1820 – Clearing the Deck with John Butler

John Butler
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – 1820! Hello!
Closer and closer to a new season.
They’re all there. Jimmy talking about the new PCAT poster he got. They don’t know where to put it.
Maybe just pay Eliot $20 to hang it himself.
Eliot and Jimmy talk about the time that Eliot tried to reorganize the old studio.
Boy Bangs!
Loverboy talk!
So much scheduling confusion!
10 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Crazy_Summer
15 – Jimmy’s a little sore.

Sore but salved
He put some salve on his tendinitis so it didn’t hurt when he played golf but it didn’t hurt later.
Jimmy talks about the golf trip.
“You’re afraid of the birdie!”
Dirty Carson is here!
20 – Dirty Carson talks golfing and seeing Harvey Corman fucking Nancy Lopez.
The C-Word is no big deal overseas.
Dirty Carson talks going over seas.
Ed’s out there at the 19th hole.
More golf talk.
Keep your head down and golf! HE was 8 inches from a hole in one.
John Butler is here!
25 – Tony talk –
30 –
Ethel Merman!
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
John Butler is here and he’s “half earing” those headphones.
Jimmy talks about a podcast bleeping ass.
John is a touch hungover.
40 – Pride talk. Carlie Rae Jepsen was there.
John went with Dave Holmes and Ben and the writer of Pride.
45 – Jimmy got stuck in the mic stand!
Matt wonders if it’s a magnetic issue.
John refers to his lower teeth as lower deck.
Jimmy talks to Matt about a text he sent to him after a prank where he was driving with his head passed out against the wheel.
John walks everywhere in Ireland.
In Ireland, you can’t drive yourself to a set if you are an important part of a film.
50 – Dirty Carson is back and extra disgusting.
Jimmy’s live show talk! I missed it.
He talks about a song he sang based on Bye Bye Birdy.
Hot soup!
55 – Danielle and Oliver were out of town this weekend.
John missed Dave’s Friday forty show for a soccer game.
Jimmy talks about getting a wonderful compliment that made his day.
60 – Doc Talk!
Disco talk. Twisted Sister talk.
65 – Plastic Disasters –
John talks about a friend taping Prince performing there.
Jimmy talks about it being cool to get close enough to artists at the house of blues, even though its not the greatest venue over all.
75 – Eliot mentions singing in front of 3000 people. It was in college.
Eliot’s not wearing the thumb ring today.
More Pride talk.
80 – Jimmy asks John all about Pride.
John talks about marching in pride in Budapest and Dublin.
Jimmy thinks he went to weho Halloween and not pride.
No chaps to be seen!
John had a lot of good fun and a lot of late nights.
John talks about the owner of Akbar making a speech about Orlando.
Jimmy talks about people forgetting about everything just a few day slater.
John’s parents are in Dublin. He talks about skyping with them.
85 – Steve Tesich –
He did write Karoo.
Jimmy talks with John about seeing Chris de Burgh.
90 – Jimmy talks about The Stage with John.
How do you not like U2?
Matt says there is one U2 song for everyone on the planet.
We’re back!
We’re talking about Dave Holmes’ book Party of One.
Nothing But Fun!
Talking John’s dislike of musicals.
The Sound of Music is boring!
Musicals talk. Grease Talk!
Beautiful The Carol King show.
100 – More musical talk.
Les Mis talk.
Jimmy sings a tune from Les Mis.
Matt might shut down ALL facebook for his vacation.
He might turn it off for the two weeks he’s gone.
Phone for talk and text only –
Matt saw a guy almost passed out, like fell asleep looking at his phone.
Faiting goats:
Cat watching a horror movie –
Twitter and baseball talk!
Hot dog talk
“Oh she’s a slender dog.” John on Dodger dogs.
Jimmy talks about Garfunkel and Oates.
Jimmy ruined everyone’s day with that.
Jimmy talks about Laurie Kilmartin getting so many condescending responses to her jokes on twitter as if she isn’t a professional comedy writer.
Jimmy and John talk about getting notes from producers in Dublin.
John tells a story about Michael Cera on Superbad and the producers needing to get an extra large monitor to see what he was doing.
John’s new movie Handsome Devil comes out hopefully at the end of the year.
120 – Matt saw Hail Cesar! Not enough Clooney.
Breakfast Club T-shirt talk.
Matt credits Chris de Burgh for inspiring Uber and Lyft.
Don’t Pay The Ferryman lyrics –
Thanks John!
Get back to your cabin!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth