BONUS 80s 90s Trivia

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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

80s 90s Trivia Game!

Bobby is not eligible due to playing on Playing Games.

812! Tim Hutchison from Indiana!

Bye Tim!

We got Mike! He called in and got a voicemail. We called him back. Mike Newman in Portland!

Mike’s engaged to Lisa.

Here we gooooooo.

Matt gets first point!

Eliot goes with TV.

Correct answer for Garon!

Matt and Garon both closing out Movies.

Jimmy’s going Music. He’s on the board!

Mike is on the board!

Matt’s got 2 slots!

Garon closes out Pop Culture!

Jimmy closes out movies.

Mike is shooting for movies and gets it!

Jimmy wants me to cut my hair.

Matt’s going TV! Can he close it out? Yes!

Eliot’s going movies. He’s on the board!

I’m going sports and get it!!

TV For Jimmy. Misses!

Mike had some back surgery but he’s back to running.

He’s going TV! Gets it under the wire!

Matt’s going for sports! HE MISSES IT!

Eliot’s turn. He misses George Michael/Wham! Altered, Jimmy gave him the point.

Garon’s up! Alf! I got it!

Jimmy’s turn. Another Lay-up! Jimmy’s checking off TV

Mike misses the Harry Potter question.

Matt misses sports!

Eliot going for sports.

Match Point!!

Does Garon win!


Sorry Mike! We’ll see you at Pardcastathon!


Thanks everyone!!

New season right around the corner!!

Happy holidays!!