1216 – Matt Walsh and the World of Music
In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
For NeverNotFunny 1216 Jimmy Pardo welcomes (and sings with) Matt Walsh
In-Studio notes by Garon Cockrell
00 – Indeed welcome! Jimmys been the host since day one! talk of replacements…done with that bit. Are there two cameras on Eliot?? NO! jimmy calls eliots scrim/shroud an art project. New mics! Contest giveaway soon. Jimmy addresses last weeks episode and us learning about the Boston Bombings. We learned the bomber likes boating.
05 – Jimmy bought a mower! A hand push mower. He also got a new gardner – Brett Gardner. Living Colour singer is Corey Glover, guitarist is Vernon Reid. Mayor of Newark is Cory Booker. Jimmy got his mower for $80 on Woot. Matt’s gardner is Walter White. Jimmy says to watch Southland! Calls it possibly the top drama! (Not on netflix)
10 – Jimmy recently appeared on conan! AST Funpack giveaway coming up! Chris Farley is probably thin enough to roll over in his grave.
15 – Jason, my buddy buzzed my hair. Also the bills. Eliot asks if it was the buffalo bills to a silent room. Jimmy calls Rick Astly and Matt brothers. Jimmy talks about his references on his conan appearance.
We’ll be back with Matt Walsh!!
20 – Welcome back! Jimmy calls this busines “almost showbiz.” Jimmy goes over comedy friends and how long he’s known Matt.
Matt Walsh is here!
Scenarios that make you nervous (beating a train, looking over a tall building, holding oliver on the 2nd floor of a mall) because Jimmy’s foot almost slipped off the brake when he was messing with Matt at 7/11.
Matt discusses a college band from Northern Illinois (NIU) called Mr. Myers who was known for their cover of Cecillia.
25 – Matt W. is wearing a shirt referencing Breaking Away, Jimmy’s favorite movie. Jimmy says southland is as good as a movie. Matt’s wife turned on Southland. Jimmy says the finale is unbelievable. Jimmy has seen Breaking Away at least twice. (more like a zillion times)
Matt W. is alergic to cats and horses. “It’s the dander not the horse.” Dominic the Donkey is a great donkey.
30 – Dominic the Donkey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominick_the_donkey sung by Lou Monte in 1960.
35 – Discussing the Olive Garden commercials.
The Very Best of Lou Monte
1. (At The) Darktown Strutters’ Ball (Italian Style)
2. Somewhere There Is Someone
3. Italian Huckle-Buck (The Huckle Buck)
4. When I Hold You In My Arms (Comm’A Bella’A Stagione)
5. Roman Guitar (Chitarra Romana)
6. Calypso Italiano
7. Elvis Presley For President
8. Lazy Mary (Lune Mezza Mare)
9. The Sheik Of Araby (The Sheik Of Napoli)
10. Eh Marie, Eh Marie
11. Skinny Lena
12. Dominick The Donkey (The Italian Christmas Donkey)
13. Please Mr. Columbus (Turn The Ship Around)
14. Pepino The Italian Mouse
15. Pepino’s Friend Pasqual (The Italian Pussy-Cat)
16. Mama Get The Hammer (There’s A Fly On Papa’s Head)
17. Paul Revere’s Horse (Ba-Cha-Ca-Loop)
Jimmy runs through the songs on the album doing his chicago accent and more italian voices.
40 – Contest/Pardomizer contest!! (coming up)
45 – Matt looking for baseball player who looks like ET.
50 – Jimmy thinks he should be more excited by how the Blackhawks are doing. Sports chat (no specifics I was counting contest entries!) 72
55 – Pardomizer: Matt W goes 45. Eliot 11. Me 69. Jimmy (cetera’s) 17. Mat goes 25.
Jimmy sings! Everyone sings Cats in the Cradle! Jimmy decides to do a Harry Chapin one man show.
60 – 31 is the winner! I will count them down. Congrats to Tyler Voth!
65 – HBO movie chat – Phil Spector and Liberaci movies. The ref blew the whistle on the Marriage Ref. Here is the online dictionary from Variet: http://variety.com/static-pages/slanguage-dictionary/
70 – Jimmy wants the Negron family to decide on their name: (Chuck and Taylor). Congrats Tyler jimmy has stamped your win official!
We’ll be back!!
We’re back! Jimmy doesn’t want any weirdos stopping by. Matt Walsh appears in Veep sundays on HBO after Game of Thrones (which Jimmy doesn’t watch as he has no premium channels.)
75 – Jimmy’s manager finds Matt great on Veep. Matt mentions the sears “Ship my pants” commercial. North Dakota Anchor video: http://youtu.be/P9ebi4AKNHs
80 – Boom Goes the Dynamite video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W45DRy7M1no Matt W. and Jimmy discuss teleprompters. The guys listen to the Boom Goes The Dynamite video.
85 – Veep shoots in baltimore! Some parts of the show are improved.
Here is the video of the reporter shitting her pants: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xh9FfLkHa_U
90 – First movie Matt W. cried at: Brian’s Song. The guys listen to the ND anchor video. Like at the 75 mark! Jimmy rushes to the TV to check out the boston chase on friday only to find the local news talking about a cat. Jimmy sticks with MSNBC now. Jimmy left his runkeeper app running….24 hour 3 mile run.
95 – Matt W. tell show the new cars (limos, etc.) have speed monitors. Progressive driving monitor is called Snapshot: www.progressive.com/snapshot/ Matt W. perpendicular parked outside. Watch Veep!
Chrissy Amplett of The Divinyls past away. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrissy_Amphlett
CONTEST: Name the band that Matt Walsh saw in the 80s who did the Cecillia Cover Song!
We’re done!
– Garon/The Thief/Cuban Defector/Scout/The Beast