617 – Dave Holmes with special guest Jay Patrick Spaulding
Release date 2/17/2010
Pardcast.com message board for this episode
Intro: Eliot from High Mountain sitting in for Andrew, who is in Canada dodging the draft
2:45 Matt is full of filth for still wearing the same shirt he slept in
3:30 Behind Jimmy, dressed as the devil, Jay Patrick Spaulding
4:00 The Devil Went Down to Georgia!
5:00 The Tony Randall of Never Not Funny, biked in to cover for Pat Francis: Dave Holmes!
6:30 Matching Sketchfest t-shirts
7:45 “Company is coming over”
8:45 Who does J.P. Spaulding look like? That one guy? Or that other guy?
10:45 Spaulding, get a Fresca or a Shasta
11:15 Dave’s Alka Seltzer follow up to Wing Street wings
12:30 Food from 7-11
12:45 BW3: Buffalo Wild Wings
13:30 Wing Stop, pitched by John Elway
13:45 Superbowl talk!
14:30 Betty White, future Saturday Night Live host?
15:00 Facebook group: Bring Never Not Funny to Chicago
15:30 Smile Train total: $16,000.69 plus Pardcast-a-Thon proceeds
17:00 Real wine lovers sniff glasses / Wet campfire
19:30 “You know I’m a yes-and guy…”
20:00 Sing Along with Jimmy: Fire and Rain
21:00 Robot Apocalypse
22:00 The three versions of 2001: A Space Oddysey
22:30 John Lithgow and Doug Benson
23:30 Clint Howard was terrific in Gentle Ben
24:00 Kevin Smith, flying while fat
24:30 Sing Along with Jimmy: These Eyes / The Grass Who
25:30 Jimmy’s guitar lessons
26:15 Rock Dakota!
27:00 Jimmy take J.P. Spaulding down. Hard!
27:45 Dave at Outside Lands
28:15 Big Star
29:15 Sing Along with Jimmy: Hallelujah
29:45 Mother Nature did it to Haiti
31:00 We Are the World … with Justin Bieber?!
35:30 Sing Along with Jimmy: We Are the World
36:30 We simply must know about World B. Free
38:00 Basketball All-Star game
38:30 Dave gets overly hugged at Outside Lands
39:30 Wilco
41:15 Converse shoes from Sarah and Ron Holt
42:00 Darryl chose this life: NeverNotNotes.com (yes it’s searchable)
43:00 ThatsOnYouMan.com for the mic-throwing t-shirt
43:30 Pinup Pastries supplied the cupcakes for the podcast
45:15 “It’s fair to say that this show has broken down…”
46:30 21 Wing Street, and a peek behind the curtain
47:45 These cupcakes are DELICIOUS, despite Matt’s reaction
50:00 Dave’s NBC pilot The Strip
56:00 Chatting, mind-games, and egos at auditions
59:00 Dave’s screen test
1:02:00 Dave doesn’t want to not be Dave
1:03:30 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here
1:06:00 Jimmy’s super-close friends Angie and Francine
1:07:00 Dave’s forgettable friend of a friend
1:08:30 “I can’t stop not thinking about you!”
1:09:45 Dave’s imaginary contact lenses
1:11:30 Dead monkey dot net
1:11:45 Break time!
1:13:00 Positive vibes about the pilot
1:14:00 Dave in Vegas
1:15:00 Matt’s anger at mint chocolate chip
1:15:30 Dave gets yelled at by a hooker
1:17:45 Sing Along with Jimmy: Imagine
1:17:45 Original We Are the World vs. new version
1:18:15 Sing Along with Jimmy: Never Gonna Give You Up
1:18:45 Astley vs. Parker Lewis
1:19:00 “Mark this time so I can isolate this gem.”
1:19:16 “When you open with Justin Bieber, you’ve lost me!”

Matt and Dave hang on to Jay’s every word
1:20:00 The Return of Angry Matt Belknap
1:21:00 Introducing Jay Patrick Spaulding
1:22:30 Kennth Cole pilgrim shoes
1:23:00 Jay’s sports heroes (Detroit Tigers!)
1:24:00 Third generation cheese business
1:25:00 Way more cheese info than anyone will every need
1:26:10 Condo-buying, single life, and even more cheese talk
1:27:45 CheeseGuys.com (Your Jay Spaulding experience is not complete unless you click this link)
1:28:15 Sing Along with Jimmy: Goodnight and Thank You (Evita)
1:29:00 Sad, personal details about Jay’s personal life
1:29:45 Jimmy pries about Jay’s “activities”
1:30:30 Is Jimmy trying to get Jay to say The Secret Word?
1:30:45 Jay’s Sirius Radio habits
1:31:00 Jay’s musical tastes
1:33:00 Matt’s obsession with his car’s climate control temperature setting
1:33:45 Dave and drag-queen bingo
1:35:00 Dave is going to let Jay ride his pegs
1:35:30 Jay’s burgeoning comedy career
1:36:30 Jay is made of processed cheese
1:37:00 Details about Jay’s trip to L.A.
1:37:30 Jimmy and Matt educate Jay about special orders at McDonald’s
1:38:45 Jimmy’s quest for a vanilla shake from McDonald’s. Which he is boycotting.
1:39:30 What’s in a McDonald’s shake?
1:40:15 Dave tells us about Coldstone’s ice-cream which melts into pudding
1:40:45 Sing Along with Jimmy: She Blinded Me with Science
1:41:00 Matt likes Ice Pan
1:42:00 “I think you’re intimdated by Jaye P. Morgan.”
1:42:30 Oliver wants a new puzzle from Target
1:43:00 Sing Along with Jimmy: Sharp Dressed Man
1:43:15 After a piece of gold from Jay, Jimmy predicts the future of his career
1:44:30 Jay’s true facts
1:45:00 Jay’s “lady from Portland”
1:46:30 Stupid Question of the Week! Do you put ketchup all over your fries (like a disgusting pig), or dip the fries into them (like a gentleman)?
1:48:00 “I can’t get over how sorry I am.”
1:49:00 Dave found out how much poo he has eaten
1:49:30 Beef tallow awareness
1:49:45 Sing Along with Jimmy: We Are the World
1:50:00 Jay’s big solo
1:50:15 Auctioning off a part in We Are the World
1:50:45 “Jay paid $579 to hear his name over and over.”
1:51:15 More controversy over who Jay looks like
1:51:30 The future of cheese, Jay, and comedy
1:52:30 Plugs: Never Not Notes, That’s On You Man, Cheese Guys, Dave Holmes.TV, Twitter: @JPSpaulding, Jay on Facebook
Oonnn dahayk!
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I approve of this episode breakdown and cant wait to get going on my “name specific” remix of the theme song, Darryl is the original super fan!