1414 – Listening to the Wind with Scott Aukerman
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1414 – Scott Aukerman
00 – Hello. Indeed. Welcome! We’re starting right on time! Lots of CON things this morning .
The dog in that band title, a dingo!
The earwolf button is apparently Nick Kroll. We’re early because Eliot has a new used car job apparently.
He stands up and models his look.
Happy 400th Episode!! Scott Aukerman will be here in a bit!
Eliot’s costume has to do with it being the 400th episode. No idea. Cinco De Mayo is an excuse for white people to eat Mexican food and drink Mexican alcohol.
We’re not calling his tie cyan.
05 – Ooooh he’s dressed like the NNF logo over on Earwolf. http://www.earwolf.com/show/never-not-funny/
Nice job Eliot!
Jimmy got stuck in the wrong exit lane and Eliot blew past him. Jimmy decided to do an experiment. He got here ten minutes before Eliot did. Some bad traffic on the 101 this morning.
Jimmy’s Airplane screening was Saturday night. Had a lot of fun. Lots of it holds up, some of it doesn’t. David Zucker (Zooker) was there. Very nice man! Jimmy thinks he is related to Dorian Grey since he looks so good.
Mike from Breaking Bad is in Airplane!
15 – Complete the survey and you can win a $100 amazon gift card! www.podsurvery.com/NeverNotFunny
The Jonathan Banks quote from airplane is “He’s all over the place! Nine hundred feet up to 1300 feet. What an asshole!”
Jimmy and Oliver went to see something this weekend. We lost Jimmy before he told us what it was. He’s exhausted.
20 – The Yak Yak guy was in love with Matt’s voice. The Handheld guy said, “I don’t get your show I don’t think you’re funny but my kid does so I’ll sign you.”
Jimmy talks about a lunch he and Matt had with some guys.
Great time at the Airplane screening. Jimmy had a lot of popcorn at the screening.
Oliver slept with Jimmy while Danielle was gone. Kicked him in the back all night. Yesterday, “Last night was better right Daddy?”
25 – Last night the LA Kiss stunk apparently. They kept showing Gene and Paul in the owners box oliver said, “They don’t look happy.” Oliver is doing this “Right dad?” kick where he confirms everything with Jimmy.
Zoe was watching part of a players club episode and laughing hysterically at things Jimmy was doing. She gets his comedy.
30 – Jimmy thinks his old trainer is in jail for selling steroids.
We go through a couple Lou Johnson songs.
He is still alive apparently. http://www.soulmusichq.com/artists/johnson.htm
35 – Jimmy had a great band at his Improv show.
Pricks sat in front and got pissed the show started and they had to stop talking.
John Ross Bowie was in the audience!
Scott Aukerman is gonna be here!
We’ll be back.
We’re back with some Lou Johnson. Jimmy wants him for pardcasthathon.
40 – The guys talk Yusuf (Islam) aka Cat Stevens.
Yusuf did The Wind, First Cut is the Deepest, and Wild World on Tonight Show. Jimmy says he sounds better than ever.
I’m here! Eliot, the used car salesman is here. Just moved an old firebird. Here are a bunch of Firebird hoods – http://www.firebirdgallery.com/Hood_Birds.htm
Jimmy’s first Job: eat a pizza
Julie Newmar owned Eat a Pita?! She used to own that entire stretch of Fairfax.
45 – Scott Aukerman is here! Comedy Bang Bang returns on Thursday Nights at 1030! After Maron! Jimmy is going to be on an episode of Maron this season. No Jimmy on CBB this season. Ran out of time. 40 episodes in season 4 though! 20 in season 4.
Scott is here for our 400th episode! 1414! 8 years. Congrats everyone!
50 – MyMDB – Jimmy’s website. This is something that actually exists!
The Mime in Scenes A Mall is Bill Irwin http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410347/?ref_=tt_cl_t3
Jimmy talks about a mime he saw at soxfest 93.
55 – The Gold Toe is a poorly made sock according to Jimmy.
Jimmy is sad he couldn’t make Comedy Bang Bang this season. Schedule didn’t work out.
