1406 – Flying Blind with Rich Sommer

Rich Sommer – Intrepid Reporter / Actor
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In-Studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1406 – Rich Sommer
00 – Welcome to the Never Not Funny! Jimmy’s voice is back. He had Pharyngitis and had to go see “the great dr. joe sugarman.” He got a medicine and steroid shot in his left buttock and a megadose of antibiotic in his right. Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. It often makes it painful to swallow.
Matt doesn’t recall ever getting a butt shot.
His doctor calls his dick the syringe and its always in the butt.
Jimmy tells Eliot to put his malcolm x bow tie away after blaming him for his throat issues. (He meant Farrakhan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Farrakhan).
Jimmy feels horrible he had to cancel Cedar Rapids. Jimmy has never canceled last minute before. He was in bed for 3 days.
05 – Jimmy’s pilot went great. We hope it gets picked up! Lots of NNF fans in the audience! The set was gorgeous.
We’re back now! In the swing! We’re we belong! (Jimmy also belongs on TV) Entertainment Weekly put NNF on the Must List and called Jimmy Pardo the “funniest host in podcasting!” The folks at EW are sharp!
Show your friends! or ram it up their asses for good measure.
Jimmy goes off on guys who think gay marriage leads to beastiality.
10 – Join the Players Club!! The cards are awesome!! They expire in a year. They’re gorgeous. Jimmy’s #1 in our hearts AND our scorecard.
The shirt and card are NOT available for long. End of April is the cut off.
Oscar Pool! 22/24 answers correct. Only one person got it. Matt. Belknap.
Jimmy hits a HIGH note on Iron Maiden’s 22 Acacia Avenue.
15 – Jimmy comments on Eliot’s pose at the WB lot. He looks like he is being held hostage. Jimmy saw Non-Stop and confirms he will like anything set on a submarine or a plane, any cylindrical tubes. He and Danielle both enjoyed the movie but both hated one specific point of the movie.
He also saw Mr. Peadbody and Sherman with Oliver. The voice acting is great. He thought it was a little dry. Coulda been funnier. Jimmy did a set at the improv. First stand up in a couple months. The audience didn’t resound to his first line so he went nuts on them. After that it opened up and went great.
20 – The guys don’t understand why a private rich school needs to raise more money on top of the high tuitions. Jimmy hated that audience. He mangles a great joke by the lady that went up before him. Lisa Trembley.
25 – Pardomizer time! Winner gets a bump to the next level or if VIP you get $50! 1 – 9 chance! Jimmy loves the name Alex Poison. He hopes he wins. He doesn’t.
Luke Balaguer wins! Congrats!!
We’ll be back!
30 – Leo Buscaglia – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Buscaglia
Who do you blame for the drug problem in this country? Jimmy blames the mexicans. He wonders who Matt blames? Canada? Overseas?
Rich Sommer is here! Jimmy says he is flabbergasted that no one is talking about the lost malaysian airplane. We go to Rich Sommer for the story.
or you can check out CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/10/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-knowns-unknowns/
Jimmy wonders if someone would rather be on a plane that explodes mid-air or crash into the ocean. It seems that everyone would rather go quickly.
Your thoughts on Bascaglia Rich? He was not on that plane.
35 – Rich correctly guessed the singer correctly jimmy confirmed it, continued the game, completely unaware that Rich answered correctly and that he confirmed it! Jimmy might be flying that plane.
40 – Everyone getting an Amber Alert! I did not get one. Looking for a Tan Saturn near Long Beach.
Friend of the show, our buddy, Rich Sommer is here!!
“South by” – nauseating.
Jimmy’s buddy Jon Hamm just texted him.
45 – Jokes to Jimmy are like whores, you fuck em and toss em to the street to go back to daddy (their real daddy). He says it all for humor! He’d never treat a lady that way.
Eliot’s here in a bow tie. Black on brown. Eliot says he turned a necktie into a bow tie. Rich sighs. Jimmy analyzes the process. Eliot confirms there is extra tie hidden inside his shirt. Neck ties are around 63 inches. Everyone things it looks great though and wish he wouldn’t have told them it was a regular tie.
