917 – Ed Crasnick
In-studio notes by Dan Katz
0 – Never Not Funny has won one award once. Several years ago. We did win a pie baking contest once. The guys talk pies. Jimmy hates everything about motorcycles.
5 – Jimmy loves “In The Ghetto.” Discussion about hip hop artists.
10 – Eliot had a heckler at his live show this week. Never Not Funny got invited to a wedding. Matt has a stain on his shirt.
15 – Jimmy talks about the origin of his friendship with guest Ed Crasnick.
20 – Ed talks about showrunning tv shows called “The Pet Shop” and “Ben’s Law.”
25 – Eliot once won “Ben Stein’s Money.”
30 – Ed talks about writing for “Ben Stein’s Money.” Jimmy talks about auditioning for Kimmel’s replacement.
35 – 40: Ed hated the Emmy’s. The guys break down the entire production of the Emmy’s.
45 – Lea Michelle sucks. Shake & Bake is awesome (and delicious).
50 – the name of the show should be: “The history of things that never should be said”
55 – Ed talks about how Albert Brooks changed his life.
0 – Ed tells an Omar Sharif story about his dying father that is not about Omar Sharif.
5 – Jimmy is pissed about the Roger Bossard bobble head.
10 – Ron Popeil owes Eliot money. Ed once helped Paul Stanley move.
15 – Ed recants Jimmy’s appearance on his self help show.
20 – 25: Matt was happy about Kyle Chandler winning an Emmy. Matt also doesn’t believe that winning an emmy is the best moment of someone’s life.
30 – Ed talks about doing a show in a living room.