1415 – Measuring Up with Dave Attell
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1415 – Dave Attell
00 – Welcome to 1415! I’m wishwashy apparently but now named The Note Keeper!
It looks like the character Jimmy was looking for is the Keeper of the Sacred Scrolls.
05 – Mad Dog Russo vs Alf. http://thesportshernia.typepad.com/blog/2008/04/page/4/
Jimmy does his Mad Dog impression. Jimmy rattles off the history of Planet of the Apes franchise as Mad Dog. Heston is as angry as he should be.
10 – Jimmy as Mad Dog tries to guess the actor Matt was thinking of, who is not a Carradine.
The actor Jimmy was thinking of was Wentworth Miller. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0589505/?ref_=tt_cl_t2
Peter Green is indeed the original guitarist of Fleetwood Mac. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleetwood_Mac
15 – Matt tells Mad Dog some cars can stream podcasts.
Jimmy’s back! So long Mad Dog.
Jimmy asks Eliot for a 405 update. No help. https://www.facebook.com/405project
Jimmy’s handyman, Ernie, loves The Cars. Seeing him you would never think that.
20 – Ernie saw The Cars for the first time after 30 years and he was furious! Said the show was terrible.
Jimmy yells at his phone.
Jimmy’s loving Ellis Paul’s new record Chasing Beauty. He finally got permission to share it with Matt.
Matt teaches Jimmy how to copy links from messages. He also confirms he uses the safari reading list.
25 – Jimmy owes Apple and Matt an apology over the reading list.
Nerds read! Apple knows this.
Christian Finnegan lost someone to Pac Man Fever.
Matt drops some Expose lyrics. Jimmy thinks Matt’s used those lyrics 32 times on this show in 8 years. 32 is the number of the aids according to Jimmy.
30 – Celebs with HIV – http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/celebrities-with-hiv
Mad Dog pops back in!
Freddy Mercury, Easy E, Greg Lougainous, Magic Johnson all admitted hiv/aids.
35 – I ran out to get our guest Dave Attell!
Welcome back guys!
Looking great Eliot!
We got a great one here guys! One of the top 5! In honor of 1515 Dave thinks he is in the top 15 of the 15 years.
Dave agreed to be on the show if we had an illuminati globe.
Jimmy cut himself shaving in two places in such a way that he looks like a vampire.
40 – Dave has a new program on Comedy Central.
Dave asks if Jimmy shaved for the movie he is going to see.
Jimmy looking forward to Godzilla.
Dave and Jimmy discuss coffee vs soda in the morning.
Dave bounces from hotel to hotel when he stays in LA. He’s a NY guy. He is definitely not a couch crasher.
45 – Jimmy wonders if it’ll be cheaper to buy a clunker rather than rent a car on the road.
Dave Attell’s special is called Road Work.
Jimmy’s network of choice for him to be on is TBS.
Dave is a mummy guy. He thought they would take off.
Dave talks about the AMC show TURN. We can’t tell if he loves it or hates it.
Jimmy’s last role was in Adam Carolla’s movie. He played an MC in a comedy club. Jimmy’s a five line and under guy.
50 – Dave calls Jimmy funny and original. He thinks Jimmy should go do SNL. SNL cast chats. Dave was on for a year with Sarah Silverman.
Dave says Taran Killam can sell his name to Game of Thrones.
Dave asks Jimmy about his running. Jimmy says listening to comedy is better on a run makes it faster. The guys talk about flying. Jimmy drops a bob zany quote about picking an airline and sticking with it for the miles.
55 – Dave hates flying. Jimmy’s done one club in New York when he taped Carolines which Dave and Louie CK was a writer on. Jimmy doesn’t know why he doesn’t do NY more.
Richard Jeni was a huge influence on Dave. The guys talk about him and his sets.
BTW no E-cigs planes – http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/rules-e-cigarettes-article-1.1412964
Jimmy wonders if Dave is responsible for Dane Cook. Nope! It was a network choice.
Jimmy talks about working vegas for Bud Friedman when he first moved out here. He drove there because he couldn’t afford the airfare (even though its $50.)
60 – Jimmy gets filthier here on show than he does on stage.
Dave doesn’t consider himself a big name. Jimmy says Dave cant stop having shows on comedy central. Dave responds by calling him bitter.
Dave asks Jimmy if he prefers Club or Theater. Jimmy loves a club but also loves an intimate theater setting.
Clubs build comics!
Dave hasn’t worked the Comedy Attack yet but they almost shot a special there.
65 – Dave says the stress factory in jersey would love Jimmy. Dave was at the Stress Factory the week of 9.11. http://stressfactory.com/index.cfm
Jimmy hasn’t seen Doug Stanhope in 13 years.
Jimmy guesses Dave’s birthday incorrectly. Jimmy guessed March, it’s actually January 18. He’s 49!
Jimmy has auditioned for Mad Men every season. They keep having him in for a story arc character. He just wants one line! Dave wants to audition for Mad Men so he can smoke in the audition.
70 – Dave recently saw Ray Romano do time at Largo. Said he was great.
Dave loved Battlestar Gallactica and thought it was going to usher in a new age of great sci-fi. Instead Sharknado.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Dave is doing charity work for Operation Purple. It’s for kids of veterans going to summer camp. http://www.militaryfamily.org/our-programs/operation-purple/ Check it out guys!
Jimmy asks if Dave wanted to join the military. He did! Jimmy says he’d be there scared out of his mind.
75 – Military age cut-offs – http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/f/faqenlage.htm
Dave tells a story about Mickey Rooney in the military.
Height Requirements for the military – https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090611074443AACcmDi
Jimmy tells Dave he’s gotta stop smoking. Dave asks what he should do then, Chaw?
Jimmy talks about a guy doing chaw on the plane next to him. Calls him an animal.
5’2, 5 – dave 5’5 matt, 5’4
6’9 dave, 80in matt, 84’’ – jimmy, eliot 82in,
Matt wins!
85 – Matt says that drone controllers are in Vegas. Dave calls him Al Jazeera.
Military weight chart. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/army/l/blmaleweight.htm
Jimmy’d do an 8 hour radius from Chicago.
90 – What a joy!
Dave’s special is called Road Work. Everyone at Conan raved about it. Jimmy loved it.
His show on CC is called Comedy Underground.
Jimmy says Dave is one of the five guys that everyone looks up to.
Check out Operation Purple!
See ya next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper