3015 – Taking a walk with Adam Ferrara
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 Hello! Indeed!
3015! Jimmy gets it right immediately!
Marilu Henner talk. Imagine having her memory.
Betting on Marilu Henner’s age.
Jimmy: 73
Matt: 72
Eliot: 81
Gene Hackman & Superman movie talk!
Marilu is 70!
Prior to Jimmy’s arrival, he was at an ultrasound.
He went to (my) Target. He talks about making a group of women laugh..
10 – Where’s Derek?!
New Thin Lizzy concert being released.
15 – Talking radio show segments. Why so much recaps?
Jimmy and Matt talk dining room chairs.
25 – Talking write offs and charity!
Yard sale talk! What use does Jimmy have for them? Apparently none, he didn’t get them.
The need for speed! We’re talking Top Gun: Maverick
We all seem to have enjoyed it!
30 – Oliver gives it a 5/6.
The Belknap kids had to be dragged to see it.
Sometimes you end up loving what you’ve been dragged to. IE Breaking Away
40 – I give it a B!
Jimmy talks about his new pin merch. He’s got a box of them!
He may or may not list them online.
There is also a sticker!!
45 – Unfortunately, Conan and Jon Hamm do not consider Matt a friend.
It’s Scary In Here is Adam’s new special!
Jose Ferrer talk!
Jose is Miguel’s father!
It’s Skerritt in here!
We’ll be right back!
50 – We’re back!
I made some noise! Greek wedding?
Dog hair.
Adam has not seen Top Gun yet.
Marcel The Shell With Shoes On
55 – Jimmy talks about a tweet from @tonyposnanski on twitter for tweeting about Andrew.
Adam got moved around a bunch recently.
Adam talks about his apartment in NY he’s had since 2001.
60 – Adam’s podcast is called 30 Minutes You’ll Never Get Back.
Eric Clapton talk.
Listen to what you want to listen to!
Adam has been to the Pardo home!
1h5m – Ejector Pillow and Textpectations making it into the act?
Aren’t you interesting, Peet?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Hall – alive
Norm’s new special dropped May 30.
1h10m – Heart’s album with Vainglorious is Jupiter’s Daughter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiters_Darling
The Red Velvet album Jimmy mentioned was Red Velvet Car.
Talking Steven Van Zandt.
1h15m – Talking Bruce Springsteen! He’s hitting the road again.
You might not expect ZZTop to be as nice as they actually are.
Adam was in an acting class with David Boreanez.
Robert Downey Jr talk!
1h20m – Talking height of the pandemic testing. Adam did it to do NCIS.
How To Survive license plate frame might lead to a NNF plate frame?!
1h25m – Road Rage talk!
1h30m – Trivia time!
Category: Performance Terms
Question: The term funambulist refers to what daring performer?
Fitz is moving pins!
Let’s get the “Sunday Morning Soft” shirts!
We’ll be right back!
1h35m – We’re back!
Adam is “letting the rage go.”
Talking Mike Sacconne!
Talking Bruce Smith and his beautiful voice and keyboard skills.
Round the horn!
1h40m – Smile – https://deadline.com/2022/05/paramount-dates-smile-for-fall-1235033643/
When Jimmy was on the set with JHud…
1h45m – Stranger Things and F*** Marry Kill was my weekend.
1h50m – Mike Pence “looking for all the world as if his arms had just been installed today.”
Another new shirt.
The Echidna has a four headed penis.
1h55m – Eliot and friend’s are renting a theater to watch Top Gun.
Nik Wallenda crossed near the Grand Canyon https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nik-wallenda-completes-tightrope-walk-across-gorge-near-grand-canyon/
Nina Bruce is George Clooney’s mother.
Get out of here Stilt walkers!
Full results below!
2h5m – Adam has a pool stick!
Adam’s a joy!
See you next time!
Trivia Results:
Category: Performance Terms
Question: The term funambulist refers to what daring performer?
Garon: Caged motorcyclists (14 pts)
Eliot: Wire walker / Tight Rope Walker (22 pts) – Winner!
Matt: Fire Walker (11 pts)
Adam: Sword Swallower (10 pts)
Jimmy: Fire Eater (15 pts)
Answer: Tight Rope Walker!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole