20R – Maxing and Relaxing with April Richardson
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Indeed! Welcome in!
20R Players Club of the Never Not Funny Podcast!
Threeway talk into the ground??
So we talk more about it.
Hat talk! Sold well in Frisco.
How much to watch me bang around?
05 – Weird Matt Yancovic!
Talking male masseuse.
Talking porn. Gay v Straight and what people can enjoy.
10 – Jimmy ups the ante and game shows it up.
Jimmy’s ready to pitch this show!
Eliot suggests Japan.
Hamilton references abound!
Jimmy’s gonna read a comment from Facebook.
20 – Matt shows off a thank you note from Oliver where he drew Lisa Simpson.
Talking trips!
Jimmy talks about the guy eating Pork Rinds on the place and his tweet about it.
Here is the comment he got in response referring to atkins, chewing, crunching, etc.
The guy looked like a frat cowboy.
“Johnny suck the fun!”
Indigo Girls cover talk.
Twitter talk.
Four Voices Tour dates talk
35 – Jimmy goes around the room confirming his involvement with the show and why he wasn’t aware that the hitler video was out.
Talking about eating on planes.
Set lists!
40 – Break!
Welcome back!
Episode 20R!
April Richardson is here!
Jimmy talks about Cross Talk.
Will there ever be a podcast hall of fame? And will we be forgotten about?
45 – Pod talk. Or Cast talk.
We go through the Podcast Hall of Fame and talk about people anointing themselves a group in charge of something.
April wants to go to the podcast hall of fame in a limo.
55 – Cheetos expert?
Talking more hall of fame.
April mentions something that Ryan posted that made her laugh really hard.
60 – Back to the pork rinds!
April talks about seeing a guy get on a plane with nothing but a bag of Sour Patch Kids.
Talking Platinum status for Jimmy. Executive is close for Jimmy.
Back to the hall of fame.
Round the horn!
1h10m – My word is Ray Donovan.
Talking more about Matt’s condescension.
Jimmy lashes out at April for looking at her phone. She wasn’t. He apologizes!
1h15m – PCB getting a Facebook!
Eliot is here! Slick back like an Armenian mobster. Terrible traffic today.
“What’s going on brother? I live in Florida.” Jimmy does Hulk Hogan.
1h20m – Eliot talks about his Jury Duty. It was the Santa Monica courthouse. HE was late getting to the jury room and then was able to get out of it. He was just sent home service complete!
Jimmy gets his tea stuck on the mic!
Talking courthouses.
Whitey Bulger is Alive! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitey_Bulger
Eliot’s Rs are Race To Escape but his real pick is Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In.
Good luck Eliot!
1h25m – Matt’s good! His R word is Renegade but he’s changing it to Ren and Stimpy.
We talk about the show.
April watched hours of Tom and Gerry on her flight to London.
April is wearing Tyler The Creator pants. She loves them.
1h30m – Talking about when kids get embarrassed by their parents.
April talks about going to The Max in Chicago. Her appearance turned into a 4 hour Q&A.
It sounds like a wrong number?
April is getting weird texts from a girl fighting with her friend.
Are we gonna get this girl to call? April doesn’t want to.
April goes through all the weird emails she gets.
Matt’s gonna try and call.
Jimmy doesn’t like the term ginger.
1h45m – April’s R word is The Real World.
It appears that this woman is not a teenager. Everyone feels dirty.
Matt wants to tell April the new show idea but Jimmy has to go.
Jimmy talks with April about her trip with Chip Pope to Europe.
1h55m – April had her first one nightstand while on her trip. It was a 25 year old! He was a guard, guarding a castle when April met him. She asked him out right there. They hung out all night and banged around! They went their separate ways the next morning.
April tells the story about asking the guard out. “Are you the American bird my friends told me about?”
2h – Jimmy’s impressed with this guard.
Fun trip! Welcome back stateside April! Nothing’s changed.
April wants to live in London. She’s tried it to the point of calling the British Embassy.
Jimmy’s being held hostage on his own show.
The Jurist! That’s Keith.
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth