1405 – Monkeying around with Andrew Daly
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1405 – Andy Daly
00 – Hello! Welcome! 1405! season 14 fifth episode!
Jimmy’s winded. Jimmy had nose issues. THis is the type of loosey goosey show we do around here. The host can do whatever he wants. That’s the way it fucking is. Jimmy’s wearing a Mario DiGeorgio T-shirt. OneKolor.com.
Join the players club! and don’t forget to do the Regan Burns contest! You can win an upgrade! or you can upgrade yourself.
Jimmy had some Kojak references for @Midnight.
El Chupacabra is from originally from Puerto Rico. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra
05 – Eliot showed up 3 hours early for Pat Francis’ bday party. Party at 8 Eliot shows up at 5. I couldn’t make it because I was stuck in Temecula.
Andy Daly is here! He’s gone be munching on something while he waits. He’s doing foley work. Jimmy tells about Mike Gandy ripping open his Valcro bag while jimmy was in his back swing at a golf tourney. It made Jimmy laugh. They did community theater together. We wish Mike Gandy luck as we do all the Gandys.
10 – Jimmy is unsure how Eliot got invited to Pat’s party. Jimmy and Matt had a great time at the party. They both apparently got sick. Jimmy explains volume. He thought it was a key party. All walks of life at that party, gay, straight, black. Pat was doing a facial when Eliot got there. He came out in full green face mask. Pilar doesn’t age. Jimmy’s got the consumption.
15 – Jimmy went to a cub scout event over the weekend. They cross over a bridge to upgrade to the next level of scouting. The Blue and Gold.
Sharon Stone Komodo Dragon story: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2001/jun/11/news4
Jimmy’s still doing the 7-minute workout! He’s building his quads.
We’ll be back! Andy Daly is here! Host of The Daly Show! no,,,The Andy show…no. Review!
We’ll be back.
We’re back!
Eliot’s antagonizing Jimmy again.
20 – Jimmy wants Eliot to stop wearing his costumes. The women who tell ELiot to wear tight T-shirts have no eyes according to Jimmy. No tight T-shirts unless you are Antonio Sabato Jr. Jimmy wore a compression shirt for his pilot. He liked it.
Eliot is dressed to the 8s.
Hello Andy Daly!
25 – Oliver is six so no toys. Jimmy stops the toys at 5. Jimmy cleans the inside the car maybe once a week or every other week. The outside of the car he washes at least once a week. Andy does it twice a year and tries to remember to take smelly things out.
Matt is trying to be better with his new car. Jimmy’s Dad used to tell him a clean car is a healthy car. Andy says they’re silly superstitious italians.
Andy calls cars rolling garbage cans. Andy doesn’t think he has a high end car. Jimmy says animals drive civics. Matt has one. So does Jimmy’s mom. He has no problem with a Civic.
30 – 50% of grandmothers drive we’ve learned. Eliot’s grandmother drove a barracuda. Andy calls this unnecessary information. Jimmy gets Rage Face.
Andy and Jimmy agree that Heart did great on Stairway to Heaven.
Andy’s playing with his water bottle. Jimmy’s ready to take a coping saw to Andy and his bottle.
All I wanna do is make love to you info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_I_Wanna_Do_Is_Make_Love_to_You
Andy says he’s wearing compression socks.
Andy would get surgery to look more normal.
35 – Matt apparently has miss matched calves.
Jimmy’s new name is Lee JigSaw (or coping saw) Hamilton.
40 – The listeners like hearing their hero talk saws.
Great episode of Kojak last night! Jimmy’s still in season one. Andy asks if he still has his hair in that season *Mark for possible Season 15 Intro*
Jimmy describes the episode and Andy wonders if Kojak was in Paris. Jimmy has lots of compliments for the cinematography of the episode.
Andy LOVES the Monkees. He’s watching the DVDs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monkees_(TV_series) He thinks Micky is the best singer.
