618 – Joe Lo Truglio
Released 2/24/2010
Pardcast.com message board for this episode
Intro: Ernie Banks said it: let’s play two! And he had 99 red balloons
2:45 The Pardo house is a Bodie Miller house
3:45 Jay Spaulding could not be shaken between shows, so he is still here
4:30 Matt and Jimmy as Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum

Joe Lo Truglio
5:15 How Jimmy and Joe met
5:50 “If you don’t know who Joe is, you’re probably accurate”
6:00 Joe’s credits
6:30 Joe on the Jumbo-tron (boos, not booze)
8:30 The logistics of stadium shooting
9:30 Ministry of Funny Walks
9:45 Joe in The State and You Wrote it You Watch it
11:00 Jon Stewart vs. Jimmy Stewart
12:15 Fred Savage, director extraordinairre
12:45 Ken Marino and his homage to the Mario Brothers
14:00 Members of The State went on to greatness
14:30 “How many tank tops can one man wear?”
15:00 Competition and political maneuvering in sketch comedy
15:45 The State should have been The County
16:15 Joe on Reno 911: 40 year olds in underwear
17:00 Ethnic and family talk
17:45 Spaulding knows: the money’s in cheese!
18:30 “Cheese umbrella! Write it down.”
18:45 Beth Dover, and life in the downtown loft
19:45 Matt and Jimmy’s The Boys are Back in Town sketch
20:30 Jimmy’s Monster Drink overdose
21:00 The difficulties of life without walls
22:45 The belch heard ’round the world
23:30 Joe decides to sell the loft within a month of purchase
24:00 Three versions of trampoline-billiards
24:30 Loft Habitrail
25:30 “No show was ever called Hamster Cross the Line!”
25:45 “I am a yes-and guy…”
26:15 Pinup Pastries, the neighborhood just got a little sweeter
27:00 Food once again threatens to derail the show
28:00 Why can’t Pinup Pastries sponsor the show?
29:30 Jim Stewart, Jimmy Woods, Bob DeNiro
30:15 Jimmy might be lifting his moratorium because of John Mayer
31:30 Blues men gave Jimmy the inside scoop
32:00 Alpine Valley concert parking
33:00 Joe’s 1987 concert triple-bill
36:30 Jimmy loves a guessing game
37:00 This whole thing is out of order!
37:15 Jimmy sees Rod Stewart with Mike Schmidt and Pat Francis
37:45 Joe has loft-vision
38:15 Joe and Jimmy clap and sing a dumb unnecessary song
38:45 Joe’s Jack’s Links commercial
40:00 Jimmy’s longest reset in history
41:15 Pinup Pastries!
41:45 Joe has finally discovered that Jimmy is hosting a show
42:00 Jimmy got a pink slip and a talking to
42:45 Jimmy doesn’t envy Conan O’Brien one bit!
44:45 Meeting up at the movie house
45:15 The truth about Anvil
46:15 Sing along with Jimmy: Metal on Metal (Anvil)
47:00 Cynical L.A. audiences
49:00 Avatar talk with Joe from Brooklyn
50:00 Jimmy likes a written letter
51:00 Jimmy comes down hard on the free listeners
51:30 Online paranoia
52:00 Pinup Pastries!
53:15 Break!
53:30 Jimmy doesn’t want people knowing his break business
54:00 Jimmy’s haircut: too short?
54:45 Jimmy defends Elliot from Matt
55:00 Tech trouble update: free video and Pardcast-a-thon clogged the server
56:15 NNF probably needs more RAM. Or something.
56:45 Joe’s flat screen TV desires
57:30 Jay Spaulding is Googling something, but no one knows what
58:00 Jimmy is the mean dad that no one, or everyone, likes
58:00 Jay “J.P.” Spaulding exemplifies the attractiveness of Never Not Funny fans

Best Western Hollywood Hills
59:45 Jay’s hipster hotel, location of the film Swinger
1:00:45 Ron Livingstone, I presume
1:01:30 Behind the scenes of Wet Hot American Summer
1:03:00 Anti-Semetic cupcakes
1:04:00 Inglourious Basterds and Jimmy’s interview with Tarantino
1:06:00 Joe loves the New York Mets
1:07:30 Joe is injured on the play!
1:07:45 Oh, yes, let’s stop the whole show just to get a mic for Jay Spaulding!
1:09:00 Don’t forget CheeseGuys.com (Audio warning!)
1:10:30 This is a bringer podcast
1:12:00 Stupid Question of the Week: Liezl: At a concert: sing along to the music, or sit back and enjoy the show?
1:14:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Rich Girl (Hall and Oates)
1:15:45 Jim takes back his Steve Miller anger
1:16:15 The anti-karaoke list
1:17:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Couldn’t Get it Right (Climax Blues Bland)
1:17:45 Sing along with Jimmy: Lady (Little River Band)
1:17:55 Sing along with Jimmy: Lonesome Loser (Little River Band)
1:18:00 Sing along with Jimmy: Reminiscing (Little River Band)
1:18:30 Jay goes to comedy shows and sings along
1:19:45 Chris Hardwick’s dinner party: everyone’s invited!
1:22:15 Jay clarifies that he won an auction, not a contest
1:23:15 Jimmy is just like Rickles, just ask him
1:24:30 The echoiness of Joe’s loft
1:25:00 St. Elmo’s Fire soundtrack
1:25:30 “The torch people”
1:26:00 Boxers or briefs
1:28:00 Jay displays keen insight into the mind of the home listener
1:29:00 Sing along with Jimmy: C.I.T.Y. (John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band)
1:29:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Baker Street (Gerry Rafferty)
1:30:00 Plugs: Eliot’s High Mountain, Jay’s open mics
Ooonnnnn heyhoooo!
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