot’s V is Velvet Underground.
Betsy and fam went camping over 4th of July. They went to Pyramid Lake. She does not recommend it.
She loves camping though and is going to the Redwood Forest soon.
1h25m – Betsy’s kids love Just Dance! They talk about it all the time.
Eliot wants to know how Just Dance works.
1h30m – Betsy grew up in Minneapolis.
Who is Ari Fleisher? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ari_Fleischer
Betsy met her husband in NY. She talks about it.
Eliot is alone. I have roommates.
1h35m – Betsy is not drinking out of a fishbowl.
Matt’s V is Vixen!
1h40m – Talking Richard Marx tweeting about songwriters.
Lizzo and Katy Perry lawsuit talk – https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/03/katy-perry-wins-dark-horse-plagiarism-lawsuit-on-appeal/
Betsy’s V is Vanity 6
We hear the fan guesses.
Eliot tries some Barracuda.
Jimmy’s Five:
5) The Verve Pipe
4) Vixen
3) Van Halen
2) Vanilla Fudge
1) Vandenburg.
Eliot’s left.
Go listen to Why Mommy Drinks!
Talking Target. Jimmy had a long wait there yesterday.
We’re done!
We all did our thing today!
Betsy loves The Goonies!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth