1105 – Jonah Ray – All Vinyl, All the Time
Jimmy Pardo welcomes first-timer Jonah Ray to Never Not Funny, and they discuss Jimmy’s weekend in Toronto, the band Chicago, Wacky Packages, and why Jonah released all of his albums on vinyl.
In-Studio notes by Dan Katz
Jonah Ray
0 – Jimmy made a human beep sound. Jimmy makes an announcement about a show he’s doing. Jimmy tries to figure out the origin of the term “Hotlanta.”
5 – Jimmy saw Chicago and The Doobie Brothers last night and saw a few cast members from “Criminal Minds,” including Joe Mantegna in the crowd. Jimmy has a beef with Mantegna’s potato wedges. Jimmy thinks Chicago’s sound mixer sucks.
10 – Jimmy talks about his weekend in Toronto.
15 – The guys talk about wacky packages.
20 – The guys talk about the fact that guest Jonah Ray has released all his albums on vinyl.
25 – The guys bemoan the loss of involvement in music-listening, now that vinyl isn’t the norm. The guys talk about Matt’s garage sale. Matt is afraid to give out his address on the internet.
30 – Jimmy huffs a marker.
35 – The guys think that Matt should get rid of AST.com
40 – The guys talk about the glut in podcasting.
45 – Jonah used to think that Jimmy didn’t like him. The guys talk about Jonah’s early days in stand-up.
50 – 55: The guys talk about independent comedy shows.
0 – Jimmy again has a problem with the bathroom smokers. Matt talks about the success of his garage sale.
5 – The guys talk about how Never Not Funny started. The guys talk about restaurants. Jonah talks about the nightmare that was working at The Arclight movie theater.
10 – The guys talk about movie theaters.
15 – Jimmy talks about some celebrity sightings.
20 – Jimmy feels bad about something he spoke about earlier in the show. Jonah talks about working at a record store in Venice.
25 – Jimmy talks about working for MCA records.
30 – Jonah talks about the crumbling empire of the independent record store he worked for.