19R – Feeling Special with Laurie Kilmartin
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Live at Flappers!
00 – Jimmy’s a little under the weather!
He talks about his ugly sweater.
Talking Flappers attire.
I got a close sitter.
Jimmy and Bobby have kids names.
An audience member might win a Kingdom Hearts scarf!
Is the world going to end on 1/20??
The place shut down on the Trump talk.
Hello Matt!!
Talking Ugly Sweaters!
Ryan gets moved over because of his laugh! Getting him front and center.
05 – Jimmy’s back in on Hamilton!
Apparently I’m Garish now?
Matt talks about Jimmy yelling with his Strep Throat.
Matt talks to Mike Bentley in the audience.
He didn’t serve in the military! “I didn’t serve, Jim.”
Matt’s ready to fight in the resistance! “black guy under that hat.” Jimmy on Star Wars.
10 – The MLM guys are on Trump or
Girth talk to get me to 6 ft?
TKO = Total or Technical Knock out?
Matt does his Ruffalo.
Talking my hack attempts.
20 – Talking Billy Dee Williams and Brian Song.
Blando Calrissian.
Double clutch!!
25 – more hacks talking Russia.
Maybe Matt’s dad can help with this Russia situation.
Eliot’s new twitter handle is @AnonoTrump
Talking about my potential comeback to the hacker.
Eliot talks more about his Trump Twitter.
Jimmy’s got problems with Scarves. That’s why he cant listen to Aerosmith…or Stevie Nicks.
What’s Finn’s code name? FN 2187.
Matt wonders what Draft One of his Trump twitter handle is.
40 – Jimmy has to reminds us to see what happened to his friend Leeroy on Sprezzatura.
Jimmy says Matt gave that info on Finn’s name so nerd condescendingly.
Jimmy does an entire scene of Russian caves.
Introducing Laurie Kilmartin!!
Jimmy’s not happy with Matt stealing his persona.
Laurie brought some copies of her CD to give away.
Dick talk!
Laurie’s special will be on Seeso starting December 29! Jimmy hosted all four of the shows.
Vulture named her special one of the ten best of 2016.
45 – Talking about Laurie’s special. Jimmy is furious that Andy Kindler is in the show and he isn’t.
High end C talk.
Talking Kevin Hart selling out huge venues.
Jeff is back!
50 – Laurie thinks that Ty Pennington is in Jimmy’s level of fame that they could be friends.
Aids vs Cunt.
Talking Terra Haute history. Jimmy explains what happened at the shows.
Jimmy talks about fixing his toilet.
55 – Talking other people Jimmy’s manager reps. Including Doug Jones.
Matt tells Jimmy that Bruce probably dropped him ten years ago.
Teeko talk!
No ads on Laurie’s podcast. Are their ads on other Nerdist shows? Apparenty not.
Jimmy will “talk dildo all day long!”
Talking selling out to Dildo ads.
60 – Talking the origins of ads.
Marc Maron and Sarah Koenig invented podcasting apparently.
Started 9/1/2009.
Talking about Laurie’s mom and what she does around the house.
Talking Laurie’s new twitter posting, where she takes headlines and changes them with other politicians.
Her mom voted for Trump.
Hillary is bad news!
65 – Laurie can’t go to the million-woman march because she has a gig in NYC.
Turkey Tuesday?!
Sevens with Laurie!
Jimmy gives to Laurie Kilmartin: 7 (Celebrity)
70 – Dirty Carson! Shelly Hack!
7 points?!
19 Running man!
We have a match!
Take your hat off audience member!
Amanda is taking a shot at sevens!
Jimmy gives to audience member Amanda: 5 (celebrity)
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garish/Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth