906 – Pat Francis


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INTRO: Jimmy the Postman is another in a long line of characters developed by not being able to speak

2:00 Rape is never funny, except when it is

2:45 Recording on July 4th, which is a snooze of a holiday, if you’re a star like Jimmy

3:30 Roosevelt’s legs were so lame, man

4:00 Mockin’ Bachman

5:45 Overthinking video production since 2010, Eliot Hochberg from INDHD.com

5:00 Dan is in a Betty Ford Center tee shirt

6:00 Dan is in silhouette, 60-minutes informant-style

6:45 Finding Whitey Bulger

7:40 Dice Clay’s wife is a big Art Bell fan!

8:20 Tom Leykis, from normal to wacky

9:10 Matt the Barber’s holiday haircuts

9:25 A timely Monica Lewinsky joke

10:00 Pat is letting his freak flag fly, what with his collar all up and stuff

10:30 Dan’s robot voice helps hide his identity

11:00 If you’re accused of murder, don’t “yes-and”

11:30 Tweaked Audio promo

12:15 Sweatless Pat’s long sleeve summer wear

13:24 Chris Cross / Kriss Kross

14:10 Jimmy and his right-wing agenda

14:30 Pat’s Tom Leykis imitation

15:45 Jimmy is distracted by his own image. Proof that we don’t edit jerk.

16:30 No stinkfoot needed in the NNF studio

17:00 Jimmy hosts Amoeba’s charity auction – He was pretty funny!

21:00 Comparing shorts

21:20 Would Pat survive the military?

22:30 Danbot pipes in about foot-shooting

23:00 Pat’s racist saying

24:00 How much was Jimmy paid by Amoeba?

25:00 You can do a lot of things while listening to music

27:00 Dissecting Chris Isaak

27:45 What show was Chris Isaak on?

29:15 What is Burn Notice?

30:20 Franklin and Bash

31:00 This country was founded 1776 years ago!

32:45 Clint Howard, terrific actor, brother of Ron Howard

33:45 3 Stooges, Marx Brothers, Howard, Horowitz

35:00 Jimmy is a patriot, so don’t piss on the flag!

35:50 Popeye’s nephews

37:00 Did any of the guys ask the father for their wives hand in marriage?

39:45 If you had to bet money… Dan’s gay right?

42:00 Cool Uncle Pat

43:30 How did Jimmy propose to Danielle?

47:30 Proposing in public: romantic or dickish?

49:00 Hooking up in the bathroom

50:00 Shoutout to Alex from the boards: $10 in the homo jar for saying Foghat?

51:00 Bon Jovi concert proposal: is that ok?

53:20 Proposing to Danielle (part 2)

53:45 Jimmy: “You know me, I’m afraid of fire!”

54:45 Tom Leykis and the bombing of Jimmy’s 9/11 joke. No pun.

55:00 No Foo Fighters for Pat

56:00 Amoeba Auction items

57:45 Johnny Cash, with real light-kicking action!

59:30 Blue Cheer, first heavy metal band (????)

1:00:30 BREAK – Pardo Patrol, Pat on Twitter

1:01:20 Never Not Funny = STUPID

1:01:40 Jimmy’s Dramamine drowse

1:04:00 Garbcast / Pardcast / Podkatz / Pod F. Tompkast

—–Kevin Smith Timer starts here—– 

1:05:05 Kevin Smith’s Smodcast

1:05:55 Pat is not a Kevin Smith fan

1:07:00 Jimmy wants to know if there are NNF/Smodcast crossover fans

1:08:05 It’s your right to listen to whatever you want!

1:08:30 What do they call Cuban music?

1:08:50 Mall Rats and Clerks

—–Kevin Smith Timer ends here—–

Total Kevin Smith time: 3 minutes, 55 seconds

1:09:30 Pat is introducing his nephew to movies he thought were good

1:10:30 Various actors: dead or alive?

1:11:30 Batman with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson

1:13:45 Repeating the opener’s joke

1:16:30 Jimmy and Paul Gilmartin share a punchline

1:17:00 Headlining when you shouldn’t even be opening

1:20:00 Comedy at non-comedy clubs

1:20:45 Jimmy’s Mt. Pleasant: “We NEVER want him back!”

1:22:00 Uncle Larry Reeb

1:23:00 These are road stories, Matt!

1:23:00 How did the Mayne Stage show go?

1:24:20 Plugging Denver

1:24:50 Single Ladies Song parody!

1:25:00 The “Dice Clay and His Wife Argue at Macy’s” skit

1:26:30 According to Dan Kaufman, tennis is Jimmy’s favorite sport

1:28:00 Jimmy’s Frank Viola autographed baseball glove

1:28:30 People have different size hands

1:29:15 Did Jimmy just say “Hairy Ass Truman?”

1:30:00 Pat’s Flava Flav nose-blow

1:30:30 Rodney Dangerfield’s Hollywood star (first person to send a photo of it gets… probably nothing)

1:31:10 Plugging the Never Not Funny support levels

1:32:40 Never Not Funny is a gated community

1:34:00 Plugging the Denver show; will there be a guest?

1:34:45 Jimmy’s 4th of July plans

1:35:50 Oh! It was the Chris Isaak Show!

1:36:20 Pat tries to remember famous TV shows

AK-47 gone, not forgotten



Pat Francis

0 – Jimmy Pardo is the Post Man. As of lately, Jimmy does a not-judgemental rapist character at the beginning of the show. Rape is funny depending on who is getting raped. We are recording on the 4th of July. Boring holiday.

5 – Jimmy talks about his Monica Lewinsky-style behaviors on the 4th of July. Pat Francis keeps updating his outfit the longer it takes Jimmy to bring him into the mix.

10 – Pat Francis doesn’t sweat. He’s wearing a full length collared shirt and it’s 100 degrees outside.

15 – The guys talk about the Amoeba records auction that Jimmy just did this past weekend.

20 – The guys talk about getting shot in the foot.

25 – The guys talk about music vs movies and then Chris Isaak for a while.

30 – The three stooges were related to the marx brothers, Alvin and the chipmunks, and huey, dewey, and louie.

35 – Pat wants to know if any of the guys asked their spouses’ fathers permissions before asking for their hands in marriage.

40 – Pat thinks Dan is gay. Pat is the cool uncle. The guys talk about how they did their proposals.

45 – The guys talk about terrible proposal ideas.

50 – People should’ve bid more at the auction.


0 – Jimmy went Catalina island with his family, took Dramamine to avoid motion sickness on the boat and it made him hobo sleep for several days.

5 – The guys talk about Kevin Smith and Pat’s problems with him.

10 – The guys hate on Batman.

15 – 20: The guys talk about the early days of their comedy careers.

25 – Dan Kaufman used to pretend that Jimmy loves tennis and Jimmy didn’t realize he was doing a bit.