2210 – Visiting Family with Danny Zuker

Danny Zuker
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Doin’ It With Danny and Jenny
00 – Hello! Indeed! Welcome back! 2210! Various forms of 2210
I’m back!!!
Gang episode on Thursday so we’ll dig deep on it!
Movie talk on Thursday! Tune in!
Talking Avengers and movie pass.
Psuedo celebrity sighting!
05 – Call me Gordo now.
Celeb sighting time.
Jimmy saw someone at the LPGA tour. He didn’t get to see his friend of 30 years though.
Talking golf tournies.
Jimmy talks about attending the LPGA and the crowds that attend, including Rich White Assholes who like puffing on cigars.
Who is it?!
10 – It’s not a gypsy.
Can Jimmy name a movie from 1995!?
20 – Phony Krasinski!
Put a collared shirt on to go to a golf tournament.
The pant is rare on the LPGA.
25 – Talking Shania Twain and her Trump support/apology.
Trump talk!
30 – Danny Zuker is here! He did not have a credit on The Flintstones.
Danny Zuker warring with Trump!
Danny doesn’t like Dan!
Danny talks about his best friend Bobby Blender, who goes by Robert now.
40 – Talking High School Forensics. Danny (nor I) know what it is.
Talking Modern Family and whether it comes back or not, at least one more season.
Teasing writing room fights.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Danny Zuker is here! People used to love Modern Family apparently.
45 – Danny talks about having problems with non comedy civilians. He talks about a woman who was rude and has shitty kids.
Not many shitty kids have non shitty parents.
Jimmy and Matt are very lucky in the kid situation. Happy birthday Charlie!
Matt has a Grammy!
I’m back!
Danny talks about his kids. His son is insanely tall, like his neighbor!?
50 – Matt tells a story about a car near Elise’s work that had dead bodies in it.
Mrs. Columbo was Kate Mulgrew –
55 – Great Mannix episode last night!
McMillan & Wife – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066685/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Talking old TV Dramas.
60 – Talking boycotts!
Cousin Oliver effect on Modern Family? Danny talks about the ideas of giving Mitch and Cam a baby.
1h5m – Danny talks about a time where Ed O’Neil was coaching Rico (Manny) on a scene. Calls it a master class.
Danny talks about some negative experiences he’s had with people and shows.
1h10m – Danny was a PA on a Howard Stern late night talk show that never aired. His first writing job was on the Arsenio Hall Show.
Johnny Clunks! Eliot’s weekend was fine.
Eliot talks tours of the familliare.
Owls are birds of prey!
1h15m – Kelly Anne Conway talk.
Jim’s not a foliage guy.
1h20m – Nothing important for Matt this weekend. He fought off a sore throat. HE went to Huntington Garden. Apparently, expensive for weddings.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Record Store Day talk!
Doc Talk!
Pink Floyd docs.
The Story of Wish You Were Here
Classic Albums: Dark Side of the Moon (iTunes Link)
John Mulaney SNL talk.
Jimmy saw Beirut, enjoyed it!
1h25m – Danny Zucker is here!
Talking twitter and Danny’s twitter experiences.
Danny talks about his twitter war with Trump and turning it into a book called, “He Started It,” which all proceeds go to charities for communities Trump has fucked with.
1h30m – Danny talks about politics and Donald trump.
1h35m – Danny talks about an email he got from Donald Trump.
1h40m – Murphy Brown reboot talk!
Jimmy wants Cam and Mitchell to get a divorce.
Talking Danny’s shows and The Goldbergs.
1h45m – Talking kids on shows growing up super fast.
Danny’s twins are in school. Talking his daughter Charlie.
Talking about kids growing up like Oliver asking Jimmy not to call him Goose in public or when Jimmy asked his dad to only come on Saturdays instead of Sunday.
1h50m – Danny used to sing happy birthday to his son in random places in public.
Talking Filmstruck 4 meme that went around. Danny picked Airplane, Groundhog Day, Dr. Strangelove, who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf. Jimmy picked Airplane, Breaking Away, Woodstock Doc, and meant to pick Better off Dead.
1h55m –
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth