1413 – Switching Gears with Adam Ferrara
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
00 – OOWWW!!! Welcome to the show. Jimmy’s injured. He hit his thumb on the tip of the mic. Hurt so bad he dropped the H in thumb. Jimmy also had a big bruise on his leg. Apparently he’s given himself a charly horse trying to show us the bruise. The bruise caused by hitting his leg on the door of his new prius.
[Note from Darryl: Darryl Shoutout right outta the box! Thanks Jimmy.]
He’s okay guys. Welcome to the show.
Oliver’s talent show this week, three acts doing Let it Go. Jimmy stopped by the Dress Rehearsals. He loves that there aren’t really rules as to what the kids can do. But apparently there are some stage moms.
Matt wonders if the audience is gonna turn against the kids not doing much on stage. Jimmy thinks Oliver might be in the middle due to his impressions. He does a good Shaggy, an “interesting” Shatner, and another that just sounds like Oliver.
05 – Jimmy says throughout the years there are great impressionists that aren’t funny and some good impressionists that are really funny.
Jimmy’s Ross Perot, “We got both feet in the bucket and we can’t reach the mop!”
Jimmy’s weekend: up at 4am on Friday. Flew to Dallas then to Omaha. Drove to Sioux falls. 1500 people! Good crowd! Bob and Tom show.
Here is Drew Hastings who Jimmy calls Brilliantly funny. http://drewhastings.com/
Jimmy then had to get up again and drive another five and a half hours. HORRIBLE winds the entire way that made the ride last 6 hours.
10 – Jimmy took the long, unfortunately non relaxing, drive to listen to Andy Daly’s podcast. Super funny.
At the next show he had a couple drunk idiots in the front row.
Next day up at 6 to be on the road at 630 for 3 hour drive to Omaha airport. Then the weather hit. Crazy rain, hail, etc.
The Thunder Rolls – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thunder_Rolls
Jimmy barely made it to the airport because of the rain. He had to run through the airport to get to his flight. He got in 2 minutes to spare. Sat down sweaty and huffing. The flight attendant said welcome aboard and didn’t even acknowledge that Jimmy may have needed an ambulance.
15 – Jimmy did watch the Nashville concert. Hayden sounded better than Matt expected. He thinks a few people may have lost themselves in their characters a little too much and taking themselves too seriously.
Our guest is here! Adam Ferrara.
Jimmy walks away thinking he probably doesn’t need to see that show when the tour comes to town although he probably won’t stand behind that statement.
Jimmy’s been listening to the new George Michael album.
He wonders if you keep your clothes when you leave the army. Jimmy was able to keep his albums when he left the kiss army even though according to matt they should have taken them when you turn 18 (Jimmy went 22).
The Dodson nephews used Jimmy’s LA Kiss Tickets this weekend and met Paul Stanley.
Apparently he looked like a Beverly hills housewife. Jimmy says if Matt ever wears a scarf like Paul was wearing he will drown him twice.
20 – The Pardo’s and the Belknaps united to celebrate Charlie’s 2nd birthday! Oliver had fun and talked with a co-worker of Elyse’s who likes Harry Potter.
25 – Jimmy says fuck you to matt and eliot for suggesting Mario Party 7. He calls Bowser Karloff and says he was expecting Bowser from Sha Na Na.
Nintendo Cube. – Jimmy. Mushroom head idiot – Jimmy on Toad.
They’re all a mess. All controllers are a mess.
Oliver wants a WiiU for his birthday.
The day Jimmy turns on the video game he gives us all $1000. Adam asks if Jimmy knows how to turn it on.
Jimmy says as a good dad you should win 1/10 games.
Adam Ferrara is here! From the American Top Gear!
Lotta buttons in a Prius!
We’ll be back!
Enjoy a Nature Box commercial. Also a Square Space.
30 – Welcome back! Someone’s having soup. Jimmy got up and hugged Adam Carrolla. He says thanks John Pardo.
Jimmy mentions the intern haircutting experience.
My kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1437868841/pop-culture-beast-20
23 day left!
35 – Nurse Jackie and Top Gear’s Adam Ferrara is here! He got a cup of coffee from the coffee shop nearby and saw a Bruce Vilanch look alike.
Adam comments on Jimmy’s button fury.
Jimmy asks if there was a rumor that Adam had a child out of wedlock. He’s been married for around 2 years.
Adam has a place in Santa Monica and NY. Bi Coastal!
Jimmy got in a fight with a guy on a help desk recently.
Adam goes from 0 to homicide in like a minute. He’s trying to get a handle on it.
Jimmy wonders how long it takes Eliot to fall asleep. He says around 30 minutes but he goes to sleep at like 3.
A make-up lady from Conan suggested counting backwards from 300 by 3s to help fall asleep. Adam said he’d get pissed off by the math. Jimmy thought the same but he doesn’t think he made it to 200 without falling asleep.
40 – Jimmy’s got a call. Eliot’s questioned as to whether he’s donated to the website. Floor is opened to comment. Eliot casts himself in a movie in his mind to help him fall asleep.
Autonomous sensory meridian response chat. It’s a chill on the back of your head. Sort of similar to goosebumps.
45 – ASMR Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/GentleWhispering
Don’t say trigger!
Suit ASMR.
50 – Jimmy gets collection calls for another James Pardo. This time he got a call and on the corner of rodeo and something he yelled “TAKE ME OFF YOUR FUCKING LIST!”
I had a mouth full of iced tea when he did this and very nearly spit all over my new laptop.
Jimmy publicly apologies to Twitter and Billy Joel. He was wrong.
Billy Joel – Ballads loves. Rocking out Loves. The middle stuff, the doowop stuff he does not like.
Adam grew up listening to Billy Joel and he enjoys him.
55 – Jimmy’s been listening to the Billy Joel channel on Sirius.
Jimmy and Adam ROCK out some Sabbath.
A review for Black Sabbath at the bowl – http://www.ocregister.com/soundcheck/osbourne-611577-sabbath-iommi.html
60 – We’re guessing Ozzies age.
Jimmy – 66, Adam 68, Matt 65, Eliot 71
He is 65!
Softly spoken gibberish – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF9ifzUhAJA&list=PL13A58917F93BD0E5&index=7
Girltalk – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Talk_(musician)
Adam says he will go see Rod Stewart if he can pick the songs.
Jimmy saw Rod Stewart and he did all the songs you want to hear. Was great. Only did one of the standards.
65 – How old is Rod Stewart?
Adam 71, Jimmy 70, Matt 69, Eliot 76, Garon 67
Get some sleeves Jeff Beck!
The ELO song in American Hustle Long Black Road.
70 – Someone had a dog on the plane. She took it out of the case.
People do not understand dog allergies.
Adam’s wife has gone to Almond Butter instead of Peanut Butter.
Adam’s off bread too.
Matt uses Almond butter on apples.
Jimmy had McDonald’s! Quarter Pounder and fries. He thinks the Taco Bell Dorito taco is too much.
75 – Adam’s wife bought a Dehydrator so they could make their own Kale Chips. Adam does make his own almond butter with a vitamix and adds bourbon.
Jimmy’s discovered that he eats more pizza when he doesn’t like it so that he can get to the point where he will like it. Chasing the Dragon!
Adam asks what the one food would he eat if he could eat nothing else. Jimmy and Adam both go Pizza.
80 – two bad pizzas in a row for Jimmy.
Rod Stewart is 69! 1/10/45!
Congrats Matt!
Adam asks to double down on Grace Slick. Jimmy watched a time life infomercial on his trip.
Captain and Tennile were married on November 11, 1974. Married for 39 years.
The bet is up to $5!
Eliot’s Green Day Coverband name? American Eliot.
85 – Listeners, we don’t need people hitting up the owner of NeverNotFunny.com. We appreciate it but don’t rattle the beehive!
Closest to the answer wins!
90 – Matt says 42 years. Jimmy says 46. Adam goes 41. That’s tight.
39 years! Adam wins! He tips Matt a buck.
Captain and Tenielle may have divorced for health insurance reasons. http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/22/captain-and-tennille-divorce/
95 – Adam is a Columbo guy. They discuss Kojak.
Ferry video – http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/27/world/asia/south-korea-ferry-video/
Everyone wonders why no one took video on the Titanic sinking. Jimmy stands by that movie. Adam says it was longer than the disaster. Same with Bird. “OD Already!”
Jimmy mentions his misquote of Titanic.
Last bet of the show! Adam’s in for 20! Adam’s gonna get rolled! He’s loaded right now.
100 – Jimmy says that Adam and Brian Regan are the two people he’d seen kill the most on stage. The guys discuss their ages.
The guys love peanut butter stuffed pretzels.
Matt implores pizza makers to use all available pizza space.
Adam and Jimmy bet $20 on Eliot’s age.
Adam says 38. Jimmy says 44. For pride, Matt says 42, me 43
Adam says he donates his winings to the website
Eliot is 43!
I get pride!
And a $20 donation to the site!
Jimmy found out recently that Dr. Dre is not a real doctor!
Watch Adam on Nurse Jackie and Top Gear!
We’re done!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy