918 – Wayne Federman
In-studio notes by Dan Katz
0 – Jimmy is stuffed up. Jimmy figures out Eliot’s way of holding people verbally hostage.
5 – Pard-Cast-A-Thon 2011. It’s coming!
10 – Jimmy’s wearing a different Journey shirt this week, same logo.
15 – 20: Madonna and Carson Daly talk.
25 – Kevin believes he’s more well know for his movies than his TV shows.
30 – Wayne enjoys the Eddie Vedder’s new Ukulele album.
35 – Wayne talks about ukulele acts
40 – The guys talk about the word “compere.”
45 – The guys eat out all the time.
50 – The guys talk about the the penis on the Little Mermaid poster.
55 – The guys are interested in stand-ins.
60 – 70: Jimmy talks about his recent ebay exchange that went south.
0 – Obama is in town the same night Jimmy is doing a show. Traffic is gonna suck. Wayne is an anti germ-a-phobe.
5 – The guys talk about gum. Matt is the only guy here who likes cinnamon.
10 – The guys talk music.
15 – 25: Wayne’s eating routine is examined. Wayne talks rollercoasters (and his brief stint as a member of “Coaster Enthusiasts”).
30 – Blood, Sweat, and Tears talk.
35 – fast food talk