3410 – Letting it slide with Greg Behrendt

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

IG: ItsGreggors

00 Welcome back from last week! Indeed!

Jimmy likes to fill everyone in on what we’re doing off the air!

Send me to NYC to cover the trial?

Talking Chris Jansing – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Jansing

White House Correspondents’ https://www.nbcnews.com/video/watch-colin-jost-roast-the-room-at-2024-white-house-correspondents-dinner-209837125881

Matt Friend – https://ew.com/matt-friend-white-house-correspondents-dinner-joke-kristi-noem-killing-dog-8640103


Jimmy and Matt talk more about the WH Correspondents’ dinner and Colin Jost’s performance.

10 – Talking about how tough of a room the WHC dinner is. Lots of humorless rich white folks.

Michelle Wolf WHC Dinner – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbx1uArVOM

Jimmy talks doing corporate gigs.

20 – Jon Stewart at WH Correspondents Dinner – https://www.c-span.org/video/?80690-1/1997-white-house-correspondents-dinner

Talking Jon’s return to The Daily Show.

Jessica Williams – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Williams_(actress)

25 – Lady Golf!

Jimmy went to a tournament at Wilshire. He talks about it and the beautiful weather.

He had a young guy who kept telling him where to stand so he could see. Jimmy could not see since this guy was over six foot and his field of vision was different than Jimmy’s.

30 – Jimmy talks the rude “thank you” he got from some woman who was lost. Jimmy was lost as well and couldn’t help. The tone sounded more like “fuck you.”

Lotta zany antics for Jimmy at this Golf Event! He ended up crossing a bridge with players and not even realizing it people were talking to him to let the players cross.

So many Golf shenanigans!

Sit in the back tall people!!

40 – Jimmy shares his conversation with an older Korean woman who was sitting next to him. Shadow! The Golf Pro!

45 – Jimmy needs a stronger blocker?

We’ll be right back!

46m – We’re back!

PCAT May 25!

Jimmy’s Portland show is SOLD OUT! The race is on between San Francisco and Seattle!

Greg Behrendt is here! He talks about his new book which is a memoir of the last ten years of his life.

50 – Greg talks about his oxy addiction that came from his fighting Cancer.

His new book is called See You On The Way Down!

He’s working Cruise Ships now also. He talks about the shows and the crowds.

55 – Greg talks about his time doing stuff with Paul F Tompkins including the Pros and Cons of Ska.

60 – Jimmy enjoyed the Bob Marley movie! He talks about learning a lot from the film.

Talking Jamaica and Greg not going off boat.


1h5m – Lotta great folks on the cruises. Also folks in a MAGA and Pro-Gun shirts.

Jimmy talks about Greg’s PR person who he really likes. She’s one of like 3 publicists Jimmy likes.

1h10m – Jimmy and Greg talk about Bud Friedman and his family. Greg Proops is sober and hates racist/sexist/homophobic comics.


More Greg Proops talk!

The Highest of Jinx! – Jimmy Pardo tour!

1h15m – Talking Seinfeld’s comments on comedy.

Jerry Seinfeld Blames “Extreme Left and P.C. Crap” for Downfall of TV Sitcoms

Talking Matt Rife doing crowd work at the Hollywood Bowl?

Aerosmith talk!

Greg saw them in the 70s and apparently they were embarrassing.

Greg talks about Steven Tyler being a dirty dirty old man.

1h20m – Jimmy and Greg talk about the Bon Jovi documentary.


1h25m – Comics and bands should not shadowbox before a show.

Trivia time!

See below for the full results!

We’ll be right back!

1h35m – We’re back!


Keith and The Girl (@keithandthegirl) / X. 18 years with 3,600+ episodes. Pioneers in the podcasting genre with their Hall of Fame award-winning daily, free comedy talk show.

Round the horn!



Larry Sanders – www.amazon.com/Larry-Sanders-Show-Complete/dp/B00V5JEJ1Q/ref=sr_1_1

1h40m – Talking Kennedy Todd’s…alternate…products.

Jimmy talks about a comedy club that sold sex toys very successfully.

1h45m – Ellen talk!

Aliens and Jo Anne’s talk!

1h55m – Talking Jimmy’s grandfather’s comments on his career.

Greg talks about his family’s reaction to his career.

Eliot has a new spider friend in his area.

2h – A mezuzah is a small case affixed to the doorframe of each room in Jewish homes and workplaces which contains a tiny scroll of parchment inscribed with a prayer. It is customary for religious Jews to touch the mezuzah every time they pass through a door and kiss the fingers that touched it.

Jimmy does a Scooby Doo villain impression.


Go on a cruise! Read Greg’s book!

2h10m – Pardcastathon in just weeks!

See you next time!

So much joy!

Trivia Results:
Category: Clothing
Question: To this day, jeans have a small pocket on them but when they were first created by Levi Strauss, the small pocket was intended to hold what?

Garon: Pocket Watch (4 pts)
Eliot: Religious Token (10 pts)
Matt: Coins (10 pts)
Greg Behrendt: Finger (21 pts)
Jimmy: Pocketwatch (9 pts)

Answer: Watch!

Jimmy wins!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole