2912 – Getting loud with Rich Sommer

Rich Sommer
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 29 – Rich Sommer
00 Hello! Welcome in! Timer issues but we’re all good.
Jimmy talks mumbles. He kind of butchered his neighbor’s name, not because he forgot it just mouth trouble.
Talking names!
Great episode in the platinum this week! Syd Heller! She’s a delight.
Trick or treat! Zoe went trick or treating!
Full bar elitism!
Zoe went to Toluca Lake with a friend. Matt took Charlie around the neighborhood.
ZERO trick or treaters came to Jimmy’s place. They ended up going to Larchmont and leaving a bowl of candy outside. Not one piece was taken.
10 – Matt talks about a neighbor’s Halloween improv show for the trick or treaters. The witch followed them for three houses in character.
15 – Talking Ted Lasso and David from Schitt’s Creek seem to be popular costumes.
Matt DID dress up!
Jimmy has a Michael Myers mask from the original era. He offered to let Oliver wear it while they were in Larchmont.
Oliver quote in response: I don’t wanna scare anybody, Dad.
What did he dress up as?
Not a lot of inflatable dinosaurs out this year? Matt saw 1 and Jimmy and fam saw like 10?
20 – Matt was Loki! Variant Loki!
Oliver did do a costume, a lazy one that is deniable as a costume.
He was Richard Kimball from The Fugitive.
25 – Zoey went as Taylor Swift from the You Belong With Me video.
Do Jews celebrate Halloween?
Talking candy variety. Are Dum Dums okay?
30 – Our guest is here!
Jimmy got a moderna booster. It took about 30 hours until he got hit by it. It lasted 40 minutes.
Geek out: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=geek+out&crid=1QLVUVYKOLMDL&sprefix=geek+ou%2Caps%2C323&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
35 – Jackie Brown is from the book Rum Punch – https://www.amazon.com/Rum-Punch-Novel-Elmore-Leonard/dp/0062119826/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=jackie+brown+book&qid=1635792646&sprefix=jackie+brown+%2Caps%2C213&sr=8-2
Talking Tarantino!
40 – Jimmy and fam watched The Thing and They Live over the weekend!
The fight between Keith David and Roddy lasts forever.
Matt wants a better title for The Thing.
Anthony Wilford Brimley – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilford_Brimley
45 – Eliot talks about his flashlight invention.
Rich Sommer is here! He’s very imposing!
Jimmy consolidated the emergency kit into a smaller bag. Eliot gets the big one for his bodies. Or tripods.
50 – We’ll get the recognition we deserve. “I’ll leave that to the historians.” – Jimmy Pardo
“Surely not everybody was kung fu fighting.” – Jimmy as a kid, now a t-shirt he is not involved with.
We’ll be back!
We’re back! 2912!
Rich’s daughter is in 8th grade. She went trick or treating! It might be her last year trick or treating.
55 – Talking adults celebrating Halloween.
How is Thanksgiving someone’s favorite holiday?
Most of us can take it or leave it.
Rich immediately regrets his veteran’s day comment and tailspins.
He’s got an Invisalign in. It gives him a “wet S”
60 – Jimmy talks about a time at a club where he removed his Invisalign and the entire audience heard it because it happened to be during a time when everything fell quiet.
Jimmy and Rich talk more about the Invisalign including an issue with numbness Rich wasn’t expecting.
1h5m – Ondine?
Jimmy talks about pairing down his CDs and discovering a CD by this band. He went to AMDA with the lead singer.
Jimmy wants to reach out to this guy to reconnect because he loves the album.
Heavyweight Podcast Matt mentioned: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/heavyweight
Should Jimmy go on to find Ondine?!
Jonathan Goldstein*
We’re all talking over each other.
Talking Rich’s kids costumes. A fitness instructor type and Rod Sirling!
1h20m – Rich’s neighborhood was quiet. They only had one visitor.
Rich gives full size candy bars! But he has a good reason for it.
Rich suspects he is not liked in his neighborhood. He talks about an “altercation” he had.
1h25m – Rich isn’t a fighter but he’s good at being loud.
Jimmy asks Rich about his Tales From The Crypt viewing tweets. He watched all 93 episodes!
He got over the crypt keeper almost immediately.
Joe Bob Briggs might listen to NNF?!
Talking current big stars appearing on Crypt early in their careers.
He talks about the melancholy feeling he got from finishing the show.
1h35m – Covid tests are too expensive still.
Trivia! Full results below!
Category: Tech Lingo
“Squinting is not acting.” – Andrew Koenig
Rich talks about someone commenting on his acting.
Trivia Question: What fitting name is the unit used to measure the speed of a computer mouse?
Everytime Jimmy says “I gotta take a wiz” he is quoting Oliver.
We’ll be right back!
1h40m – Welcome back!
Rich Sommer is here!
He’s “doing okay.” He came home in January 2020 from his job in Toronto.
He talks about being in Vegas around March 9 of 2020.
Do things right and don’t get Covid! None of us have gotten it!
Round the horn! Let’s goooooo.
1h45m – Talking Halloween Kills!
No trick or treaters at my place this year.
1h50m – Rich talks about the famous Minnesota Halloween blizzard in 1991.
My answer is Cheese!
Eliot talks about what he needs to happen with Covid before he feels comfortable going out regularly.
Jimmy’s living on the edge of a expired warranty.
Frogger talk!
2h – Wipe out talk. Rich had a friend who had to learn how to walk again after he was on it.
American Ninja Warrior talk.
Matt talks more about when he worked at Samuel Goldwyn who produced American Gladiators, amongst other things.
Eliot’s answer is Petameters.
2h5m – Peta wants to change the name of the Bull Pen to the Arm Barn.
Matt’s answer is Nibbles
Rich’s answer is Tracking Speed
Jimmy’s answer is Tail Wind.
The answer is Mickeys.
I’m still here!
Rich is in King Richard with Will Smith!
He talks about the film and shooting with Covid.
More phone calls on Saturday! Tell Jimmy the time that will work for you!!
Trivia Results:
Category: Tech Lingo
Question: What fitting name is the unit used to measure the speed of a computer mouse?
Garon: Cheese (13 pts)
Eliot: Petameter (24 pts)
Matt: Nibbles (22 pts)
Rich: Tracking Speed (7 pts)
Jimmy: Tail Wind (12 pts)
The answer: Mickeys.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth