22O – Approaching the Bench with Cathy Ladman

Cathy Ladman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Indeed! Welcome in to 22O! Difficult yet easy initial game? Cathy Ladman is coming in soon! She’s got a show next weekend with an old friend of Jimmy’s.
Jimmy’s got a warning for us. He got something in his eye that wouldn’t come out. It was driving him out of his mind. He took some sleeping pills and woke up cranky. But none of us see evidence of that.
Talking Mike following the rules.
Nice night last night for Jimmy! He went to Largo to see an acoustic billy idol show. He talks about how he was able to attend.
05 – Greg Behrendt was there as well! He talks more about Largo and not being known by the door person.
The Idol show was great but short. Jimmy talks about Billy’s stories and choking up over talking about Steve Stephens.
15 – Talking Billy Idol and Taylor Swift show videoing.
20 – More video taping talk.
Jimmy tells more about Greg and the Billy Idol show.
25 – Jimmy talks about walking behind these women and knowing it was awkward. At one point one turns around and goes, “it’s an old man!” They all laughed about it.
Eliot wonders if anyone’s tried making noise when walking behind someone to make them feel less threatened.
Deadpool talk.
30 – Talking post credits scenes.
Mail call! The mail is here!
Talking Donavon!
He was Cathy’s first concert!
People were all born at different times.
35 – Cathy needs to get cataracts surgery!
13 year kid’s old joke. We all enjoy it.
Another letter from Charlie Milliken.
40 – More mail. Cathy watched first run Mannix. She liked it a lot and hums the theme song for us.
T-Shirts! Thanks David!
Cathy wants to move back to NYC.
45 – Cathy has a show June 2 here in LA.
Talking childhood pizzas!
South side Chicago is here!
50 – Queers on stools! Queery – Go – Round
55 – More food talk! White Castle! Pizza was 15c when Cathy was a kid.
We’ll be back!
We’re back! 22O!
22 is Cathy’s favorite number!
Round the horn!
Talking Trivia! We lost.
60 – Cathy’s wearing a LuLu Lemon shirt.
Celebrity sighting!
At the Todrick Hall show.
1h5m – Chaka Khan!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaka_Khan
Matt wins!
1h10m – Long guessing game about the Robert Palmer song.
Talking Trump, NFL, and Business rules.
1h25m – My O is Octavia Spencer.
Jimmy talks about Benedict Cumberbatch’s showtime show and how amazing he is. He’s unbelievable. “Putting on a clinic.” Patrick Melrose.
Talking Brian Williams and Kevin Meany.
1h30m – Jimmy asks Cathy about auditioning for the Supreme Court role.
Eliot’s errands!
Birthday talk!
1h35m – Eliot’s O word is Olivia De Haviland.
1h40m – Matt’s O word is Oprah Winfrey!
“This is my spider, Matt Johnson!” – Charlie
Cathy has a vacation story with a former beau. They arrived late and ended up going into and sleeping in the wrong house.
1h45m – Talking reviewing stand up shows.
2h – Gabby singing Don’t Stop Believing –
American Idol talk and live shows talk.
2h5m – Cathy’s O word is Olivia Hussey
Talking Kesha!
“They have great stuff online.” – Cathy Ladman, for the internet.
Jimmy’s O word is Olympia Dukakis!
Quoting Moonstruck!
Cathy’s show June 2 in Venice! Women of a Certain Age!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth