1409 – Layering Up with Greg Behrendt
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1409 – Greg Behrendt
00 – Hello! Indeed welcome to 1409. We’ve got a mic situation!! Jimmy’s telling Matt what’s going down! Too much rocking! Do not bother knocking. If the vans rocking don’t knock. Some hippy with his bell bottoms wrapped around some woman’s throat. Dark Turn for that story.
Jimmy talks about a character from General Hospital and compares him to Pete Schwaba. Jimmy runs through the Genesis line-up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_(band) Jimmy talks about the chemistry between the two characters feeling really real.
Alexis from GH – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Davis The actress who plays her, Nancy Lee Grahn, is 55.
No one wants to watch the teenager love triangle on GH.
05 – Matt wants to vine Jimmy saying to axe the love triangle.
Matt can’t get a handle on this family feud. 84. 5 (gloves, #1 answer car charger), 79 (Big Mac #1 answer), 2, (cherry blast #1 answer) 86. Grade of gasoline (premium. #1 answer is 87). 34 people. 123 points! 22 people say dorothy, #1 is scarecrow. 145 points!
10 – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarecrow_and_Mrs._King Lots of BB guesses!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Boxleitner is the Scarecrow!
All previous seasons are available at Pardcast.com! New packages are coming soon! $100 for the first five seasons currently. 175+ episodes in that package.
15 – Parago migraine medicine? Eliot avoided a migraine by taking 3 of them. Too much of anything will kill you. McFlurry was #3 answer on the board…weird because it was name a sandwich!
We’re gonna take a phone call! We normally do this on the Players Club but we’re gonna share it with you guys this time!
Hello Chuck from Boston. Goodbye Chuck from Boston.
#3 is Sterling up north. Canadian Humor! So long Sterling!
#4 is Andrew! So long loud Andrew!
#5 is Nick! from Minnesota, he’s up in Minneapolis.
20 – Jimmy’s up there in possibly August. No sports for Nick. No girlfriend. he’s 27. SO long Nick!
All the calls are coming in at once or not at all!
#6 is Brian! G’day brian!
#7 is our winner!! Chris wins a Keye and Peele BLU-RAY set. He’s out in pasadena, location of Jimmy’s alma mater Academy of Dramatic Arts. North of the 134.
Chris is 30, sounds young. Not married, but has a girlfriend named Melissa.
25 – Jimmy got recognized at a sandwich shop in vegas! Congrats on your win Chris! Good bye!
We’ll be back with one of Jimmy’s favorite people, Greg Behrendt!
Welcome back!! Jimmy is enjoying some Nature Box pretzels. Jimmy enjoys them. Delicious snacks to put in your box .
kitty cat version of puss and boots? nope. cat fred krueger. Kitty Krueger.
30 – Pat’s Sherlock review: http://www.popculturebeast.com/2014/03/dvd-review-sherlock-season-3.html
Eliot’s here in a bow tie again. He tied it from memory. He also has a pocket square.
Thumbs up!
Hello Matt!
Hello to our guest Greg Behrendt! 30 minutes late and with a coffee?! His podcast partner lives out in flintridge which is kinda far. He went to the old studio and it was a ghost town over there.
35 – Apparently, the nearby coffee shop is a celeb hotspot. Bryan Cranston, Ellen Page to name a couple. Greg sees The Starchild on a DAILY basis! HIs kids to the same school as Greg’s.
40 – Greg says that Dave Grohl is super friendly and Paul Stanley doesn’t remember anyone ever.
Jimmy and Olver are going to their first LA Kiss. LA Kiss Uniform: http://news.sportslogos.net/2014/03/11/arena-league-la-kiss-unleash-fiery-uniforms/
LA Kiss Logo: http://www.t42design.com/work/branding/la-kiss/
Jimmy talks about the Morrissey dressing room incident at conan. No one’s earned being a dick.
Greg talks about a friend of his on tour with Morrissey.