Scott asks if Jimmy would do a mime character. He said more than happy to do it.
Scott says to see Rocky on Broadway.
60 – Scott found Rocky to be charming. Rocky won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Editing. Nominated for Best Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor x2, Screenplay, sound, and song.
Scotts favorite musical of all time is (legitimately) either Jersey Boys or Sweeney Todd but probably Sweeney Todd.
65 – Scott discusses Rocky Musical and abruptly drops it with an “oohhh boy.” Jimmy laughs.
15 years this week that Scott has known Kulap! First date was May 15 but he went to her birthday party on may 11.
May 11, 1998 – Jimmy and Danielle’s first date. May 22, marriage!
Scott asks to smell his fingers
Jimmy talks about the early days of knowing and meeting Scott. Big moment was that big 80s lyric quiz that they both did really well at.
Lyrics that Jimmy and Scott couldn’t do.
My thoughts I confess
Verge on dirty
We’re back!
75 – Matt gets the song! Come on Eileen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVxcwe7EcaY
Jimmy does his Bob Dylan….which I guess is Carson doing
That 80s quiz was fun!
80 – Jimmy ready to discuss LA Kiss again but Scott asks about the Paul Stanley book first. Paul Stanley’s mother
Jimmy would have gotten into a fistfight yesterday had Oliver not been there. When they got there, people were in his seats. The usher guy wanted to make sure they sat in their own seats. Jimmy kept telling him, it’s fine the place is empty they don’t have to move.
“Come on Roger!” – Jimmy to the usher. Jimmy looked at Oliver and realized he was yelling so he calmed himself down.
The entire section was empty but they couldn’t move because Roger kept eyeballing them.
85 – Scott asks how many times Oliver has seen Jimmy lose his temper. Jimmy mentions the time he went nuts after getting rear-ended.
Apparently Scott met the president. TWICE. First time was the Between To Ferns episode. The next was the recent video creator reception. They got to meet him and get pictures.
90 – Scott’s parents are not fans of Obama so they’re ashamed about him meeting him. He told them about it at a dinner and it turned into an argument. Their response to him meeting him the second time, “Well hope you had fun!”
Apparently there are certain things he can’t discuss regarding the B2F shoot. “The White House doesn’t comment on questions like that.”
Apparently, Obama did some improvising on that shoot!
Everyone wants to know how long it took to shoot but Scott can’t talk about it. It becomes a political issue.
Danielle and Oliver used Obamacare. Costs less for the same or better coverage. ACA gets a thumbs up in Jimmy’s house! Scott talks about how he feels on the issue and why he supports it.
Matt says it is amazing that Scott was able to make a genuinely funny video with the president.
Scott said he and his people were easier to work with than some of the other people they’ve had on the show.
Kevin Pollack calls his fans Twitches.
Apparently 26 is old on Capital Hill.
100 – Joel McHale hosted the Correspondent’s Dinner. Jimmy convinced Scott that he got yelled at by someone at Earwolf. Didn’t happen.
Scott asks if Jimmy is going to host the Late Late Show. Jimmy appreciates people talking about it (Patton) but doesn’t know if anything will come of it.
Apparently, there are rattles about replacing Colbert.
Scott thinks the NNF army should talk about getting Jimmy on the Late Late Show.
Matt brings up the idea of a musical episode of NNF. All songs.
Mad World (Oral History of New Wave) – http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_16?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=mad%20world%20an%20oral%20history%20of%20new%20wave%20artists%20and%20songs%20that%20defined%20the%201980s&sprefix=oral+history+of+%2Caps%2C227
Scott is trying to sell his place. They had buyers back out twice. Same people.
Scott asks what Matt’s parents think of him. His dad met Jon Hamm who called Matt “a fine boy.” Matt’s dad was pleased about that.
The guys talk Mad Men!
The song from Bennie Hill is called Yakkity Saks!
Comedy Bang Bang live in NY. http://nyuskirball.org/calendar/comedybang2014
Nine Tonight! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Tonight
A joy!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper