1402 – Obvious Trivia with Adam Scott

Adam Scott, unimpressed by Jimmy Pardo’s pre-show psych-out antics
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1402 – Adam Scott
00 – Hello! Welcome to 1402! 14aught2. Hello earwolf clan and listeners! Check us out at pardcast.com. Tech troubles? PARDCAST@GMAIL.COM! Not on the message board.
You remember Text Expander? Great Animator! – Matt.
Here is the program Jimmy was talking about. http://smilesoftware.com/TextExpander/touch/
Great time in San Fran! Thanks for coming out everyone! People loved Eliot’s intro! Two versions, Day and Night depending on the episode. Players Club episodes get the night version.
05 – Andy Richter was the other guest at that live show which seems to be episode 622!
Adam Scott is here today!
Plane issues with Southwest. Matt is mad a Johnny South, partner of Bill West.
Full circle.
The guys got stuck in the airport for 5 hours waiting to get on a plane to get to SF.
10 – They enjoyed some food. Chili’s Too, some ice cream. Difference between chills and chills too, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110414142937AAb3UIp Chilis too are generally in shared space places (Mall, Airport) and may have a smaller menu.
Anyone remember Annie Teeks? 591-Rock 591-Roll
15 – I was being attacked by fuzz. Matt gets Jimmy’s question right 3 for 3! Diane Warren, Chicago, Bill Champlain!
Jimmy was asked to be a part of the history of Chicago (the band) documentary, Now More Than Ever.
Three GREAT things have happened to Jimmy in showbiz: First pitch at White Sox game, filling in for Andy Richter/working on Tonight Show, and the email to be in the Chicago Doc.
Gold Trans Am = Ke$has hoo ha apparently.
Is Jimmy the Joe Mantegna of Podcasting?
20 – “SCREAM FOR ME LONG BEACH!” Chicago/Iron Maiden 1-2 Punch is a very weird combo!
We’ll be back!
Welcome back! Nice break!
Joe Mantegna is great. House of Games apparently holds up.
Regan Burns Oscar Pool again! ReganBurns.com.
Discount of Seth’s book coming soon.
25 – The Peter Strauss/Molly Ringwold vehicle is called Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone.
The 80 hour 405 closure is begin called JAMZILLA.
Adam grew up in Santa Cruz across the bay from Monteray.
30 – Jimmy thought that Adam Scott lived in the same place as Jimmy. Adam took over a basement apartment and was able to give it the letter X so his address could had Apt. X in it.
Confirming, both Akiva Schaffer and Andy Samberg went to UCSC.
35 – Adam went back to the academy to give a talk. When Jimmy was there it was all theater type teaching. When Adam went they added an on camera type class. The school didn’t offer any audition classes either.
40 – Eliot is here! In his best Serpico costume. Adam thinks we need more videos. Jimmy would do a parade around his house if Eliot got hired somewhere. Hello Matt! Hello Adam!
Adam did four shows at the sketch Fest!
50 – no one can guess the movie.
Jimmy and Adam both have 3D tvs. Adam doesn’t use the 3D.
everyone loves Frozen! except Matt. he thought it was derivative.
idina menzel takes top spot of people jimmy’d leave danielle for.
55 – Adam Scott hits the ground to mourn idina and take diggs marriage.
Sneaux starring Kristen Bell: Sneaux! is a world premiere musical written by Tim Garrick, with music and lyrics by Lori Scarlett. It chronicles the tumultuous life of 14-year-old Sneaux Devareaux, who dreams of being a sensational figure skater. But growing up in the bayous of Louisiana, the cards are stacked against a hardworking yet beautiful dreamer like Sneaux.
Adam gives his endorsement of True Detectives.
Adam also confirms that both Rob Lowe and Rashida Jones left to do other things. Jimmy wonders if Rob went to buy more mirrors. Jimmy confirms you would have to buy a mirror from rob lowe if he was selling them.
Adam is not 100% sure that Rashida is not involved in Rob Lowe’s marriage. He’s pretty sure not.
60 – Peter Strauss – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005471/?ref_=nv_sr_2
65 – Adam’s Law & Order episode info: http://www.tv.com/shows/law-order/america-inc–672831/
Obvious Trivia Dennis Farina was a Chicago cop, Robert DeNiro gave him his break. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001199/?ref_=nv_sr_1
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Uncomfortable moment in the bathroom between Adam and Jimmy. The lights went out. Tension and Hymen broken.
In and out in this buildings restroom. Lights on a timer.
70 – Jimmy’s got a roof! We all have roofs. Jimmy needs a handy man to fix the security light he has or he needs a taller ladder.
Adam explains a DVR and how he was able to watch SNL today instead of saturday.
75 – Jimmy hung his bedroom TV on the wall himself! He felt like a man afterwards. 37 or 40 inch TV.
Apparently Adam did use the 3D on his TV. Maybe once to watch 20 minutes of Avatar before he fell asleep.
Adam had an idea for a hologram entertainment system where you could see your favorite bands playing on a small board.
80 – Tupac Hologram: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FGjbCgu-PM
Jimmy watched the Kitty Bowl this year. A Beth Stern project. He thought it was adorable. Apparently the Super Bowl has special commercials!
Maybe the SB Commercial is getting old.
85 – Bud light commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aARLCg8VM90
More ads: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=2014+super+bowl+commercials
We all seemed to enjoy the half time show. Bruno Mars donated a bunch of Ukulele’s to Oliver’s school for the kids to learn on.
90 – Apparently Kevin and Bean aren’t even in the studio together! I did not know that. Same deal with Tom Bernard.
Bean lives in Washington. Adam assumes he wears a bean costume. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_and_Bean
95 – took a while to get Adam in here! He finally had a week off and could come in. He’s gonna spend the rest of the week off relaxing and jacking off.
Kudos to Adam on the recent Greatest Event in TV History. They did a panel for the show at Sketchfest.
Jimmy explains his AK-47 sign off for the new listeners. Jimmy says Andrew is laughing because he stuck us with this asshole Eliot.
We’re done!
My Pleasure!
Garon/The Beast/Cuban Defector/Sad Sack/