20K – Running to the Hills with Adam Ray
Live from Parlor Love in Seattle Washington
No on-site note-taker
All notes and editing by Darryl Asher
The crowd reaction is deafening, and as usual Jimmy doesn’t know how to
react to kindness
Jason shout-out right away (Wilcox, but he doesn’t get the courtesy of a
last-name shout-out)
Sweater talk
Welcome Matt Belknap
Matt wants Jimmy to know it hurts when Jimmy slaps his ass when he comes
“You have to stop whipping my ass!”
This is a smack, not a slap
This is technically Bellvue, not Seattle
There’s boomy sound, take care of it Greg!
Lots of “Bell” related puns, including Bell’s Palsy
Beauty and Beast and Belle’s Palsy
Sugar Sammy is on a poster, so Jimmy can’t resist talking about it
Urban legend: buried with a bell
Matt is amped up, possibly due to the crowd or, more likley, cocaine
“You like-a da sweet?” (popcorn)
Matt’s theater job manager is the one who had to get physical with a
Jiminy Click / George Pennacchio
George was shaken to the core after OScar La La Land / Moonlight flub
Jimmy says it’s too cold
Guy behind Jimmy on the plane blew his nose 23 times pre-flight
Swede sweet popcorn?
MTVs Sway and his hat-hair combo
Jimmy likes asking questions about Matt’s car that he already knows
The Heart sisters are fighting
George Takai is NOT really running for congress, but could have
George came to Jimmy and Danielle’s wedding, but not all of the Star Trek
More about Ann and Nancy Wilson and their family-related drama and
falling out
More Heart talk
An audience member heard about the Heart drama on Eddie Trunk’s podcast
Eddie was on Never Not Funny once!
Why is Jason Schwartzman in the front row?
Whitney Houston and the comfort of bathtubs
There is no funny in Whitney dying
Trying to figure out when Whitney died (Died: February 11, 2012, Beverly
Hills, CA)
Does anyone know a Johnny Gill song
Matt may know a Johnny Gill song (Rub You the Right Way)
Betting confusion
Matt: “When I worked in actual show business…”
Matt heard that Johnny was Eddie Murphy’s concubine – allegedly
Jimmy tries to get out of this conversation
Jimmy did a bit with Chuck Woolery on the Game Show Network
If you don’t agree with Alex Jones, you should at least appreciate his
calm manner
Jimmy has taps on his sneakers
Obama tapped the entire cast of All That Jazz – write that down!
Jimmy checks his eBay bids on t-shirts
Adam Scott was at the Us Festival by Steve Wozniak
Jimmy does not cheat on his wife, but makes too many jokes about it
Jimmy buys too many eBay t-shirts because he has a problem and is trying
to fill a void
Matt has never been more on fire
Big Jim Walker – Don’t Mess Around with Jim
The comeback of wrestling
Stephen in the audience gets asked about wrestling
Ted Turner’s NWO wrestling
Brian the bouncer checks to make sure an audience member wasn’t really
Brian did some backyard wrestling
Brian comes forward into mic-range
Wresling and singlets – terrible and awkward for kids
Brian shows his big hand
Steamboat Charlie vs. Steamboat Willie
Matt is hopped up on courtesy flan
Matt doesn’t sweat, now that Mike isn’t intimidating him on NNF
We are due for another Swedish supergroup like Roxette!
Time for the guest!
Jimmy dusts off talk about the movie Colors
Great movie, says Jimmy
canistream.it – first stop for movie viewing
Adam Ray and his sweater, everybody!
Matt looks like Bart Simpson’s best friend (not Milhouse, but a
Matt and Ray need to have a High-Hair-Off
Adam wonders about Jimmy’s old headshots
He apparently hasn’t see it
Adam like Phil Donahue
Lots of Phil Donahue talk, including Jimmy’s impression of Todd Glass’s
impression of Danahue———————
Venereal diseases vs. sexually transmitted diseases
Adam grew up in the Seattle area
The Verve (Pipe)
One hand in my pocket and other making a peace sign
Adam thinks song titles can refer to self-pleasuring
Naming top Iron Maiden songs
Barenaked Ladies One Week
Jimmy wants to know about Adam’s hair
Dick Gautier
N’Sync band members (I refuse to list them here)
98 Degrees
Stephen’s fave band is The Hold Steady
This crowd knows everything and tells you everything in a snippy manner
More about Jimmy’s t-shirt dragon-chasing
Jimmy explains the Never Not Funny curse
Victims of the The Curse
Dirty Carson shows up due to Ruth Buzzi talk
Time to play Sevens
Adam does Tony Danza playing Pyramid
Adam picks RomCom category, possibly first time in the category
Adam scores 8 but it felt better
Adam’s mom makes him watch random movies
Fanta soda pronunciation
Jimmy slaps Adam’s ass, because Matt commanded it
Richard from the audience comes up to play Sevens but gets kicked off for
being too tall and too gray
Richard has 50% too much personality so Jimmy kicks him off
Brian plays Sevens
Superheroes – Brian-with-an-i scores 21
Daniel plays Sevens
Shauna plays Sevens
Action Movies – 19
K-word Tv show guesses, all wrong, because Jimmy’s ridiculous choice was
Kids Are People Too
Lots of thanks to lots of people including the fans
Surfing talk on John from Cincinnatti: dump out
AK-47 gone not forgotten