1304 – Oscar Nunez is in the Bag

Oscar Nunez, senior gusset inspector
Jimmy Pardo welcomes Oscar Nunez for Never Not Funny 1304
In-Studio Notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1304 – Oscar Nunez
00 – hello everybody! Jimmy in an up top register taking it down a bit with some vocal exercises. Jimmy did a lot of work to lose his Chicago accent. He compares his vocal work to liquid drain-o. Matt is freshly shorn. Very high and Very tight. Played with a Katana over the weekend. Katana has the best stir-fry. Asian comedy guys! Jimmy thinks Ken Jeung is a good man. Funny! A-Rod suspended for 211 games. Jimmy goes into the suspension of players.
Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Antonio Bastardo
San Diego Padres shortstop Everth Cabrera
New York Yankees catcher Francisco Cervelli
Texas Rangers outfielder Nelson Cruz
Padres pitcher Fautino De Los Santos
Houston Astros pitcher Sergio Escalona
Yankees outfielder Fernando Martinez
Seattle Mariners catcher Jesus Montero
Free agent pitcher Jordan Norberto
Detroit Tigers shortstop Jhonny Peralta
New York Mets outfielder Cesar Puello
Mets infielder/outfielder Jordany Valdespin
05 – Oscar Nunez is our guest today!! Free video feed on our YouTube channel! Youtube.com/pardcast. Oscar’s arms looking great! Baby curls. This new NNF bag looks great and has a great gusset. Fair work fair wage! Put the children to work. Only options for child workers: prostitution, bag/shoe makers. 7 inches of gusset! Great for target! Jimmy so mad at A-rod he’s taking it out on the target kid.
10 – Send your tech support issues to pardcast@gmail.com! Not FB, not the episode comments, not Jimmy. Jimmy loves this bag! Oscar cannot rip the bag! It’s working! Soft as well! Oscar has proven how strong that bag is! Room to spare! Oscar and Jimmy trying to double up into the bag! Three feet in. Oscar is a professional got here a little early. Jimmy has 3 terrific stories to tell. Oscar shatters format as he explains the format. They did a pilot presentation together. Jimmy kept laughing during the takes.
15 – Celeb sighting! Jimmy was at superheroes doing Twelfth Night. Jimmy is running the Rock and Roll Run. http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/los-angeles. Jimmy doesn’t mind being recognized just doesn’t want to talk or interact. Do not try to pass Jimmy or you are going down. Daddy wins. Tim Robbins was the sighting!
20 – Oscar Nunez as Tim Robbins in this sketch. Jimmy totally waived off Tim Robbins. Andy Daly and Danielle chatted up Tim. The Actor’s Gang are performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream. (http://www.theactorsgang.com/) Jimmy goes through an email exchange between him and Jimmy regarding an email of Eliot’s. Jimmy can’t sit through a Shakespeare show. Jimmy did enjoy the superhero version of it.
Oscar comfortable sitting off mic and off camera!
We’ll be back with Oscar Nunez!
25 – we’re back! Gotta hear daddy’s tones! Jimmy’s got a couple stories for us. Oscar brings in more colors to the rainbow! Oscar Hispanic, me homosexual, bland white guy Matt, guy you avoid at a party eliot, fun loving guy everyone loves Jimmy. Oscar was promised a tote! Oscar’s done nothing since the office. Jimmy’s advice is to relax! We’re taking a big chance having a Hispanic on the show.
30 – Matt and Oscar contend that Fearless is a great movie. Jimmy was bothered by Rosie Perez’s pronunciation of baby. Oscar does his best Rosie Perez. Jimmy bothered by Fran Drescher also but did find her sexy for a lot of years. Hot ladies with bad accents! Lotta history between Jeff Bridges and Rosie Perez according to Oscar and the Latino Club. Jimmy loves Pat Francis’ favorite guitar player joke. Charo is alive and well! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charo
35 – Everyone concurs Charo looks good. Jimmy has to get shots in his face to help with the healing of the skin cancer. He took Oliver with him once. One of the nurses said we’re all Bentleys and Jimmy loved it! Bedside Manors great PBS show! Oscar’s baby is named August and just turned 10months. Matt was referring to Donavon Frankenreiter who is from America. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donavon_Frankenreiter
40 –“Gotta have your iron.” – jimmy. Are vitamins good or bad? Jimmy plays some vitamin zen for us, evidence of which I cannot find on the internet.
45 – Cat Juggling Track listing: http://www.allmusic.com/album/cat-juggling-mw0001882083 Matt and Oscar go through all of Matt’s nicknames.
50 – Oscar fan of 80s music. Jimmy calls Willie Nelson the “doper”. How much dope at a willie nelson and friends concert? Jimmy went to see Chicago with his mom and saw Pat and his sister there. Chicago, roger waters, and roger waters are his top 3 shows. This show at the Greek was the best he has heard them in 30 years! Jimmy couldn’t get backstage passes due to a production company shooting a scene with Al Pacino between the two Chicago sets. They were filming a movie called Imagine (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1772288/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)
55 – The production company took forever and were treating the crowd like they were paid extras. People started booing and yelling for Chicago. It was neat for about five minutes. It was about 45 minutes of this. Besides that the show was great. 2 sets, great set list, great sound. Oscar saw Queen, Genesis with Peter Gabriel, Emerson Lake and Palmer.