45 – Paul Stanley is 62! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_stanley
Jimmy points out Greg’s necklace.
Wishbone Ash – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wishbone_Ash Jimmy gives us a sample of the band. Jimmy goes to kill Eliot. But Eliot escapes.
“I’ve got to rearrange my life. Ive got to rearrange my world” – Wishbone Ash.
50 – Greg wonders what the difference is between the life and the world. He wonders if that means moving out to Flintridge. Greg guesses the year of that song exactly: 1972.
Argus is a monster with a hundred eyes, used by Hera to watch over Io. He was killed by Hermes, and Hera then used his eyes to deck the peacock’s tail. It’s also a bird.
55 – Greg had Gene Simmons on his talk show once. That’s all he needed of him. Jimmy tells the story about yelling at a cover band to play kiss. They finally played Strutter and the singer said, “There we played it now go home kids!”
Lotta layers for Greg today. Bubble vest, cardigan, t-shirt. Zach G was puffy vest before everyone post 70s.
Greg revisited the first Austin Powers. He says it’s terrible. The Outsiders holds up though! “no baby” or “Shagadon’t.” – possible reviews for Austin Powers.
60 – Jimmy brings up the Marx Bros, again. Oliver loves Harpo and Greg wonders if he means Oprah’s production company. Greg talks about shooting a life lesson for oprah. She came down in sweats during rehearsal and was super funny and friendly. People forget she is in ENTERTAINMENT.
Someone asked Greg if Paul Stanley has had the full change yet. Meaning a sex change. No one thinks that is the case at all.
We’ll be back.
Welcome back!
65 – We don’t know who Greg is mad at. Greg feels ACDC has better musical chops than kiss. Dimitri Martin hair chat! Jimmy talks about Mo Rocca getting the wrath of the guys back in season one. Jimmy had irrational anger at Mo Rocca. He’s never even met him. He doesn’t have that anger anymore.
The Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.
70 – DJ talking about Unskinny Bop begin about skinny dipping or sex with fat chicks, “i say do both if you want.”
Greg talks about rachmaninoff hating his closer. The guys talk about hotel stays, late night snacks, and movies on PPV they didn’t want to see in theaters.
What happened with John Cusack?
Jimmy tells the story about coming out of a catch a rising star show after a snowfall. A car was doing donuts in a nearby lot. The car stops and out comes John Cusack.
Jimmy talks about skeeching. Grabbing a car and sliding along in the snow. The one time Jimmy did it the guy stopped the car and had his kids get out and beat the shit out of Jimmy and his friend.
Greg says it sounds like a Raymond Carver book. Jimmy doesn’t know who that is.
75 – “Boy your shirts just get weirder and weirder.” – Oliver on Jimmy’s shirts. Jimmy asks why no vocal in Greg’s band. Greg likes the challenge of creating a pop song based on melody only. They do bring vocalists to live shows though. They’ve had Norah Jones play with them.
80 – Jimmy struggles to remember who Norah Jones’ father is. Ravi Shanker!
Greg and Jimmy both had UFO phases (the band).
Greg and Jimmy quote Ted Nugent’s Double Live Gozo album. Jimmy loves his guitar sound and wishes he wasn’t nuts. Jimmy’s out when it comes to George Thorogood. 1993 live album that Matt loves is…Van Halen Live Right Here Right Now.
85 – Greg blames Sammy Hagar for the van halen dust up. Greg talks about how much of an entrepreneur Hagar is.
90 – Don’t work for your heroes according to Greg. He says that Ellen is the best corporate comedian ever but not a good person according to his wife.
Jimmy read hagar’s book but did not remember any of what Greg just told him.
Greg talks about going to Ben Stiller getting his hands in the cement. They went to lunch at the Roosevelt and Adam Sandler showed up in basketball shorts. Greg thought they had a gym in the hotel and Adam just came down to say hello.
We’re done!
See ya next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Cuban Defector/The Thief/