50 – Eliot learned how to do his bow tie trick on youtube. Matt confirms trying to stay invested in that conversation is harder than tying a bow tie.
String Tie Situation are about to blow up.
Jimmy checked out Mike Oldfield today. He tries to get everyone to guess the movie/song. The film is from 1973. Rich brings up The Story of Us.
55 – Entertainment Weekly calls this the funniest podcast! Tubular Bells is the song Jimmy was trying to get everyone to guess from The Exorcist! Rich tells how he knows the name of the song. Once Jimmy plays the song everyone gets it.
Jimmy tells how he dressed up as Mike Myers one year and scared people. Th next year he was snoopy.
Rich tells how he and a friend went as siamese twins for halloween one year in high school and duct taped themselves together. They stayed that way all night. Did not get the reaction they expected. He stopped liking halloween after that until he had kids!
Jimmy opens the floor to questions, breaking protocol.
60 – Matt and Elyse went as Mario and Luigi. Matt considered building a mario level in the car. He wanted a question box he could hit and candy would come out.
Rich is scared he is going to become a Larper.
He said he is willing to do a LARP Mario level with Matt.
We’ll be back!
Allright all right all right we’re back! Rich “ughs.” He’s annoyed by matthew mcconaughey using that catch phrase still after his career turned around. Rich doesn’t like it when actor’s quote themselves from movies.
65 – Jimmy’s over aaron paul saying yeah bitch. Rich was so upset by McConaughey’s speech that the all right all right all right put him over the edge. Jimmy calls Rich a black maid on a plantation with his finger gestures just now. Matt wonders if they really need to do the mario larp. Jimmy says Rich already has the hat so they’re on their way.
Jimmy hates Mario Kart. Hates the music, hates the “trails”, the characters, etc.
70 – Matt talks about Tetris helping with Cigarette cravings. http://www.slate.com/articles/video/video/2014/03/tetris_and_smoking_drinking_classic_game_may_help_curb_cravings_for_cigarettes.html
Jimmy enjoyed the original nintendo. Rich says that was a great christmas the day he got his nintendo.
Nintendo Zapper – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NES_Zapper
75 – “Have you dressed up as an adult jimmy?” – Matt. Rich talks about going to a costume party hosted by Christina Hendricks dressed as Joan from mad men. The next step for Rich is gay.
Rich talks about trying out an electric dog collar. He calls it inhumane. He was drunk at the time. The guys all tried it. “The ladies abstained.”
80 – All women are beautiful. We’re all god’s creatures. We thank them. – Jimmy. Angry rich is back about Daylight Savings! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_savings
Daylight savings was apparently started to conserve energy.
85 – Two Time Zones? http://boingboing.net/2013/11/02/america-should-have-two-time-z.html
Jimmy is mad at people who stands on the moving sidewalk. “It’s not a ride!”
Story Pirates: http://geffenplayhouse.com/education_storypirates.php
Rich tells a story about how his son was super excited about Story Pirates and was sitting in his chair and gently kicked the chair in front of him, tapped really, the guy sitting there turned around and said “He’s kicking my chair.” Rich was infuriated. (this guy’s kid’s feet were all over the chairs in front of him. ) Rich’s kid was being so well behaved and this guy made Rich want to punch him in the face for being a jerk to him and his son.
90 – Rich tells how he looked at his calendar and saw that the taping of the final episodes of Mad Men start next week. He got emotional and shed some tears. BUT he has a pilot taping!
Emotions at the end of a play (or show) Jimmy calls, “Community Theater Blues.”
Rich wants to come back when we’re deep into daylight savings.
Rich thinks he is one of the most photo-represented people in the room. He’s taking a visual tour and just noticed the lightbox from Doug Loves Movies. Jimmy says he and John Lithgow took the gayest picture ever backstage. “An older fae and his new boyfriend.”
John Lithgow is super sweet guy. Couldn’t have been nicer.
We’re done!
Jimmy calls it a win. Not even I can slow it down.
The guys go over some Police songs: Synchronicity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity_(The_Police_album)
See you next time!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/The Thief/Cuban Defector