24B – Grounding Out with Mike Schmidt

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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


24 Bette Midler

00 – Yaasss welcome in the Players Club! 24B! Don’t change the bard!

Shakespeare did not write Oedipus.

Talking Jimmy’s horrible teacher in Night School.

Paddington TV show? http://www.pretty52.com/entertaining/tv-and-film-paddington-is-taking-his-adventures-to-the-states-with-new-tv-series-20190218

Talking Mister Rogers and how boring it was.

Snuffleupagus – https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/brief-history-sesame-streets-snuffleupagus-iidentity-crisis-180957351/

10 – We’re singing My Heart Will Go On.

Eliot goes on a rant about cop shows.

Would you risk harm to save someone from a fire?

15 – Eliot wonders if hot water works on a fire. Jimmy retracts his naming Eliot the smartest in the room.

Diet Soda talk https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/14/health/diet-soda-women-stroke-heart-attack/index.html

John Mulaney talk!

20 – Talking Masked Singer!

Elvis tribute: https://www.spin.com/2019/02/watch-post-malone-pistol-annies-more-perform-on-elvis-all-star-tribute-tv-special/

We go through the setlist.

Mike Schmidt is here!!

Social media talk.

35 – Talking Racism growing up.

Diagnosis MAGA!

We’ll be back!

Indeed welcome back!

Eliot ruins fun again!

The wheeze and Mike’s face ruined the $5 bit.

Eliot gets Johnny Asthsma and Human Groundout! Put it on the board!

Globetrotter Rape Train was Mike’s fantasy football team name in the past.

40 – Ryan and his friend went to see the Harlem Globetrotters dressed up as Washington General’s fans.

Mike talks about seeing a game back in the day.

Jimmy talks about Oliver being part of the show when they saw them.

Mike talks Sundown Towns.

45 – Singing some American Pie and talking about Don McLean.

Bryan Adams duets.

We hear a little Bryan Adams JLo duet.

Betting Bryan Vs JLO

Bryan: 65 Million
JLO: $380 Million
Garon: $700,000

Mike calls Eliot a comedy noose. Jimmy loses it.

Jimmy is worth 6 million while Matt pulls in 3 mill. Allegedly.

Talking failing t-shirts!

55 – My B is Bette Midler!

Matt thinks Bette goes all white on her Oscars performance.

I saw Arctic!

Mike saw Cold Pursuit. He says go see it.

Talking ATMs.

1h10m – Mike’s apartment was featured in Adam 12!

Talking Foster Brooks and whether he is funny or not.

Walking Quicksand?! Eliot!

1h15m – Talking the Belknap research for his networth page.

Eliot’s B word (not Blondie) Barbra Streisand.

Talking Alec Baldwin’s Trump over the weekend.

Mike thinks Brody Stephens is funny.

1h20m – Mike talks about Brody.

Mike talks about bands and the recent kiss show.

Matt’s B word is Belinda Carlisle.

1h30m – Mike’s B word is…Bonnie Rait!

1h35m – We hear the fans guesses

Talking seeing Beyonce in concert.

Talking Abducted in Plain Sight again.

1h45m – Jimmy’s B is #3 Babs, #2 Bonnie Rait #1 Brenda K. Starr.

Matt: 87
Mike: 89
Jimmy: 88
Garon: 86


Matt wins!
1h50m – No one knows where this dollar goes.

Jimmy talks The Forty-Year-Old Boy podcast! Mike’s twitching!

He’s playing God of War. Tues-Sunday!


1h55m – See you next time!

We’re done!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth