2611 – Swinging the Bat with Jon Hamm
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! Jimmy didn’t get the episode again but was correct. He has a couple things to address that happened preshow.
Matt’s claps is one of them.
Zoom Clap class courtesy of Jimmy coming soon.
Matt had a solid clap, I filled in the bad clap apparently.
Jimmy finds it interesting that he introduces himself in “real life” as Jim so he finds it weird that when we do the clap he introduces himself as Jimmy.
His shirts showing his green screen.
Having good posture is nerdy?
Jimmy’s cousin doesn’t like the mask rules.
Watch the end of the Catie Lazarus episode! Post credits on 26J.
Jimmy talks about the 7pm NYC traditions and how it made him emotional.
10 – Jimmy talks about seeing the same incident every time he goes to target: The couple ignoring the line and then getting mad about it and leaving.
Matt talks his Trade Jo’s line troubles.
15 – Jimmy wonders if he could work at Home Depot.
He talks about the stresses of showbiz.
Eliot talks about almost delivering flowers.
20 – Matt and Jimmy talk about working at an airport. Is it as stressful working there as it is traveling?
Jimmy the Tram Operator?
25 – How long can we support public transportation?
Jimmy has a Celsius!!
30 – Jimmy talks about family traditions like playing Bingo which he did over zoom with his dad.
Talking Curbside pickups, Dick’s and Big Five
Jimmy talks about apartment hunting and Paul Gilmartin using the toilet at one of them.
Talking RVs.
Jimmy talks about driving cross country.
We’ll be right back!
45 – We’re back! Eliot is eating.
Our guest is here!
Hello Jon Hamm!
Behind him is a St Louis Cardinals bat and base signed by Stan the Man.
Jimmy goes through his autographs. He’s got a Hank Aaron, Ernie Banks, Mickey Mantle courtesy of father-in-law Walter Koenig!
Kind of touring Jon’s office.
Signed Tony Hawk deck!
50 – Jon and Jimmy talk white sox.
Jimmy took down his curt schilling autographed ball when he went nuts.
Jon talks about doing charity baseball games with former pros. He played third base.
Mirror/Cock talk!
55 – Jimmy and Family went to get tested for covid! He gives us the details. Took an hour all in!
Jimmy and Jon talk about The Last Dance.
60 – Eliot tries to do a doc talk theme. Matt follows up with TWO themes!
Talking Jon’s Leramy character and Daniel Craig’s detective in Knives Out.
How old is Michael Jordan?
Jon: 56
Matt: 57
Eliot: 58
Jimmy: 55
Garon: 54
Actual Answer: 57
Matt wins!
1h5m – Jon talks about being an extra in Jingle All The Way!
PS it was Turbo Man.
He talks about Arnold’s chair that was modified with a cigar ashtray.
1h10m – Steve Harvey suit talk.
Last Dance is a great documentary.
Category is…History
What popular American brand traded its product to Russia for military equipment and became the sixth most powerful military in the world?
Trivia points:
Garon: Haliburton – 12pts
Eliot: Levi’s – 5pts
Matt: Levi’s – 11pts
Jon: General Motors – 0
Jimmy: General Motors – 7pts
1h20m – Talking earthquakes.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jon Hamm is here! Top Gun 2 coming out Christmas!
Round the horn!
1h25m – Eliot answers Levis.
Sounds like everyone else might have similar answers.
Why doesn’t St. Louis have a Basketball team? Jon explains the history of it.
First clip uploaded to YouTube was Me At The Zoo – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_at_the_zoo
1h35m – Matt’s guess is also Levi’s.
Perfectly Circular Muffin the band!
Jon’s answer is General Motors. He also thought of Coke and Levi’s. And Kiss obviously.
Jimmy’s answer is GM.
1h40m – We talk about the Abe Lincoln question from a few weeks ago.
The answer is (no one is correct): Pepsi!
Oliver has an update on the army. It’s what I just said!
Who won today? Jon Hamm!
Jon is more of an Odie than a Garfield.
Jon talks about Kimmy Vs The Reverand interactive episode of Kimmy Schmidt that drops this week!
We’re done! Stay safe!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth