24C – Scrubbing In with Rachel Quaintance
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello 24C not 23!
We’re keeping the door ajar today!
Ajar talk.
Jimmy talks alarms and Meatloaf!
Meatloaf is a Trump supporter, but he regrets it.
5 – Jimmy tells a story about the time his brother didn’t close the car door completely and when they were driving he fell out and was hanging onto the door.
What’s the hurry to let kids sit in the front seat?
10 – Oscar party talk. Jimmy talks about the party he went to. Bil Dwyer was there.
Talking bringing food for the party.
Oscar fashion talk!
15 – Jimmy almost won his Oscar Pool. He lost by one.
Oscar talk!
Eliot apparently is not a fan of Adam Lambert.
20 – The guys analyze Adam Lambert.
Lots of Oscars talk!
30 – Talking Bowie and Madonna.
Apparently, Kiss has changed up their setlist.
35 – Let’s get serious for a second.
Jimmy addresses Brody Stevens.
40 – Matt and Jimmy talk more about Brody and his impact/comedy and tell some stories about him.
Thanks everyone for reaching out.
Rachel Quaintance is here!
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Hello Felix James! Welcome to the planet!
Rachel wonders if he’s named after Jimmy.
45 – Rachel’s got gold shoes for an audition. Jimmy insists she isn’t go to wear them. Rachel insists otherwise.
Talking auditions.
Rachel talks about Big Steve getting swindled.
50 – Talking Brandi Carlisle performance on The Grammys.
Jimmy tells Rachel that she in fact did not discover Brandi Carlisle. She explains it and Jimmy says he gets it.
Talking Arnel from Journey.
Jimmy saw Bob Seger this weekend. He almost didn’t go but is now glad he did. He was phenomenal.
Rachel talks Hollywood Bowl experiences she’s had.
She talks about a guy in the audience singing along to a really intimate acoustic song of Brandi’s and it annoying her.
At a Minnesota show apparently these two women were fingering each other the entire show.
60 – Jimmy enjoys seeing a little “diddle daddle”
Taking cups!
Round the horn!
Shrimp talk!
1h5m – Pinterest talk! The guys hate it.
Amy Poehler not laughing at Trevor Noah – https://www.marieclaire.com/culture/a26436036/oscars-2019-awkward-moments/
1h10m – My C word is Cher!
Rachel had an audition today. She wore the scrubs and the golf shoes.
Diane Warren nominations – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Warren#Academy_Awards
1h20m – Rachel wants her daughter to watch Terms of Endearment but knows she won’t appreciate it.
Rachel recounts the Target incident with the horribly mean actor.
1h25m – Rachel tells a Magic Johnson story where he left to another restaurant but came back to meet a waiter who was a huge fan.
Talking Eliot’s headphones and Jackson Maine shows up.
Eliot talks his kidney stones and the procedure he’s having.
1h30m – Talking going under anesthetic. Jimmy can’t stand it.
Jimmy’s positive that all doctors have heard every joke possible.
1h35m – Eliot goes Carrie Underwood!
Matt goes with Carol Channing.
Rachel talks her remodeling.
1h40m – Talking LA homeless issue.
Rachel turns into Bill Cosby.
Talking CA driving laws. Rachel’s daughter can’t drive anyone younger than 18.
Talking schools.
1h45m – Ford is into rap now.
Talking Katy Perry.
1h50m – Rachel goes with Ciara.
My uber driver had the same name as me and he didn’t acknowledge it.
1h55m – Eliot lists the fans. Choyce Dewitt?!
Connie Britton does not count!
2h – Jimmy’s C picks: #3 Carole King #2 Charlotte Church #1 Cyndi Lauper
We’re done! Thank you Rachel!
Rachel talks about the allergy procedures for her son. He ends his treatment by eating 75 peanuts!
Thanks everyone for subscribing!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth