14I – Comedian’s Intern Without Car Getting Coffee
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 14 I – No Guests!
00 – Welcome! Come in into the Players Club! The water is warm!
H was for Happy. Matt has to sing Happy every time the guest says it or it comes up organically. Otherwise $5 in a jar.
05 – jar goes to charity at end of season. Fans you can participate! Make sure Matt knows if he missed! He wont lose a lot of money…probably. Jimmy finds it entertaining. No regrets!!
10 – I gotta pick it up guys! I gotta pick. It. Up. Jimmy sees the vine a fan made for the first time. He loves it but doesn’t like the way he looks in it. Jimmy’s gonna powder up!
Shut em down! Matt’s video off. Today he doesn’t like Matt’s voice.
I might be into Icehouse now guys.
15 – Jimmy opens a package from Becky. Kojak stuff! Kojak trading cards! Mint and Sealed!! Thanks Becky!!
20 – Matt tells Eliot to stop complaining to Jimmy’s joy.
We’re playing with out Kojak cards. Jimmy is doing a magic trick.
We’re gonna take a quick break! Phone calls! No guest! She came early.
25 – We’re gonna try to get a celeb from the coffee shop.
30 – Pack up your doans Eliot. Jimmy wants Phil Hendrie to drop the potty humor.
Matt remembered Happy!
We’ll be right back!
We’re not sponsored by uber but Jimmy wants to talk about them! He just had some Nature Box pretzels.
Not a sponsor but Jimmy enjoys them. He’s giving out his custom uber code. Save $20.
Jimmy’s Uber Code is: fd6e5
He loves them! Super easy. He’ll never use a taxi again.
35 – Eliot’ not heading to the coffee shop. Mush mouth is heading over.
Jimmy wants us all to understand that he has been up since 5am. Got on a plane. He could have been asleep right now. He describes Eliot’s back as a Fred Sandford back pain.
Jimmy loved the hotel room in Dallas but not the pillow. Jimmy was gonna show the picture of his back after the allergy test but doesn’t have it. Jimmy been listening to the Nashville soundtracks. Some great song on that!
The Nashville cast is gonna tour (3 cities). Hayden and Connie are not taking part.
Matt and Jimmy go through songs from Nashville.
40 – Jimmy is sickened by Matt’s opinion on Luke on Nashville.
Today is the 8th anniversary of the first recording of NNF! Ballparky.
Matt is the Producer but in eight years hasn’t produced a single segment. Jimmy calls him an engineer. Until today.
Eliot is Johnny Badback now.
45 – I am outside looking for a celebrity right now but talking with Jimmy and Matt via phone.
50 – I am still outside looking for a celebrity.
55 – I’m back!
Jimmy and Matt talk Warrior Dash which is tomorrow. Matts been running 3 times a week. Jimmy hasn’t run much do to being sick. He tried running in Dallas and now has shin splint.
10 Minute Mile starring Eminem. Matt ALMOST missed his Happy challenge.
Eliot’s got a thumbs up besides a bad back.
“oh my good lord.” – Jimmy on Eliot’s back starting to hurt during the show.
Jimmy goes through some possible obstacles at warrior dash. He recommends fighting fire with fire.
60 – Jimmy checked out a Rangers game down in Dallas. Also saw a couple movies. He saw Bad Words and isn’t sure what he thinks of it. Some was great some wasn’t. He also saw Noah. First 45 minutes are excrutiating. Russel Crowe might be a little “bloated with ale.”
Zip-a-lock, Eliot, unless you’re going to the emergency room.
That plane stuff is still going on. Matt says let it go. Jimmy disagrees. Find the plane. Find the People. Matt does a terrific liam neeson. Not a great Harrison Ford, or maybe a good Ford in 42 (or 52/51 as Jimmy said.).
65 – We’re calling Rich Sommer for an update on this plane. No answer.
Jimmy heard Rich might have the Glengary Leads. A terrific movie. Jimmy gives it 10/10.
70 – Jimmy went to the Kennedy Museum while he was in Dallas. Spoiler alert: He dies.
The guys discuss the Kennedy Assassination and conspiracies about it not being one person.
They move on to crowds at a golf course.
75 – Matt thinks that one golfer getting stabbed will end crowds being on golf courses during tournies.
Shell Houston tickets – https://tix.cnptix.com/Online/shellhoustonopen?cookieTest=Yes $99!
https://tix.cnptix.com/Online/shellhoustonopen?cookieTest=Yes $30!
Jimmy briefly considered returning the prius for a sedan. Jimmy leases!
80 – Jimmy doesn’t think kids will enjoy it. Then remembers he enjoyed it when he went with his dad. Simpler times.
Beard trends need to end.
The guys need to figure out the transportation issues to Warrior Dash. There will be a warrior dash update on the next players club.
85 – Jimmy thinks Matt’s gonna have a ball! Jimmy sings some Flight of Icarus.
We’re done!
Thanks Becky for the Kojak cards!
Jimmy’s gotta go to Oliver’s Little League practice. Oliver went from the best t-ball player to just one of the guys when he joined rookie coach pitch. Jimmy says some of the 7 year olds look and play like 13 year olds. Practices are too long! 2.5 hours!
Jimmy tries to give some input on the practice to help out. The coaches did not heed it or accept it. Verrry condescending.
The guys discuss when kids learn to blow their noses. They still don’t know. Same with spitting after toothbrushing. Matt RAGES when he gets spit on.
90 – Jimmy points out his mic arm blocks Matt. Uh oh we’re back on the plane. Matt still things we should concentrate on the people dying while building the new soccer stadium in dubai. Jimmy wonders if people yelled Goal when they lost someone.
Thanks fir listening! Thanks for subscribing! Thanks to Brady! Three young Asian kids recognized Jimmy from Conan!
Matt wonders if Jimmy is being considered for a replacement for Letterman.
The guys discuss lists of possible letterman replacements. Jimmy is honored to be included on any of them. Matt thinks they’re a not a really good thing.
We’re out of here!
See ya next time IN THE PLAYERS CLUB!
My pleasure,
Garon/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Beast/Cuban Defector