920 – Jesse Thorn
0 – Jazzing it up early on NNF today. Bad Brokaw stops by twice. Jimmy smells like smoke ‘cause of the men’s room.
5 – Dan’s wearing a new ABBA shirt un-ironically. Jimmy got bad feedback from an ebay buyer.
10 – Jimmy’s almost done with the series Deadwood.
15 – Guest Jesse Thorn has a new son.
20 – Jimmy tell his Dakota story.
25 – Eliot doesn’t look like Ralph Fiennes.
30 – Cocaine talk. Steve Jobs got hit by the NNF curse.
35 – The guys dog on Harry Shearer.
40 – Jimmy overhears something amazing at Target and mentions Jack Lelane
45 – Jimmy overhears something amazing at the airport.
50 – Jesse’s friend John Hodgeman was told that the president of show business
55 – The guys argue about slang definitions for vagina and how much vagina is shown in playboy compared to other porno mags.
1:00 – the guys are angry about the guy who smokes in the bathroom.
0 – The guys have more nightmarish interactions with the bathroom smoker. Matt discusses retiring #23 when Michael Jordan dies.
5 – Jesse talks about his love for athletes doing crazy things.
10 – Jesse doesn’t support one of Matt’s jokes. Matt doesn’t support one of Jesse’s jokes. Eliot drops a “Novocain Of The Soul” pun that brings on the wrath.
15 – The guys talk about the tv show “227.”
20 – No one likes rock & roll anymore.
25 – The Jacksons are dissected.