60 – Jimmy puts Freddy Mercury in the top five rock vocalists of all time. Jimmy wonders if Al Pacino “performing” with Chicago will be in the movie. Jimmy and his brother were extras in the Twist and Shout scene of Ferris Bueller. Jimmy also did extra work in Light of Day, the Michael J. Fox vehicle. Jimmy, as an extra, asks a 4th assistant director, “What Band Did We Just See?” as motivation for his “character”
65 – Jimmy resets! Oscar’s daughter at home enjoying her vitamins. They just decided to give her her shots. Babytox. Oliver turning 6 in three weeks. He still talks Kiss! Oliverism: “Dad is Chicago or kiss your favorite band?” “Probably Chicago.” “Well Kiss is mine!” Jimmy actually sick of hearing Kiss tries to pass other bands off as kiss but Oliver knows instantly.
70 – Oliver won’t dress up as kiss for Halloween. “You don’t dress up as rock stars for Halloween. You go as monsters or pirates.” Zoeism: “You’re the makest crier I have ever met!” (Zoe on having the Wii taken away.) She turns five a week after Oliver’s bday. Some family’s go overboard on the 16th birthday according to a show Jimmy saw on MTV. Jimmy and Matt do a bit on how they thought The Office was a documentary for years. Oscar admits to thinking the British version was a documentary after seeing a few minutes right in the middle of an episode.
75 – Brian May is James Spader’s neighbor. Oscar says he is a great guy. He got on set and didn’t talk to anyone for a week in a half. Then one day, boom he was talking to everyone. Oscar thinks he was learning the crowd and who is who. James is iconic! 9/10 stories are great but there is always one clunker. Jimmy does his Spader impression from Less than Zero. To Live and Die in LA was Matt’s incorrect guess (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090180/?ref_=sr_1)
80 – Oscar tried to meet Paul McCartney but couldn’t get to him. He did get a wink though!
We’ll be back!!
We’re back!
Oscar’s taking time away from his daughter who is licking a bed frame.
Eliot has some vitamin information! We do need vitimans from food. But supplements can overdone. There is a law that that information cannot be released. Don’t go over the 100% daily allowance and you’ll be fine. Some evidence shows mega vitamins can lead to cancer or heart disease. Oscar says to wash your hands!
85 – The truth is clunky – eliot. Jimmy will go back and check the locks or even the oven, in which we all know he doesn’t ever turn on. Eliot left the stove on last week. Oscar confirms jimmy keeps his kindling in the over so leaving it on would be dangerous. Don’t leave your dryer running! Matt doesn’t have a fire extinguisher at the house.
90 – Jimmy saw a burning car on the freeway and said I was the only time a “gapers block” is warranted. The president will be in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Black Stone of Mecca (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Stone) Apparently David Bowie watches Chelsea Lately. Oscar met Helen Mirren and Tilda Swinden but he was freaked out by her. He couldn’t talk with her.
95 – Jimmy calls out Oscar for lying to him about Steve Carrell showing up for the office finale, but he loved that he did it. BTW Obama is coming to town tomorrow (day after this recording). Jimmy takes Oscars story about John Lennon to mean that Paul McCartney is better. All jimmy is saying is give them a chance! Jimmy loved hugh Jackman hosting the Oscars. Oscar also a fan!
100 – Oscar loves the musical Memphis, said Book of Mormon was just okay. Jimmy says Backbeat is really great. Fifth Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Sutcliffe. Oscar thinks Michael Jackson’s death may have been passive aggressive suicide. Jimmy wonders why with that much money the jackson’s have such bad plastic surgery. Matt says there is evidence that the family doesn’t have the best judgment. Jimmy says Matt is on fire!
105: Disney resort in Hawaii is called Aulani (http://resorts.disney.go.com/aulani-hawaii-resort/) Jimmy did stand up in Alaska and some WW2 vet called him Yellow. Jimmy had local Alaskans tell him they were the funniest mother fuckers they’ve ever seen. They all sounded like dumb hillbillies.
110: Let’s solve the problems at home before we go to the lotatudes and latitudes!” – Jimmy. The worst concert experience Jimmy ever had was at a Jimmy Buffet concert. Jimmy just recently realized that Jimmy Buffet’s band was a drug reference. (Coral Reefer Band) “Fuck you Jimmy Buffet” – Jimmy Jimmy’s favorite Chicago song is Beginnings.
115: Breaking news Alex Rodriguez WILL appeal and is on the line up for tonight’s game in Chicago. Jimmy calls him a fucking pussy and a cheater. Caveman lived to 18, brits to 36, pre supplements according to Jimmy. Jimmy says 86 and out. 87 if he’s sharp. Oscar has named his wife’s husband after he dies Stanley.
These are welcoming doors – Jimmy
My Pleasure,
– Garon/The Thief/Cuban Defector/Scout/The Beast