1112 – Julian McCullough
For Never Not Funny episode 1112, Jimmy Pardo and Matt Belknap welcome Julian McCullough. It’s also a historical (an historical?) episode for Never Not Funny, as we welcome the new Dan Katz, Garon Cockrell. We will miss our friend Dan, but we welcome Garon as he joins the Never Not Funny fold.
Episode 1110 – with Julian McCullough
Rest up! Celebrate 911 with bounce houses!
Flag Army God Country! Courtesy of Phill Hendrie!
Oliver started Kindergarten!
Jimmy tells a Lady GaGa VMA story he read in an interview.
Jimmy goes Paul Anka to rally the troops!
No responsibility for Michael Clark Duncan some for Starship guitarist Mark Abrahamian. Oogie movie dies at box office!
HR Pufnstuf – His Royal, His Regent, or Hand Rolled
Oliver’s birthday!
Garon does a bit after Jimmy says he is done with Referbs.
Writer’s Room/Jimmy Pardo Needs Jokes with a new name Live in Los Angeles on 10/4!
Emo Philips – loves his comedy not his character.
Julian had to tie his shoe while putting change in the meter – felt he was being watched. He was by Jimmy and a homeless man who wanted his change.
Pinata at Oliver’s Bday! No Hulk but small Spider-Man that turned out to be 6′ tall.
Color Change Pinatas – Patent and Trademark pending starting with Bruce Banner to Hulk.
Jimmy has one of the most well-shaped symmetrical heads in the business per Julian!
No kids in Massachusettes! (not really)
No beer past 4th inning in Philly?
Jimmy approves of the pepsi sponsored free jerseys from the White Sox.
Julian geting married on 10/13.
Former Third Baseman MIke Schmidt gave bats as groomsman gifts at his wedding.
Julian giving Larry Bird Converse to his friend Flynn as a groomsman gift plus 5 Unis T-shirts (unisnewyork.com).
Jimmy’s groomsman gift idea for everyday use: Condoms!
Julian stole his fiancee, Jane, from a great job in NYC to come to Los Angeles.
Uncomfortable Jimmy still likes Adele!
Julian is actually the wearing Larry Bird Converse.
Jimmy wore Chuck Taylors playing BBall. High shorts and giant knee pads. There was always an old fat man masturbating at the games.
Matt remembers Dr. J testing out shoes and he says the best shoes are converse Chuck Taylors. Jimmy says he’s not a real doctor!
dr. J did in fact receive honorary Doctorates from Temple University and the University of Massachusetts..
Julian hates Kiss!
Into the Night: Long disputed over the meaning of the songs lyrics is it pedophilia or is it fatherly. It can’t be helped that even by the purest intented mind the lyrics conjure up that guilty tingle of arousal for love of a forbidden fruit. However, Mardones’ friends hold steadfast that the song was written about a young girl who lived across the hallway from the singer/songwriter, and is in fact an expression of desire to remove the girl from her abusive family and show her the love a father SHOULD give his child. (http://sillysidilly.wordpress.com/2008/02/03/bennys-16-year-old-love-affair/)
Jimmys favorite Kiss album is Rock and Roll All Over
Starship Discography order: …Nuclear Furniture, Knee Deep In The Hoopla, No Protection, Love Among The Cannibals…
Jimmy drops the lyrics to Christine Sixteen on us!
Jimmy drops some chicago knowledge on Julian setting him straight on Peter Cetera.
Julian calls The Who one of the most overrated bands. Jimmy says give them another shot.
Pete Townshend’s Pedophelia tackling autobiography comes out autumn 2012.
Julian hates Paul McCartney “one of the worse people on the earth.”
Band on the Run is one of Jimmy’s Favorite songs of all time.
Julian tells a great Dinosaur Jr. story about their break up (involving a guitar knock out!)
Starship discussion!
Grace Slick “banged around”
Ron Popeil ripped off Elliot.
No journey at the RNC do to 47 abortions among the band over the years – Julian paraphrased. They actually closed out the final night of the RNC. Lynrd Skynyrd canceled due to fears of high winds.
Samantha Bee’s RNC interviews called “brilliantly done” by Jimmy.
Politics Talk!
Julian thinks Tina Fay made people realize how dumb Sarah Palin is.
Julian likes his news from HBO: “2 years later and very well produced.”
Jimmy wishes luck to all “wives of former presidents.”
2 black listeners called out again!
Julian corrects his joke from earlier to save his relationship with his girl (who is “far far from fat.”)
Julian’s fiancee Jane writes and edits TheHairPin.com.
Julian’s favorite baseball player: Daryl Strawberry
Oliver is a great golfer.
Problem with journeyman golfers (the best golfers you’ll ever see) according to Jimmy: Makes no money.
Oliver’s new favorite song is Street Player. “Street player of course, it’s my favorite song!”
Jimmy sings Cats In The Cradle.
Julian says Jimmy’s singing voice makes all songs sound the same. Jimmy “Yeah I’m not good.”
Julian says John Mulaney is gonna be the comic that people who don’t like comedy mention when talking about comedy.
Paul Reiser envy and love to close out the show.
Pat did a Paul Reiser party with Larry Miller, “then piss on it!”
Julian did a show with Paul Reiser and Gary Shandling. Gary closes. Tommy Johnigan (Jimmy: He deserves a million times than what he is getting), Julian, Ryan Hamilton, Paul Reiser, and Gary Shandling.
Julian drops some great knowledge about the biz: “Let the industry in.”
See you next week!
-The Bionator