1213 – Chris Fairbanks
In-Studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Chris Fairbanks joins Jimmy Pardo for Never Not Funny #1213
00 – Hello! Welcome! Jimmy is jet-lagged and destracted by lack of glasses. Uh-oh no globe! When Jimmy started the show the original idea was for him to do the opening by himself, and we’re going back to that. JImmy was in my home state and asked why they dont charge his compound with torches and run him out of state. Jimmy quotes some black sabbath. Tips the forehead to Ronnie J!
05 – Head tap chest bump new way to honor the dead? Thumbs up from Eliot! Jimmy confirms Heaven and Hell is first Ronnie J Black Sabbath album and not Mob Rules. Jimmy creates a new character for his sketch show, a wise oriental man named Confusion.
10 – Jimmy wants a witness. nnf295 is the code! Jimmy wants a pen with respect to it. Get the NNF App! People love it. iPad version is coming soon. Matt went strawberry picking. Matt doesn’t like Lee. Robert E. Lee chat.
15 – Jimmy attacked by something! A bug or something! He was blinded by the flight. Jimmy is riding a high symbol and double base! Jimmy does a drum demonstration. Matt (and until just now I) did not know you could tune drums.
We’ll be back with our guest! 19:26
20 – We’re back! Save your emails if you aren’t happy with it. Jimmy has zero interest. call your kids in sit them down criss cross applesauce and explain to them that you dont like pardo’s new format. Chris Fairbanks with Traffic on the 3s! He gives a verbal map. Lot of comedians on the flight back from Detroit. Orny Adams, Tommy Johnagin, and Conan writer Jesse Popp. Jimmy back on drums!
25 – We got Toys in the Attic! Jimmy says it’s the bird that attacked him earlier building a nest. Jimmy tells a great story about a joe he told with the stewardess. He could have been arrested for it. Weird noises Chris describes as the end of an elephant nose sniffing. Jimmy enjoyed his new stewardess friend and wishes he could remember her name.
30 – Chris is not an icee guy, he’s more of an otter pop guy.
35 – This is the time Jimmy and Matt were using my computer.
40 – http://smileysquid.blogspot.com/2012/07/licensing-expo-day-one.html Roger Rabbit and Cool World chat. The Rachel Quaintance Mobile sold for $65.
The winner guessed $69 – Johnny Peterson. You win an AST Prize pack!
Chris has not watched House of Card yet but when he does he’ll watch it carefully and follows up with an apologize scat (the jazz kind).
45 – Chris looks great apparently because of Rhuemtoid atheritis. He’s gone to paleo and its helped. NO pizza. Bummer. He had a bunch of issues over the summer.
50 – Rock On back again. Jimmy says his ipod came with it and by it i mean the david essex original. Matt goes into Billy Jean and Chris gives a snort. Chris goes into his mob thug voice. Chris loved NY. Did a dozen shows in four days.
55 – Chris’s 12 yo nephew told a great joke in the car. “What kind of shoes does a child molester wear? White Vans.” and “Where does Santa Keep his money? In a snow bank.” – Jimmy and Chris both do a little Johnny Carson voice. More Scatting (the jazz kind) and more drums! Jimmy switched to brushes.
60 – Jimmy mentions stiffening drum brushes. Matt says he can do that with his mustache. Matt had a beard + Mustache when NNF first started. Jimmy quotes Larry David, “Beards aren’t funny.” Jimmy complimented Chris a week or so ago saying he is great.
65 – Chris considers breaking his FB into a fan page. Jimmy loves when they says “Social Networks” on General Hospital. Commercial chat. Chris’s new laugh snort is his comedy beard.
And we’ll be back!
00 – We’re back. Jimmy met a lovely older lady in the hall, an educated retiree who has command of her time. Chris goes back into his mob voice and says, “hit the bricks, wrinkles.” Jimmy tosses to Chris for traffic. Chris again describes the freeways, where they go and what other freeways they cross, his audio map. Matt earns a hi-five from Chris with asking Jimmy if he got his kicks on his family trips on route 66.
05 – Matt busts out his phone to play Rock On and compare the two discussed versions. Chris does a hilarious British accent.
10 – PARDOMIZER UP. It’s time for a phone call. 7- chris, 11 – eliot, 19 – me, 17 – Jimmy, 5 – Matt. No call for James LaPearl. The number is 6. No winner! Claler is an F and it is a female! Kendra Fulsem! Here we go!
15 – No answer. Leaving a message. Jimmy has a dream: He and Matt at a swimming pool where Jen Kirkman fell in and was attached by a shark. Listen for the end! Attempt #2 with another girl. Becky Frasier! We got her!
20 – PEO Phillanthropic Education Organizaztion is Becky’s Non Profit, she also edits their magazine. She has no idea what Skeetching is (Holding a car bumper and “skiing” after a snow storm.) “Oliver: I dont know why people like kiss, chicago is much better.” BEcky asks the movie we watched more than ever. Jimmy says Airplane, Matt says Star Wars, Chris says Breakfast club and sixteen candles. Eliot says Willy Wonka and I say Jaws or Nightmare on Elm St. Becky says Ghostbusters, Chris immediately changes his answer to that.
25 – Matt springs another Stupid question – Halloween or Friday the 13th. Matt and Eliot go Friday. I go Halloween as does Jimmy and Chris. Also, Matt drops halloween or nightmare on elm street on me, I go nightmare.
30 – Phone call chat! This is a professional show! Jimmy wants things done, Matt says Chris knows a guy.
– Garon/Beast/Thief/Defector/Scout/Whatever else they call me