45 – Jimmy tells about a sketch they did where he was at a festival next to davy jones.
The Monkees Album Jimmy was referring to is called Pool It. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pool_It!
50 – Heart and Soul video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAcwgex8k8
the andy daly pilot podcast project on ear wolf.
Jimmys divorce would be caused by fantasy baseball podcasts.
Hewie Newton and the Loos!
Andy Daly also worked at a record store! He talks about an old man who came in looking for something for his grandson so Andy pushed the latest Pink Floyd album. His response, “Pink Floyd? Is that the name of the outfit?”
Andy worked at the record store for about a year and was fired for not knowing how the new cash register worked.
55 – Wel’ll be back!
We’re back!
Andy Daly’s new show is called Review! He’s been working on it since he was fired from the record store.
The Monkees That Was Then This Is Now. Video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKgqQksQLdY
Jimmy says Anytime Anyplace would be on the Mannequin soundtrack.
60 – Mashugana – http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mashugana
Jimmy asks what record label had Starship and immediately answers it. Zed Lepplin. Put those girl scout cookies in the freezer guys!
Sha Na Na the series http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha_Na_Na_(TV_series) Andy calls it New York HeeHaw. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha_Na_Na_(TV_series)
65 – Andy is without a car today. His keys are in the diaper bag which his wife has. He had to Uber it. His driver didn’t know how to get to Warner Bros. He was heading towards the Burbank Airport. He also had to stop for gas.
Andy’s text: “Have you heard about my travel woes? I am not in an uber car heading to you. He’s out of gas. It’s absurd. ”
70 – IMDB had both Andy and Jimmy’s day wrong by 1 day. Review! Andy’s new show. He signed onto the pilot in summer 2011. The show is premiering in March 2014. 3 years! It’s based on an Australian series that ran for two seasons. It was supposed to premiere last summer but comedy central didn’t have the promotional budget to promote it so they decided to wait.
Andy says it’s a very funny show. It’s about a guy who reviews life experiences. IE Road Rage. 2 to 3 experiences an episode. Fully scripted but there is plenty of improv.
Thursday, March 6, 10PM Comedy Central.
75 – NBCs Thursday Line-up had Hill Street Blues followed by LA Law in the 10pm slot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Must_See_TV
Jimmy talks about how Morrisey added “ONLY” on the dressing room door at Conan.
Jesse L. Martin in the Marvin Gaye biopic – http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/jesse-martin-channels-marvin-gaye-biopic-article-1.1461675
Andy talks about U2 having the path from their dressing room to the stage completely clear when they’re walking to the stage.
80 – Jimmy, Pat, and Mike Seigel were back stage while Ted Nugent was calling the audience “L.A Faggots.” They got in the way of Kiss coming on stage.
Jimmy says Ted Nugent is a great guitarist but a horrible human being and he’d take his guitar strings and choke him to death with them.
Jimmy says the Kiss not performing at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is sickening. The excuse of the other band members not being recognized is nonsense.
“I am swamped in tweets!” – Gene Simmons.
85 – Jimmy explains the entire Kiss situation. http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/2014/02/23/21490781.html
Andy is making Jimmy feel bad today.
Andy lost a wallet in a movie theater in New York. The best way he lost a wallet was in a post office where he left it on a scale. One year later: he gets his license in the mail where some weird guy found in in a weirder guys couch.
90 – It sounds like all of the town’s weirdos split up all of Andy’s stuff.
Jimmy tells the Gene Simmons at the Arclight story.
95 – Jimmy has someone he keeps pushing off to be on their show because it keeps clashing with other stuff. He thinks the guy must think he is putting him off on purpose. He isn’t!
Andy told a story about running into Katy Perry’s Manager at a glasses store. Matt refers Andy to Mike Fuhrman.
WATCH REVIEW!! March 6! 10 days before the ides!
We’re done!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Cuban Defender/The Thief