The world lost some warmth today
I’ve shared this in other places, but I thought I should add it here:
I only met Andrew once. I consider it a great privilege, and a memory I will always carry. It was at the first Pardcast-a-thon and he was so nice to everyone and did his best to make everyone welcome, even with all the work he had to do with running the cameras. On a break in the show, as people were getting snacks and coming and going from the room, he stopped what he was doing with the cameras and made it a point to come over and introduce himself. He shook my hand and said, “So you’re the famous Darryl!” I jokingly told him that it must be a thrill for him to meet someone of my stature and importance, and we laughed and chatted for a minute. Of course the thrill was all mine.
Andrew was a wonderful, warm man who seemed very at-ease with himself and everyone around him. I will certainly miss him on Never Not Funny, and will also feel a sense of loss for never getting the chance to meet him again.
The world needs more people like Andrew.
Depression is an insidious, relentless disease. Many of us have had our own experience with it. But for some people, it just hangs on, like a cold that they just can’t shake. If you’re one of those people, or know someone who is, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
I have never been as saddened over a death than I have been with Andrew’s. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this time.
I am so, so very saddened by this loss. This echoes all the other posts, but Jimmy, Danielle, Oliver, Walter and Judy are in my thoughts. Andrew was my favorite part of Never Not Funny and his passing is a tragedy. AK will be dearly missed.
(Thank you, Darryl, for letting people post messages on this site.)
This is one of the saddest days in memory.
Sympathies to all.
we will all miss you andrew! i’m glad that for those of us who never had the fortune to meet you, there will always be your episodes of the podcast to revisit. rest in peace.
There’s really nothing to say that’s adequate to this situation, but Jimmy and Danielle, if you ever happen to see this, I hope you know that all of us fans are very sorry for your loss.
Andrew…right now, I’m at a complete loss. It’s easy to list his credits and just say how great he is, but it’s so much more than I can articulate. Love the Koenigs. Love NNF.
I can’t offer many words here that would likely have much meaning but my deepest condolences go out to Jimmy, Danielle, the Koenigs, Matt, and anyone who was close with Andrew. I share in everyone’s grief at this news. It is truly heartbreaking.
The NNF friends and fans mourn the loss of a gentle soul. May his family find peace and may Andrew’s passing bring to light the dark pains of others who are battling these depressions.
Also to Jimmy and Matt and everyone else involved in Never Not Funny: This goes without saying, but I’m going to go ahead and say it anyway:
As a paying subscriber to Never Not Funny, I don’t mind one damn bit if you don’t put out another show for the next few weeks or the next few months or even a year. Take the time you need. Come back when you’re ready. But come back. Because we love you.
GJ-Absodamnlutely, brother. Take as much time as you need. NNF doesn’t owe me ONE DAMN THING.
My thoughts are here:
I third that, GJ.
Reliving old NNF episodes tonight, hanging on to every one of Andrew laughs and interjections.
It’s a testament to the powerful connection Jimmy, Matt & Andrew make with all of us that we’re deeply morning the loss of someone few of us ever met.
My heart dropped when I heard the news. So sad, I encourage anyone out there that suicide is NEVER the answer. I don’t think I will ever listen to “Never Not Funny” the same way again. I tried to listen today, but didn’t think I was up to hearing it.
My thought are with the NNF crew and family, we lost someone very special and lets remember all the joy Andrew brought us all.
The NNF guys – please take as much time as you want I’m a primo subscriber and you won’t hear a peep from me if you guys go on hiatus for a while.
Thanks for sharing your story and thanks for the blog.