24D – Taking Off the Mask with Jimmy and the Boys

The gang and INTERLOPERS!!!!
00 – Welcome in! Indeed! A rare second start! Eliot had a meltdown over pressing 2 buttons at once.
Eliot feels better than ever. Jimmy says he has a spring in his step.
Talking fixing stuff and feeling better and hopeful again.
Leslie and Tim are in the room! Leslie is a fan and dragged Tim in. They came over from Boston. They’re married for 13 years! It’s actually 18 years! No kids.
They’re vacationing and staying in Santa Monica.
5 – Talking seeing execs at Shutters and guys with high hair.
Talking Matt’s beard. Charlie likes it, Zoe hates it, Elise goes both ways.
Round the horn on Matt’s beard.
10 – Beard talk!
Leslie has an opinion on the beard! She likes it but likes Matt better without it.
Tim has a short-cropped beard. He’s a project manager.
Leslie likes Tim’s beard.
Eliot scored the new headphones.
His opinion on Matt’s beard is that he should take better care of it.
Eliot loves sandwiches.
Liquids on face nauseates Jimmy.

Marc Maron doing reconnaissance on “how to do a podcast” on NNF episode 610
15 – Leslie works in marketing. So does Tim. They’re financial people.
Jimmy wants the scoop on when/how/why Leslie listens. She credits Jesse Thorne and Matt.
Jimmy takes on Mark Maron.
Talking Midnight, Jimmy’s old cat.
20 – Dane Coffey lost a bet and had to pay Jimmy $50 at the live show.
Lots of Masked Singer talk.
We talk about my shoes briefly
before going back to the masked singer.
30 – Talking Luke Perry. Matt tells Colin Hanks’ story about Luke on a plane, “I always keep a couple balloons in my pocket when I travel.”
We’ll be right back! Oh first some mail!
35 – A fan sent some models for Oliver. Star Trek ship models!
Talking Legos!
We’ll be right back!
40 – We’re back!
I couldn’t find the cups! They were right in front of my face.
It is wrapped in bubble wrap.
45 – we all drink some of this juice and everyone likes it so that did not go the way we thought.
Talking big wheels and mean machines.
Please Come To Boston In The Springtime – Dave Loggins –
Leslie took her mom to see Jimmy once. They enjoyed it.
50 – Talking Boston!
Leslie and Tim are both from Minnesota.
Eliot’s alert sounded like blowing into a bottle.
Return to Pooh Corner talk.
55 – Kenny Loggins soundtrack talk.
60 – Leslie and Tim have seen Ellis Paul and love him thanks to Jimmy.
They’ve also come to 2 pardcastathons!
1h5m – Round the horn!
Trivia talk!
What was the only movie to win best picture with an exclamation point in the title:
Oh God is Eliot’s guess.
Matt guesses:
Jimmy: Patton
My D is Dionne Warwick.
1h10m – Talking Dice Clay and Celebrity Apprentice.
Leslie’s D is Diana Ross!
Jimmy recounts his time on the set of Dreamgirls.
Jennifer Hudson and Tom Jones sing together.
Tim’s D is Demi Lovato.
1h15m – I’ll get a sport coat!
Eliot talks water. Blames his kidney stone on Matt.
Drink more water!
1h20m – Eliot’s D word is Dolly Parton.
Weather talk!
1h25m – Leslie and Tim got 9.5 of Jimmy’s cocks worth of snow while they were away.
Matt’s D is Denise Williams
Moving Pictures big hit: What About Me
Talking the bet at a live show.
1h30m – Talking Leslie heading up to Pasa Robles.
They went to Hearst Castle and said it’ll be boring for the kids.
1h35m – talking about what Leslie and Tim’s trip. He’d pick up a Miller Highlife.
1h40m – Denise LaSalle talk
More fan guesses.
1h50m – Jimmy’ D is Dusty Springfield!
We are done!
Thanks for coming Leslie and Tim! They can’t make it to Pardcastathon this year!
Watch at Pardcastathon.com!
What did Scott do two years ago?!
VIP cut off is 8AM Monday Morning March 11!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth