24V – Agreeing to Disagree with Michelle Biloon

Michelle Biloon
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Jimmy completely forgets what episode we’re doing.
Matt quotes Ghostbusters and Jimmy insists he is better than that.
Jimmy insists that Matt is not a movie quoting guy.
Talking awards, reviews, best coffee in Los Angeles according to Don on yelp!
Thanks Players Club!
Jimmy’s using Invisalign?
10 – Talking more about Invisalign.
Jimmy’s also itchy from getting sunburnt while snorkeling.
Snorkel hat?
The Pardo’s had fun on that vacation.
Talking oiling up the body for sunbathing.
Talking July 4 in Hawaii.
Rubber duck race?!
I went on a straw adventure.
20 – Talking Starlite Bowl.
Guessing the band that Matt saw.
Kevin Belinkoff is here! The first Gameshow that made the air with Jimmy was courtesy of him!
25 – Kevin always calls Jimmy out on his being wrong on pop culture stuff.
Big Bad Voodoo Daddies was the band Matt saw.
35 – Jimmy went to see the Dio Hologram at the Wiltern.
Jizzy opened.
Kevin is competing in the Scrabble tournament!
Ok, ew, and Zen are all allowed in Scrabble now.
Talking the scrabble poo list
40 – The woman behind the bar at the Wiltern said that Jimmy had “chick magnet eyes.”
Apparently the Dio hologram was on a screen.
Kevin talks about his dad having the rights to Silent Night Deadly Night.
50 – Silent Night Deadly Night talk.
Talking autographs!
60 – We’ll be right back!!
We’re back!
24 V for Vendetta!
Lots of Vendetta jokes!
Norm Crosby talk.
Michelle Biloon is here!
We’re talking Eric Swalwell.
Candidates talk!
1h10m – Round the horn!
Michelle: 10
Jimmy: 11
Matt: 0
Eliot: 1
Kevin: 5
Jimmy had a night in Vegas with Joey Buddafuco? Kevin describes it as bizarre.
What two countries are separated by the Strait of Juan de Fuca?
Kevin: Panama and Columbia
Eliot: Myroca and Spain
Matt: Spain and Portugal
Michelle: Argentina and Brazil
Jimmy: The United States and Canada
US and Candada
Jimmy wins!
1h20m – Talking Veronica Mars spoilers!
My V is Vanessa Williams!
Kevin’s in the NNF Fantasy Baseball league!
Kevin’s V word is Vanessa Carlton!
When did A Thousand Miles release?
Michelle: 2001
Matt: 1999
Garon: 2002
Eliot: 2004
Jimmy: 2000
1h25m – Garon wins!
Eliot’s doing well! He got sworn in.
Trump and Epstein talk.
Eliot’s V word is Vanity.
1h45m – Comedian holograms?
Hereditary vs Midsommar.
1h50m – Kevin’s dad’s favorite movie is King Ralph!
Matt’s V: Vanessa Williams! Are we splitting money?!
Michelle’s V is…Vesta Williams.
1h55m – Talking leaving social media.
Fan guesses.
Jimmy’s V words are Vanessa Williams, Vicki Lawrence, and Vicki Sue Robinson.
No winner.
Jimmy vs Kevin on Viki Sue
Kevin wins! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_the_Beat_Around
Talking Match Game. Nell Carter and Judy Tanuda did not get along.
Michelle talks about her diagnosis and having to cancel everything.
Disagree to Agree is Michelle’s podcast.
Every one thanks!
We’re done!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth