3414 – Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, Oliver Pardo, and Alyssa Sabo at #PCAT24

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

No notes… auto-created transcript sample:

“Live on tape, it’s the fastest hour in podcasting. This is Never Not Funny. Now, here’s your host, Jimmy Pardo.

Hello, everybody, and welcome to the program, episode 3414 of the award-winning podcast, Never Not Funny. Now, as you know, we’re hot off minimum nine hours at Flappers on Saturday night for Pardcast-A-Thon. 25 guests all knocked out of the park.

Let’s be honest, 24 knocked out of the park. I don’t know that we’re recording this well in advance. What you’re about to hear are some highlights from this year’s Pardcast-A-Thon.

I don’t know who you’re gonna be hearing because I don’t know who the highlights were. It also might just be just some fun moments. Highlights, maybe everybody was a highlight.

This is not to, it’s just a fun episode. Really just to give us the week off. That’s really what it is because Pardcast-A-Thon takes a lot out of us, but we will certainly be back next week.

But right now, please enjoy these moments from 2024’s Pardcast-A-Thon.”

From Never Not Funny: The Jimmy Pardo Podcast: Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, Oliver Pardo, and Alyssa Sabo at #PCAT24, May 29, 2024
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